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<br />88- 101268
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<br />UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as follows:
<br />1. Payment of Principal and Interest; PrepaJ"ment and Late Charges. Borrower shall promptly pay when due
<br />the principal of and interest on the debt evidenced by the Note and any prepayment and late charges due under the Note.
<br />2, Funds for Taxes and Insurance. Subject to applicable law or to a wrillen waiver by Lender. Borrower shall pay
<br />to Lender on the day monthly payments are due under the Note. until the Nme is paid in full. a sum ("Funds") equal to
<br />one-twelfth of: (a) yearly taxes and assessments which may allain priority over this Security Instrument; (b) yearly
<br />leasehold payments or ground rems on the ProperlY. if any; (Cl yearly hazard insurance premiums; and (d) yearly
<br />mortgage insurance premiums. if any. These ilems are called "escrow items. -, Lender may estimate the Funds due on th;:-
<br />basis of current data and reasonable estimales offulUre escrow items.
<br />The Funds shall be held in an insiiH!lion Ihe deposits or accounts of which :ue insured or guaranteed by a federal or
<br />slate agency (including Lender if Lender is such an institulion). Lende. shall apply Ihe Funds 10 pay Ihe escww items.
<br />Lender may not charge for holding and applying the Funds. analyzing Ihe accounl Of \"<:,rifying the escrow items.. unle-ss
<br />Lender pays IkIrrower interesl on the Funds and applicable law permils lender 10 make such a charge. Borrower and
<br />Lender may agree in wriling that interesl shall be paid on the Funds... Unless an agree-melll is made or applicable law
<br />requires interesl 10 be paid. Lender shall nOI be required to pay B!(l\ITOwer any illlteresl or earnmg!'. on the- Fund!'.. lender
<br />shall give to Borrower. wilhoUl charge. an annual accounting of the Fumls shlOwiin~ creOlls ami det>il~ l{lIthe Fund~ and the
<br />purpose for which each debit 10 Ihe Funds was ffi3lk Tile Funds are pledged as additional s'e\:mily ((lIr the !'.ums ~'e\:UfOO by
<br />this Securily Inslrument.
<br />If the amount of Ihe Funds held by Lender, wgether \\ilh the fu.Dmre monthDy payme1llls of Funds lJ'IJlyabk ~l"mr 10
<br />the due dales of Ihe es:ro\\" ilems... shall e.'ceed the :lI.momn reqwroo 10 JPCi:!' nhe es:crow items wlinen due. Ihe e.\ce.s.'S sDmll he,
<br />at Borrower's oplion. either pmmplly repaidlao &ITiO>1.1Oer lOr crerliited to &ITIDlwer on milJlmIinD~.- R1'3ymems ..~f hmd". If tht"
<br />amount of Ihe Funds held by lender is 110'1 :;;ufficiem no JlUlY' nline esr.:row DIems; wRteil1l due, o,i>ITl(1\wer shaDD I'OIY w lendl.'~ ;:my
<br />amount neces.'>3ry 10 m:d;:e up the deficiency IIlil one to>r more JlUly-mmts as; re>lJIll1Iired by Lell1ldlef
<br />Upon paymem in full of all sums SttUIrOO by' tbis SttUl!llly' lmnrumml, L.eJmrlle" shanD promptDy refum! w B(llffl(1\\\er
<br />an)' Funds held by lender. If under pam!,,-mph D9 tDDe Proweny is roDd! or iJl.\:1llIuilPl1dl by' Lelllder, lellldle'" :;;haDD appDy, m" bIer
<br />than immedialely prior to Ihe sale of Ihe PmiJl'rtly <lJIr DO'~ 3\:1ll1DJID<s;iitD!l}an by' L<eJlli'lfelr. ;'SII!lJY FilJI(IIds heM by Lemler al nhe time "f
<br />applicalion as a credit against the sums 5<<DJIrro bY'lhii.s ~cDJIr1it}' 11rI1'~orummo..
