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<br />msurance premiums, ground rents, and all other charges whatsoever levied upon or assessed. Place~ lJ ;;;ade JeOM a~
<br />ProperTy. Trustor further agrees, upon written request by Beneficiary, to promptly deliver to Beneficiary all receIpts for the payment of
<br />such charges. Trustor likewise agrees to pay all taxes, assessments and other charges leVIed upon or assessed. placed or made
<br />against, or measured by, this Deed of Trust or the recordation hereof.
<br />5. Application of Payments. All payments received by Beneficiary as to any debt. !lability or ob/!gation owed to Beneficiary by Trustor
<br />may be applied by Beneficiary to tfle payment of the Indebtedness or to any such other debt, liability or obligation, in any order or
<br />manner of application which Beneficiary, in its absolute discretion, deems approptiate. Unless otherwise elected by BenefiCiary, any
<br />such payment shall be deemed applied first to the payment of any debt. liability or obligation other than the Note.
<br />6. Charges; Uens. Trustor will keep the Trust Property free from all liens and encumbrances which in any way may. in the judgment of
<br />Beneficiary, have priority over, or impair the secutity of. this Deed of Trust but Trustor need not discharge any such lien s~ long as .
<br />Trustor shall agree, in writing, to pay the obligation secured by such lien in a manner acceptable to BenefiCIary and shall In good f81th
<br />contest such lien by appropriate legal proceedings effective to prevent the enforcement of the lien and the toss of any interest in or
<br />part of the Trust Property.
<br />7. Hazard Insurance. Trustor shall keep the buildings and other improvements now existing or hereafter erected on the Trust Property
<br />insured by insurance carriers satisfactory to Beneficiary against loss by fire, hazards included in the term "extended coverage" and
<br />such other hazards, casualties and contingencies as may be required by Beneficiary. in such amounts and for such periods as may be
<br />required by Beneficiary. The policy of insurance shall be in form acceptable to Beneficiary, provide that the same may not be
<br />cancelled or modified without fifteen (15) days prior written notice to Beneficiary. and shall have loss payabfe provisions in favor of and
<br />in form acceptable to Beneficiary. All premiums on insurance poficies shall be paid in the manner provided under paragraph 4 he,eof
<br />or, if not paid in such manner. by Trustor making payment at least fifteen (15) days prior to the due date. directly to the insurance
<br />carrier. Beneficiary shall have the right to hold the policies and renewals theteof and Trustor shall promptly furnish to Beneficiary all
<br />renewal notices and all paid premium receipts receiVed by it. In no event shall Beneficiary or Trustee be ,'leld tesponsibJe for failure to
<br />pay insurance premiums or for any loss Ot damage arismg our of a defect In any policy or ansing out of any failure of any insurance
<br />company 10 pay for any Joss or dBmi;lfJe insured againsr or IQr Mlqre QY Trv~(Qr (Q etteG( me mSCllCUlCfl req(f{~q lle~(ln<1tl(, ((j me evenf
<br />of loss, Trustor shalf give prompt notice bv mall to the insurance carner and BeneiiCliYV_ Benefician; may make pmal of lass if not
<br />made promptly or in proper form by Trustor. All poliCIes of msurance and any iind ail refunds of unearned premiums are hereby
<br />assigned to Beneficiary as additional securil'1 for the payment of the tndebtedness. In the event of Beneficiary's exercise of the power
<br />of sale contained herein, or in the event of foreclosure. all right. title and mterest at Trustor in and to any insurance policy then in force
<br />shall pass to the purchaser at the trustee's sale or foreclosu,e sale. In case of any foss. the insurance proceeds may. at the option of
<br />Beneficiary, be applied by Beneficiary upon the Indebtedness. or an)' part thereof. and m such order and amount as Beneficiary may
<br />determine; or said insurance proceeds. at the option of BenefiCIa'}'. ma)' either be used ill replacing or restoring the Trust Property
<br />partially or totally destroyed to a condition satisfactory to BenefiC/8I)': Of S81d InSUfanCe proceeds. or any portion thereof, may be
<br />released to Trustor. Unless Beneficiary and Trustor otherwIse agree m wntlng. ar/}' such application of insurance proceeds shall not
<br />extend or postpone the due date of the Note. Of any Installments called for therem. or change the amount of such installments. If the
<br />Trust PlOperty is acquired by Beneficiary pursuant to the exerCise of the poive, of sate eN other foreclosure. all right. title and interest of
<br />Trustor in and to any insurance proceeds payable as a result of damage to the Trust Property prior to the sale or acquisition shall pass
<br />to Beneficiary and shall be applied first to the costs and expenses. Includmg attorney fees. incurred In collecting such proceeds. then
<br />in the manner and in the orde, provided herem.
