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<br />Deed of Trust
<br />88-101134
<br />
<br />Hidland Builders, Inc., Jim L.Seim & Evelyn R.Seim,husband&wife\
<br />r . THIS D E OF T T' made t' 16th d' Qf February .19 88 . gp~nJB?fil{,'li~X .Grooms&CaroIC . Grooms ,husb,ana
<br />I &w~f e; ana Bary ~%ulfl~ van~i-1yrna J. SuiPi.~ van. hus band & Wl-re- whether one or more, (hereinafter called the "Trustor"),
<br />whose mailing ad~!A 08 Old Fair Road Suite 6 Grand Island Ne a a
<br />NOR WEST BANHmn:'Ifl ASSOCIATION (hereinafter called the "Trustee"), whose mailing address is
<br />P .0. Box 1768. Grand Island .Ne 68802, and NOR WEST BANKNEBRASKA. NATTONAT. ASSOCTATTON , (hereinafter
<br />called the 'Beneficiary"), whose mailing address is P.O. Box17fiR. r.nmoT",l''<no,N..hr"", k" fiRR07
<br />
<br />WHEREAS Trustor is indebted to BenefiCiary m the principal sum of Sixtv Thousand Eight Hundred Thirty-one [, nol100
<br />Dollars ($ 60.831.00 ), which mdebtedness is evidenced by Trustors promissory note dated February 16. 198B-. (hereinafter
<br />called the "Note"), payable to the order of BenefIciary and ila'/mg a matunty of }Iarch 1 1989
<br />NOW, THEREFORE, for the purpose of secuffng:
<br />(a) payment of the Note, together with Interest thereon. late Charges. prepayment penaJties. an;' future ad~'ances, and all extensions.
<br />modifications, substitutions and renewals thereof.
<br />(b) payment of all other sums, fees or cha'ges, together with interest thereon. advanced to protect the secunty of thiS Deed of Trust and
<br />the performance of the covenants and agreements of Trustor. whether or not set forth herem,
<br />(c) performance, discharge of and compliance with every te,m. covenant. ob!igarion and agreement of Truswr contamed herein or
<br />incorporated by reference or any other security instrument at anytime giVen /0 secure the Note. and
<br />(d) the repayment of all other sums or future advances. with interest the,eon, which may heretofore ha~'e been or hereaher be advanced
<br />by Beneficiary to Trustor or Trustors successor m interest or ti/fe.
<br />all of which is hereinaher collecrively called the "Indebtedness". Trustor trrevocabty grants and Itansfers to Trustee. Iff trust. WITH POWER
<br />OF SALE, the following dascnbed ptoperty:
<br />
<br />Lot One (1) in Commercial Industrial Park Second Subdivision, in the City of Grand Island,
<br />Hall County, Nebraska.
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<br />
<br />together with (i) all buildings, structures. additions. enla'gements. moolfica/Iolls. repa;,s. replacements. and ImpfO~'emen!s nOIY or hereaher
<br />located thereon, (ii) all equipment. machinery and flxrures (mcludmg. ~~1'hOlJt hm-tallen. ail !;ghtlng. heatmg. ~'enMatmg, coo-Jingo air
<br />conditio'ling, sprinkling and plumbmg fixtures. wate, and poIVer systems_ engmes. txNters. ,anges_ m'ens. dIshwashers. mirrors and mantels.
<br />carpeting, furnaces, oil burners, elevators and mota's. refngeration plants CN units. communication systems. d)'namos. transformers, electrical
<br />equipment, storm and screen windows.doOls, awnmgs and shades) no,',' or hereahe, attached to. eM built in an)' bUilding or imprm<ement
<br />now or hereafter located thereon. (iii) al/ easements and nghts of IVay apputtenant thereto, (w). allleaset...:>!d f:3tato. fight. tItle and interest of
<br />Trustor in and to all leases. whether now or hereafter eXIsting or entered mto finctudmg. Without IlrrJtatlM. all cash and security deposits,
<br />advance rentals and deposits or payments of a SImilar natUle). pertsm;ng rhere/o. (v) all,ents, Issues. profits and income therefrom (subject
<br />to the right of Trustor to collect and apply such ,ents. Issues. PlOfltS and mcome as the)' become due and payable so long as no event of
<br />default exists hereunder). (vi) all royalties. mmeral. 011 and gas "gMs and plOfltS. I~'ater, water tights. and water stock, (vii) all tenements,
<br />hereditaments. privileges and appurtenances belongmg. used or enjC)'ed I'rTJ connectioo rherewith. and (V'IIJ all proceeds of COOViNSion,
<br />voluntary or involuntary, of any of the foregomg mto cash 0' liquidated claims (including. ;\1thout IJmitation. proceeds of insurance and
<br />condemnation awards). all of which IS heremafter coJlect",ely called the "Trust Property".