<br />3. Applialion of Pa.rmE'Dls.. L1nn~ appnM:-..'Illb-ne llJ!Iol;' pro\1ides. culluen\ii'\le'. o:Il.nn Jll>Jlymmo'l> r(\i.'ri\q:d by L~mier umit.-r
<br />paragraphs I and 2 sball be applied: firso, 10 Dale du;ug.4:$ dan~ udt"lr ttllu<e N4:Nle-~ !Sif\\.'lOO'llI, l@ I"KglOl}.llte.!1ll <ch3.~($ dane umier the
<br />Note; Ibird. to amounls payable' undt"rpamgrapllu ~; ffC>llM1lBu. nil)> inl<e-gl($o d~e;;md h';t. ttll)> rriiwdjpllD dane..
<br />4. Charges; Liens. &rrower sInOn Jll>Jl}' 3IDItta\:'5.. :J.~'\<ej,smmtt'\-.., <c~'5.. heso :md Dm~>itii.o:m'\. 3.uuibulaIhDt' n(lllht'
<br />Property which ma}' alla)n priorit} o...u lhii:~ S<<unritt}. 1\lII.'ugu.um.t1l1lo. ;md nro.'54l'h((l\n<dl Jll>Jly-mmtt'\. ((l\r ~mulrlld rentt'\-.., ii" airilY.
<br />&rrower shall pay' Ihese cbligalioos in Iht mmnelr pUlOl1i1idl<<i Dn Jll>Jl1':Jig.g;Jip&n 2. IiJlr iff 1lI4:Nl rWJI ii.an nBmtt m3nm:r. &nl{ll\Wr '\.haDn
<br />pay Ihem on lime dir<<lIy' 10 the ~ O'l!iOO Jll>Jl}mmn. B:QirID'alff w:~n W'l!lmIIInlpd,!:' fflJlll1lni:;Jn tt(Ql un del!"' a.nn n"m~ <!)If :.\mVltDnt'!.
<br />10 be paid under Ibis para~r.!ph, If BtHIDW'er md:1C~ thl::\te lJ'IJl,!:mmtt'\. dinlll&ol}', 8UUI0>9;<C"I!"' sh:.illU rrompttU} fUlI1lnislh !\1l le:atl<t"r
<br />reccipls f\idendn~ the P'3ymenos.
<br />Borro\\"er shall PromPI:l disdl3.~e an)' niim \\'iIIIiYch Hu:~ prioott}' (\JlWlf ttllDiis ~cnnrit) lD1l'~lrummtt UrDnl($.'\. &:rrower; (a~
<br />az.recs III wrilin8- 10 Ibe payment craine ooli~tioo s<<nnrcro b]i 1M lim nUll :.n m;m1lUlt!r :.ll'04~:.n1l>1lt- O(1l Lmdl:lr; <<b>> ~t($lS; l1lIl ~~.,.",d1
<br />failh lite lie'll b), or defends af.!JnsO mfforocmmo d" IllDe nim in, llcp.IJ pl!"l()lC(l(:llfun,ip> whiYcilll DUll ttbe LmrlI.er'$ llliP'lOli/lJliIU "rtr.!t'" 1<l1l
<br />pre\'enl Ihe enfOfttllKnl or Ihe haD (J.r fforfciioulllf' d" ;my' gJl1IIU d tllue PlflibO"tIIUY~ ((1)1!" ((d ~1:llI1es. from uint' Ilu@Dder @fnhe nien :.ll1l1l
<br />agreemenl $3lis(aclory 10 under 5u~fidnmlii.lI1~ 1M lliirn tt((ll ohii.s. StlCllJllf~I}' Irm'S.ullnmml., Iff LClJll.lit'1r der1ellmill1l~ lauU ;'lII1l~ ~rtl ..,r
<br />Ihe Property is subJ;<<1 10 3 li<-n whcdn mil}' 1.1na3iin 1"Jl1KO>1!"II1)" il)lWIr ttllnns S<<w"~O} II!Tl'\.ttrllnIl1l1ml1ln. lm~tiT ran~ ~nw nt~n~1Iwe.. i.1l
<br />notice identifying the litn, Iloffi)1lo'c-r sh3nn $3loii.if)' 1M- nrim !IN' 1i!llC' <O'a1lt' (1)\"' IlUWrlf coittlm-e illrt~s 'lI(jJ ffillloTUIln ...1IN.1I\te 9;~llluill1l Dfib da~~
