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<br />I <br /> <br />J.J" f'l.LJ..lJ, "V' ...,.\.",.....,. 1I <.llll FI\J'I~IUIl VI U1I3 \,.tJIIlI.l1l..l 'lllldl\..'\ un... hi,^" UlIU 13 UII....llHJII......llJll,;;. UII.. II.......'....' U,ll.- \.IOllllaLI Will v\. l"l'U_ II UII] pall \.11 lIU:ot \,.lHIUU\.\ II..,Uln':;3 <br />payment of more IOterest Ihan the law pemlils. Ihen you will only have I~e rillht 10c?"eCI from me Ihe amounl of mlereS! which Ihe law allows you 10 collect. <br />COMPLETENESS OF THIS CONTRACT: This conlracl can ~IY ~il~~die~ if-bolh you and I agree in wnlin~. <br /> <br />The following nOlice brings 10 my allel1lion Ihe righls that I have even when Ihi, coolract is sold to a financial inslllution or a bank. and I should notice thai the impor- <br />lance oflhis provision is stressed by ils appearance in len point, boid face Iype: <br /> <br />NOTICE <br /> <br />This credit contract finances a purchase. All legal rights which the Buyer has against the Seller arising <br />out of this transaction, Including all claims and defenses, are also valid against any holder of this contract. <br />The right to recover money from the holder under this provision Is limited to the amount paid by the buyer <br />under this contract. <br />A claim Is a legally valid reason for suing the Seller. A defense Is a legally valid reason for not paying <br />the Seller. A holder Is anyone trying to collect for the purchase. <br /> <br />INSURANCE CANCELLATION: If I have requested insurance in this purchase, I may cancel such requesl for insurance for any leason within fifteen (15) days from the <br />date of this contracl by nOlifying you orthe holder of this contracl in wriling. I know thai the cancellation of my coverage will be arranged with the insurance carrier(s) and <br />a full refund of my premium(s) logelher with applicable finance charge will be crediled to this contract. <br /> <br />PLEASE NOTE: If I have requesled insurance in Ihis purchase. I will receive within thirty (30) days a certificate of insurance more fully describing the insurance coverage. <br />I know that if there is any conflict in the coverage or the language of the certificate of insurance and the following Notice of Proposed Insur:m~e that I am covered only to <br />the extel1l stated in the following NOIice of Proposed Insurance. I also know thai I have insurance coverage only if! have been charged for it. <br /> <br />I take notice lhat either Credit Life or Credil Accident ~~:~:I:' ~~r::~:~~~~III:~~~c~~e~~hiS Sale_, c8Bc=the !~?e ~d~~ i~ have chosen <br /> <br />it by signing the request for such insurance. This insurance will only coverthe ~""n signing the request at the cost for each Iype of insurance shown. Subjeclto acceptance <br />by the inSUrance company, the insurance will be effeclive as of today and WIll continue only for the numlxr of months after the effective date equal to the number of <br />monthly payments. I undersland that this particular insurance may not provide coverage for my lasl few I?ayments, and that during thai period of time I will not have any <br />insurance coverage. All benefits and proceeds of the insurance wili be paid to YOU or to a financial institullon or a bank if it purchases the Sales Conlractto the extent of its <br />interests and any balance will be payable to me. The initial amount of Credit Life Insurance is the amount required to repay the Total of Payments; thereafter. the insurance <br />decreases by Ihe amount of each monthly payment on a scheduled 30 day basis. If I am jointly obligated on the Sales Contract with a Co-Buyer. and we have both signed <br />the rC<Juest for Credit Life Insurance. death benefits will be payable only with respect to the first one of us to die. Subject to exclusions, eliminations or waiting period stated <br />In the Insurance policy or certificate, Credit Accident and Health Insurance is for the benefit amount of Jl30th of each month's payment joreach day that I anI totally disabled <br />due to an injury or sickness while I owe any paymenl to you; however. I understand that I have to be prevented from working due to such tolal disability for more than four- <br />teen (14) COlls~culiye days before the insurance benefit is paid back to the first day of my total disability. I also know that I cannot obtain any insurance from you iff <br />am over 65 years of age today, and I also know that the insurance coverage provided to me may contain a maximum amount of coverage which will not par in some <br />cases, the entire amount that I owe you. Due to the maximum amount of coverage stated in the insurance policy. I know that any unpaid amount in excess of the Insurance <br />coverage will still have to be paid. If the Sales Contract is prepaid in full prior to the last payment date. any unearned insurance premiums will be refunded to me in the man- <br />ner prescribed by law. Within thirty (30) days. I will receive the ce!Tificate of insurance more fully describing my insurance coverage. If the insurance is not accepted by <br />the Insurance company, I will receive a refund ofthe insurance premiums I have paid. <br /> <br />BUYER: The nextlwo paragraphs contain warranties relative to this sale given by us to the financial institution or bank in order for it to buy this contract. <br /> <br />SELLER'S WARRANTIES AND ASSIGNMENT OF INSTALLM~T SALES CONTRACT AND MORTGAGE <br /> <br />FOR VALUE RECEIVED, Seller hereby ~lIs, assigns. conveys. transfers and delivers to (..t'Vtv 'L-4'" /:"_~ n, 0~~ ~c~ <br />(Assignee) all of its rights. title and interest in and to [he Installment Sales Conl1--act and Mortgage, together with all liens existing to secure its payment. and the property <br />encumbered hereby. Assignee is hereby substiluted as Mortgagee under the Mortgage provisions of this contract. Seller warrants and represents; (I) It has the right to make <br />this assignment; (2) All statements and figures in this contract and in the Buyer's statement are materially true and correct; (3) This contract arose from the bona fide s.Je <br />of the goods and services described herein; (4) The cash downpayment shown in this contract was actuaJly paid by Buyer and no pan of said downpayment was loaned di- <br />rectly or indirectly by Seller to Buyer; (5) Each Buyer is legally compelentto contract; (6) This contract is not and will not be subject to any claim. defense, demand or right <br />of offset; (7) The execution of this contract and Ihe underlving sales transaction givinlllise thereto didnot violate any federal or state law. directive, rule or regulation now <br />in effect; (8) In the event that this contracl or the underlying ~ales transaction is subject to a right of rescission or cancellation by the Buyer. such rescission or cancella- <br />tion period has expired and neilher the sale nor this ('(mtract has been cancelled or rescinded. THIS CONTRACT IS SOLO BY SELLER WITHOUT RECOURSE. <br /> <br />IN TESTIMON):. WHEREOF, the undersigned is an authomed representative of the Seller and has signed below on behalf of the Seller on this ~ /? <br /> <br />day of r-ebru~ ,_ .19~ <br /> <br /> <br />The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me on i 7 <br /> <br />THE PACESETTER CORPORATION (Seller) <br />By J<O..~ '~C.te.d-->~ <br /> <br />hhruG..\Y <br /> <br />by the authorized agent of Seller who is~(l~ <br />My commission expires: <br /> <br />. 19 C;Sv <br />~o.r~1;i-- <br /> <br />I 6GElEMLJ=.sra.~cu~ I <br />~ ..., c:-. &J.1lIc. II. "I <br /> <br />~~f.l I/hJ!l'f"I/___ <br /> <br />"otaT)' Public . <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />tt <br />\'1' <br />~: <br />.@) <br />