<br />
<br />1. Title. Trusto, covenants. warrants and agrees With BeneftClary. ItS successors and assIgns. that Trustor owns the Trust Property free
<br />from any prior lien or encumbrance, that thiS Deed 01 T'us/ls and 1~71J remam a I'a/rd and enforceable first lien en the Trust PlOperty,
<br />that T,ustor, at its expense. Will p,eseNe such title and 1\'/11 mamta.lll this Deed 01 Trust as a f"st and paramount lien upon the Trust
<br />Property and will forever warrant and defend the validIty and pno.nty of the lien hereof against the claims of all persons and parties
<br />whomsoever. Trustor, at its expense, will cause thIS Deed of Trust. and eacll amendment or supplement hereto. to be filed and
<br />recorded as a mortgage of the Trust PlOperty Iff such manne' and in such place and Iwll take such action as in the opinion of Trustee
<br />may be required by any present or lutUle law in o,der to perfect. mamtalff and protect the lien of this Deed of Trust. as the same may
<br />be amended or supplemented from tIme to tIme. Trusto, WIll make such further assurance or assurances to perfect its title to the Trust
<br />Property as may be required by Benoficiary. T,ustor hereby 'e!mqwshes all,ight of dower and homestead in and to the Trust Property.
<br />2. Payment of Indebtedness. Trusto, shall punctua/Iy pay the pnnopal of and Interest on the Indebtedness secured hereby.
<br />3. Construction of Improvements. Trustor shall complete m good and \\"orlunantke lIIanner any bwldmgs. Impro,'ements or repallS relating
<br />thereto which may be begun on the Trust Property or contempfated by the loan e~'1denced by the Note secured hereb}'. to pay when
<br />due a/l costs and tiabilities incurred therefore, and not to permit any constlucMn lien agarnst such Trust Property. In the event
<br />construction of buildings, improvements or repairs a,e contemplated, Trusto, also agrees, anything Iff this Deed of Trust to the contrary
<br />notwithstanding; (a) to promptly commence any such work and to complete the proposed Improvements promptly, (bJ to complele the
<br />same in accordance with the plans and specifications as apP'Ol'ed by BenefiCIary. (C) to comply with alt the telms of a bUilding loan
<br />agreement, if any, between T rusto, and BenefiCIary. the te,ms of "'#Uch are inccrporated herein by reference and made a part hereof.
<br />(d) to allow Beneficiary to inspect the Trust Property at alt times during construction, and (eJ to replace any work or matenals
<br />unsatisfactory to Beneficiary withm fifteen (15) days after IVntten notice from BenefiCIary of such facl.
<br />
<br />4. Funds for Payment of Chalges. Subject to appticable law or to a IVritten waive' by BenefiCIary. Trustor shaff pay to Ber.eflr;,ary on the
<br />first day of each month. or such other date each month as may be specIfied by Benef,c,ary. untIl the Indebtedness is paId in full. a sum
<br />(hereinaher called the "Funds") equal to 1 12th of the yearly taxes and assessments whICh may attam pllonty ove, thIS Deed of Trust
<br />and ground rents on the Trust Property, If any. plus 1'12th of the yearly premIum Iffstaltments lor hazard msurance. plus 1 12th of the
<br />yearl}' premium installments for mortgage insurance. if any, all as reasonably estimated ill/Mlly and from tIme to time by BenefiCIary on
<br />the basis of assessments and bills and reasonable estimates thereof. The Funds shall be held m an mstltutton. the depoSIts or
<br />accounts of which are insured or guatanteed by a federal or state agency includmg Beneficiary. BenefiCIary shaff apply the Funds to
<br />pay said taxes, assessments, insurance premiums and ground rents. BenefIciary shaff not be reqUired to pay TlUstor any mterest 01
<br />earnings on the Funds. Beneficiary shall give to r,ustor, without charge. an annual accountmg of tile Funds showing credits and
<br />debits to tI,e Funds and the purpose for which each debIt to the Funds was made. The Funds are pledged as additIonal security for
<br />the Indebtedness secured by this Deed of Trust. If the amount of the Funds held by BenefICiary. together With the future monthly
<br />mstallments of Funds payable prior to the due dales of taxes. assessments, msurance p,emlums and ground rents. shall exceed the
<br />amount ,equired to pay said taxes. assessments. insurance premIums and glOund rents as they fall due. such excess shall be. at
<br />Trustors option. eilher prompffy repaid to Trustor or credited to Trustor agamst future monthlv mslallments of Funds If the amount of
<br />the Funds held by BenefICiary shall not be suffiCient to pay taxes. assessments. msurance prenl/ums and ground rents as Ihel' lall due.
<br />Trustor sha/l pay to Benoflc/ary any amounl necessary to make up the defiCIency IVlthm thlrtl' days trom the date notIce IS mailed by
<br />BenefiCiary to T,ustor roquestmg payment thereof Upon payment m full of all Indebtedness, BenefICIal}' shall [)Iomp/lv refund la
<br />Trustor any Funds fIeld by Deneficlary. If tllO Trust Propelty IS sold under the power 01 sale or 1/'0 T rusl Pr0{10rtl' IS OlllerWIS(' ilCqU/lOI1
<br />by Benellclary BenefICiary shall apply. Immetfl8tely pflor 10 tile sale of Ihe TrllSI Property or lIS aCQillsIIIO" fl; BI'flPl,c"l" ilnl' funds
<br />held by Beneftcmry <11 the tlmo of applIcatIOn liS a crodlt agamslllJe InaotJro,1f'osS II Bel/."/clilr, (''''CuIi'S il ,,'nrr,'" "',her of Twsli" ,
<br />obligations undOI tillS pilmgmph 4. Tlustor covoni'nls amI agrees 10 pay, lJOlnrf' tllf' sam" In'co'I'" (~p"n(](J''''~ .I', ta.", ,ISSeSSTIINIls
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