<br />oflhc 81\'in8 of nOliu,
<br />S. Hauld InsuulI<<. &n\Ol\lli'U sRulln ~<<1l'> l&n't iiJlllTIlP'ro~ltmlmnl$ 00\\' C".w.uiUll~ (j)>if BTrtIIlt"JJKatt C"lfttucdll(1\UlI ttiD'~ Pn.~)
<br />insuml apj,", I~s by' firc.ln.lardsllTYCDltdltd 9;~oilllii.II1II&rrc' Oam "'('.\IC'OO1ro ro~lCll"'~"' :.nm>1lI U} COlIlMIf kuOl"rdI~ lfillI!f ~Iluirh LlC11IdtiT
<br />r<<juires insuralltlC, This msur.1IU<<' siuDa bie m:.t.iiant3iiU1l!C1lfi ill1l l&nc ~1I1tt.'j. ;m@ ffrDl" UM Jll'tIIln1'lJJls. ulln.:lltt lltllUl1ltr ~lt1ql.li<<$, n",
<br />insurance c,:nrier rro\'idin~ Ihe ill.sua1.111<<' ~nD Ib>r dU'ClIJtllll \lb}' ~ro""ll'!T' s:QJlib>)ittn 1(0) I.lCllMlltll.,,~ :.!IlI"I"lfl/ll\<.lU 9;hnrh S.bOn lI1l'l'1 'lit'
<br />unrc3.wn3bl)' \\"llhhdd.
<br />All in.sunm<< rcli.:ues. ;lod rmO\aUs $h3Un ible ~1P'OiJ:1tr.U.e t((1l Ll(l!1lfdI<tII. m:dI W:31UII nrmdwvdlt, i.lI '\.I:lIrmdJI"1llI mtlI~usi.ll~,(' d.ll'lll!.,(,
<br />under shall han' Ihe n~hl ((1l hoOd lhe ~M ;.md ~cn~a1I\., Iff ltc-llUd\(1I" If~UQ"~. Bt'lIflll(1l\lill'!T' '\.mun 1l""~~lil""By' ~hte 1(1l1JC'llll4llc-n
<br />all recapls of p;sid premiums i.1nd rm-t1o\") OOGttes.. Inl!iTe amI coiiklJ\.'\-.., iball~lC'1!" '!.IIn:.llD.U r>>\lC' IJllrlC\mpn 1!M1>1\\l.~ lIl1l ttht- U1l~DJIn3111l''t
<br />carTier and lender, Lender nu)'m.ab: I"IO<O'f cf!llOr\.$ alfmM m1l1k prlDlm~n)' b}' 81N1lOl"""'Il.,
<br />Unless Lender and Borroll'<< ClGht'Wli1le i.1ill<< all1 'llirilinr. im.\lllr~ 1"Jll()l~.~ ~U 1Ir>e ;JiNJlil't'ld 10'" Ul(:\,lIl'llll..~tiiN1l fiN' nlCllUir
<br />of Ihe Proptn)" d.1mJgw. if the reSloaalDoo or rqWr l1; (It1NOm~t".JlJn)' IfQ~lr>Ilr mill LJmlll:'a."~ 'l<<lIIIlllltty n~ II1l'o.l 1l'C\.~(\lj. If uhr
<br />re$!oralion or rqxlir is nm ~-onomic311)" fcanbk (lIJr I.m1lltll"s, s4:lCWiil)' .~ ibIe lIel.1IC'lmM, Iht- III1lWlr.mN' rrt,-"ltl:ds $h"3lDn be'
<br />applied 10 Ihe sums secured b)' Ihts Strl:luiil)' 'muwnmu. WI'ht1rhtll. tW. 00ll limn du-c" .iiah lUll} (';\!CIe\.'\. pUll ICl n"m'~,(,f., If
<br />Borrower ab:mdoos the PfCJ1'ttI)'. er ~ nou lU\S9;U' 9;iilBUIl1 3411 &)$ al 00ll~ falOlm LlMdtlllhltt 1M-IItUlr.mClC il."\lniier h"3l~
<br />offered to stille a claim. then Lender m3)' coll<<llM Im.ur;mtt I"Jl""Cttd~, llCoon ml}' lIllie Ih-c II"rlOlC<<ld~ aflll'~liu ().f r~u(ll~'"
<br />Ihe Proptn)' or 10 (1\1)' sums SKtUro b)' Ihn. S<<uriil)' IM;lluummutt. wllmim ({IlU' 00ll ttlmn dllll:'., Thr )!)I,dl)' I"I:'aW ,.,.m h.:-tm
<br />when Ihe nOli~ i.~ gi\efo,