<br />8. Preservation and Maintenance of Trust Property. Trustor Ivcll keep the buildings and other impro~'ements now or hereafter erected on
<br />the Trust PlOperty in good repair and condition and will not commit or perrrut waste. will not alter the design or structural cl>aracter
<br />constituting any building now or hereafter e,ected on and constituting the Trust Property without the prier written consent of
<br />Beneficiary, will not do any act fJr thing which would unduly ImpaJ' or deprecIate the va!ue of the Trust Property and witl not abandon
<br />the Trust Property. Trustor will not ,emove any fixtures constitu!mg the Trust Property unless the same are immediatefy replaced with
<br />like property subject to the lien and security interest of this Deed of Trust and 01 at least equal value and utility. Trustor ~vill comply with
<br />all present and future ordinances. regulations and ,eqUl,ements of any governmental body which are app!:cabJe to the Trust Property
<br />and to the occupancy and use thereof_ If thIS Deed of Tlustls on a umt m a condominium eN a planned unit development. Trustor shall
<br />perform all of Trustor-s obligations unde' the decla'ations or covenants Cleating or go~'ermng the condomimum or the planned unit
<br />development, the b)'laws and regulations of the cond01ntntum OT planned untt development. and the consotuent documents.
<br />9. Inspection. Beneficiary or its agents may. at all 'easonable times. enter upon the Trust P,operty for the purpose of inspection.
<br />Beneficiary shall have no duty to make such Inspection and shalU not be fiable to Trustor or to any person In possessIOn if il makes or
<br />fails to make any such mspection.
<br />10. PlOteclion of Security. If Trustor fails to perfo,m any of the co~'enants and agreements contamed m this Deed of Trust. or If an)' actron
<br />or proceeding is commenced which does OJ may adve,sery affect the Trust Pro pert}. or the mteI- 5/ of Tlus/or or BenefiCIary therem or
<br />the title of Trusto, thereto, then BenefiCIary. a/Its OptlOfl. may perform such con~'enants and agreements. make such appearances.
<br />defend against and investigate such action 0' p,oceedmg and take such olhe, ac/ll)n as BenehCJaty deems necessaty to protect Its
<br />interest incfuding, but not limited to. disbu'sement of ,easonable anomey fees and en/ly upon the Trust Property to make repairs An)'
<br />amounts disbursed by Beneficiary pursuant to thIS paragraph iO. With mte,es/ thereon. shaft consl11u/e Indebtedness of Tru~/or
<br />secured by this Deed of Trust. Unless T,ustor and Beneficlaty agree to other terms of payment, such amounts shall be pa)'able upon
<br />notice from Beneticiary to Trusto, requestmg payment thereof. and shalt bear mte'est from tile date of dIsbursement at the default 'ate.