<br />Unles~ Lemler and Dorrowt'f otherWllJte "11'1((' alll wriom~. lUll)' IJll'f'llk..aiim c1fll"roC<<ds a(llpl"lnCllI"IIU sauDU fl/OIIl c-\lrmd (1ln
<br />poslpone Ihe due cbleoflhe moolhl)' pG)'mmIS rcfcnlt1llll(b illl p.lUlJ~'llIl"lIa~ n iIlll1ld 2 fOIr dUIJl~:(, Ib't OJImoornl d"lht' ~y'mMh If
<br />under paragraph 191he Propefl)' is acquirro b)" Lmck1r. &oallO>""'~ ruglnt no om)' a1tUlr41JlN' ~iCllC$ :and pll()l~\' ucuaUlill$l
<br />from damage 10 Ihe Propen)' prior to Ihe \Kqui'l.illoo s.h:lDn p1\'S to LcOOtII' tll> 1%'" e.\trntt d"ah-c "'llIm~ $lClCVJlrlCd 11>)' allui~ SCleVJIu1ily'
<br />Inslrumenl immedil1lel)' prior 10 Ihe acquisilion,
<br />6. PraenaUoD ud Maintml.lK'e of Proptzt)"; Lcudmkb. Ibno.u' 'SIuDD fl/OIIl des.tw}'. cbml$l:' ll>I' slUbr~lal1tillll)'
<br />change Ihe Proptrt)'. allow Ihe Propert)' 10 deterio,ale (lIJr ccmmll .a\llf., Iff tthii'!> Sttlllrit)' InSllrUmMt i~ 011 " Br-A'54l'lnold.
<br />Borrower shall compl)' \\ilh Ihe pro\'i\ion,.orlh~ lca~. and if&nlOl'aa- ;,uquarl($ If<<- liuUe Ill> Ihl:' Proptr1)'.ahe Dra~ho~d i.1nd
<br />fee lille s.hall nol merge unl~,. Lcnder- a,g.rces 10 Ihe metger in .rilln&,
<br />7. Protec1loD of Uadtr"s RIghts in the Propertr; MCN1p~ IDhln.Dtt'. If &rro\\cr fails to ~nonn Ihl:'
<br />co\'enanl5 and agreemenls contained in Ihis Sccurit)' In\lrumenl. or'lhne is" leraD priOCft'dinB Ih\\I nu)' signifieantl)' aff<<1
<br />Lender's righls in Ihe Propert)' {such as. a prO<<Cding in bankruplC}'. probAte. for rondcmnalion or 10 enforce laws or
<br />regulations), lhen Under nuy do Md pa)' for \\'half\'U i, n<<c:s.Uf)'IO prol<<ttbe \alue of the Propeny and Under's ri"hls
<br />in the Propert)'. under's aclions ma)' include paying an)' sums secured b)' a lien which has prioril)' o\'er tbis SecurilY
<br />Instrument. appearing in court. pa)ing re:a.ronable allome)"S' fees and enlering 00 the Propen)' 10 nuke rcpai~, Allhou~h
<br />lender maJ'lake aelion under Ihis paragraph 7. Lcnc!er does not ha\'e 10 do so.
<br />An)' amounls disbursed b)' lender under this parngraph 71 shall become addilional debt of BorTower s<<urcd b\' Ihis
<br />Securit)' Instrument. Unless Borrower and Lender 88ree to olher lerms of pa)-menl. Ihese amounls shall bear interesl'from
<br />Ihe date of disbursement at the NOle rale and shall be p3)"able. \\llh inleresl. upon nOliu from lende, to Borrower
<br />requesting payment
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