<br />if any, set fOllh in the Note, or athelWlse a/ the hlghes/ra/e pe,mltted by law. Nolhmg contained in thiS parag,aph shall reqUire
<br />Beneficiary to incur any expense or ta/n! any action he,eunde,. Trustor mevocabf)' authonzes and empowers BeneflClaty to enter upon
<br />the Trust Property as Trusto,'s agent and. In T'ustOt's name 01 olhem~se to perform any and ail covenants and agreements /0 be
<br />oerformed by TruS/CN a1: herein provided BenefiCIary s,haJt. a/Its opti01l. be subIogated to any encumbrance. lien. claim or demand
<br />and to aff rigllts and securittes fa, the payment thereof paid 0' dIscharged by Bene1lciaty under the proVlsfOns hereof and any such
<br />subrogation rights shaff be addltiona/ and cumulatJVe secunl)' for thIS Deed of T,ust
<br />It. Condemnation. The p'oceeds of any award 0' cl81m for damages. dlfect or consequent,al. In Cl)nnectron wl/h an)' condemnarlon or
<br />other taking of the Trust Property. or any pall Ihe'eof. or for com'eyance In t,eu of Of In anlcc,pallon of cl)ndemnatll}n, are hereby
<br />assigned to and shall be paid to Beneficiary. Trus/or wilt fite and prosecute. m good faith and IV/lh due diligence. lIS claim for any such
<br />award or payment, and wiff cause the same to be collected and paid to Benefic/aty. and. should It fall to do so. Trustor IIrevocably
<br />autho,izes and empowers Beneficiary. in the name of Trusto! or othem7se. to "'e, prosecute. set/Ie or compIomlse any such claIm and
<br />to coffecr. receipt for and retain the proceeds. /I the Trust P'opelt)' IS abandoned by Trustor. or. alter notice by BenefICIary 10 TrUS/OI
<br />that the condemnor offers to make an award or set1le a claIm for damages. T'"stOt fa,ls to respond /0 Benebclaty ~vlthm thirty (301 da)'s
<br />after the date such notice is maifed. Beneficiary IS authonzed to coilect and appfy the proceeds m the manne, md,cated hetem The
<br />proceeds of any award or claim may. aher deducting all,easonabJe costs and expenses. IIlcludmg attorney fees. whIch may hal'e
<br />been incurred by BenefICiary In rhe collection thereof, al the sole dlsc,et'Q1l of BenefICIary. be 'eteased to Trustor, applied to
<br />restoration of T,ust Property. or applied 10 the payment of the tndebteaness Unless BenefICIa')' and Trus/or othenvlse aglee In I\'tltmg.
<br />any such application 01 ploceeds to Indebtedness shall not extend or postpone the due dale of the Nole or Ihe paymenl of any
<br />ins/aliments called for thereunder.
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<br />12. Trustor Not Releaseo. Extension of the time fo, payment or modifIcation of an)' amortizatIOn of the Indeb/edness granted by BenefiCIary
<br />to any successor in interest of Trustor shall not operate to ,elease. many manne,. Ihe flab,lll)' of TrustOI and Trustors successors III
<br />interest. BenefiCiary shall no/ be required to commence proceedings agamst such successor or refuse to extend tIme for payment Of
<br />othelWise modify amortIZatIon of the fndebtedness by ,eason of an)' demand made by T'lIstor and Trus/ors successors
<br />in Interest.
<br />13. FinanCial Information. Upon request of BenefiCIary. Trusror w/II prOVIde to BenefICIary. IVllhm nmety (90) days 01 the close of each fIscal
<br />year of Trustor. the consolidated balance sheet and statement of earmngs of Trusror and an.' ana all guaranrors of the Indebledness
<br />secured he'eby, if any. and WIll prOVIde and dellve, /0 BenefIClaf}' such other fmanC/al mformallon and In such ma.'mer as BenefIClaf}'
<br />may reasonably request from tllne to tIme
<br />14, Financ.'al Covenants In addition /0 any other fmanClal covenants of Trus/or maue ,n an.' olhel ag'eement I/lstrument or document.
<br />r,ustof shaff comply With and shall cause any and all guarantors of the Indebtedness secure(/ he'etl\" to comfllr W:I/) Of be In
<br />compliance WillI. tfw lollowlng fmanClal covenanls IThls oalagraph s/Jali not apply" covenanTS ana rf'ql/lff'fl1('nts ilre 1101 sel
<br />fO/11I herem)
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<br />r5 SetleOulo of Lf'ases W,thIn len (101 days aftor domand. 1'"Stol sha!l/(J!/llsh,O BenefiCIa')' ii sC',.'(lui(' et>!1II<f'() rn t'l' Trustor st'tfmo
<br />fOflh RII lotlsOS of t!lo Trtlst P'opert~l. or any pOniOf} theff~(,"_ Inclvdlng tTl each Cll.se. Tnt") ')anlp (1~ ~tlf;' r(l!)antc:. l\f ,\~\-'tJPnnt$ A (1Ps.rT!pr~()n
<br />01 tho SI){JCO OCCUf)f(J(/ llt' such tllflant Of occupant. the r(~f1tal payat)/(~ '0' $(JC/~ sprier' ,-:p'f1 <>/iC ,- ,OJ'f" :n1,~r'r:iJ7l, I," {fni1 {~0Cl1n!{ln:.~ \\'/ttl
<br />'(,'ipuct ro ~uch Jon~f.)S and ((lnnflCmS HS Beneflc/iuy '1l8V 'f!if~Of);}LJIt.' '(loutl$;'
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