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<br />I <br /> <br />," . ; \ ;1:00807 ADDITIONAL TERMS , , . . <br /> <br />PREP1\. Y:\U:NT ANIJl~)L'OF'fHE FINANCE CHAR(;E: henlh,'ugh I J" n",i""e 1<' I"" I1H're 11"lI1lhe regllb. ,,'hedllkd 111""lhl\ payment. Ih."e Ihe right <br />to prepay the whol~ amoum owing to you in (~II at any time or ill part lrom time h.1 time. If lhe 1~'nJlIlg lIl....lIU1tlnn Of hank that bu~... my L"ontri.1cl cmnputt's the 11ll,lIlce Eharge <br />JaIly. I k~lO\\' my fmance charge \\-,11 be les~ if I make an early payment. and It wlil he hlghl.?r III pa) la[~: I ,,1....0 reu1g.IlI/C that a.ny neLe~....ary ,.uJJustmenl to Ill~ tot~ll tmanc.c <br />l."hargc will be reflected in my final biil~ I also kno\\ thallhe amount.... ....hown on the re"erse ....Ide for the FlIlancl.' Charge. Total 01 PaYIllt.~nt_s: and the Total Sale Pnc.e are e~(J- <br />mates based on the assumption 111:11 YOll will recel\"C each of t~e payments c\actly on Its due udte: and I kmn\ thert~ will b~!1o refund 11 I prepay because there I~ nothmg. <br />to refund If I am charg~d on a daily basis If Ih~ lendll1g inslnulion or bank l1l1es not compute Ihe finance charge daily. and It I prepay the whole amount. YOll Will refund <br />to me the unearned portion of the (inance charge (intere~lI by the accounring procedure known a~' the actuarial method: and the amount of my rebate. will h.c hg.ured on the <br />scheduled date~ and amount~ of m)' monthly payment and not on the dales and amounts tlt the prepayments that I pay to you. I kn0w that a refund at less than S 1.00 <br />willnol be made, <br /> <br />IMPORTANT NOTICE ABOUT WARRANTIES: <br />(a) We as SELLER HEREBY DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, OF MERCHANTA- <br />BILlrY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ON ALL GOODS AND SERVICES UNLESS SELLER FUR- <br />NISHES BUYER WITH A SEPARATE WRITTEN LIMITED WARRANTY OR SERVICE CONTRACT MADE BY SELL- <br />ER ON ITS OWN BEHALF (WHICH, IF MADE, ACCOMPANIES THIS CONTRACT). <br /> <br />Ib) I have read. in detail. Ihe serarale "10- YEAR L1\t1TFO WARR o\:<oITY' which. ifmade. "ccompanies Ihis wntract. It e'plains the condnionsand circumstances <br />in which the manufactured products \\'111 be repaired or rephKeJ I tak<." 110tl\..'I: llllhe 1I11l11a1Hlfl'" on the \\ arrant~. and I particularly recogJllze that any unpiled warranty which <br />applie~ to the guods last~ only a~ long a~ the waTTanl~ or ..,ef\Kl' L'lmtracL <br /> <br />Icl I have read. in delall. Ihe separale "U\IITEO I:<oISTALLA TIO," \\.,o\RRA:\TY" \\ hlL'h. if made. ac,'ompanies IhlS conlmct. It explain, Ihe conditions and Cll' <br />eumslances in whieh the installation of the siding will be redone _ I take notKt" oflhe IIIl1ltalhHh pn the Warri.inl~, and I p3rtICularly reengmze that any unpiled warranty which <br />applies to the installation lasts only as long as the \\arralny or ,e: \ ice contracL <br /> <br />SPECIAL.ORDER GOODS: I know that you haye measur('J I1l~ house and ih opening......o that you can make It~e plodUCb to fit my partICular h{)u...~, I take notice that.rhe <br />goods that are manufact~red for my "'pecific hou...e prnhabl~ w1l1 not fit Jny other hOll:e.... and under ,uch conditlons._ I k~ow Itall can~ot. cancel thiS contract at any tllne <br />after the periodoftillle given to me. by law" In which locancel. After that legal pc'f1od of time. I 1\.110\\ thar I han~ the obligation to pay you 10 lull the i.lmount owed, <br /> <br />OBLIGA T10~S PERTAINING TO PROPERTY I:\SLRA:\CE A'iO :\IY REAL EST.\ TE: i. I promise to keep m~ hou,e III good repair and to k~ep it insured for <br />at least 80'7, of its replacem~nl value by buying a rile and e\lend.ed Cll\..eragein.surance p"li,'~ The insurance company musl he allproved by you. and lh~ policy must have <br />a benefiCiary clause which say~ that you are to be paid If there I' a Ill"", The lIl...urance "'~)Illp;.m~ IllU~t agree thaI I~ WIll not canee m~ pohcy Without first telll~g you, I aU~ <br />thorizc the in~urance company to pay you directly for any 11I~s. You \"'an chotl'e (0 w.e thl~ IIb.l!rdncC' payment to eHher repay a~y i..1I110UnrS I owe you or to ~epatr my h.ouse, <br />I have the oplion of prO\iJing propen~ insurance through an e"sllllg rllhc~ llr through" pollC~ IIldependently (1blained and paId tor by me. ~. I also pronllSc that I Will not <br />allow anyone ebe to place any liens- on my I:eal e'tate withllUt your \\Tlttl"n permi~"'lon_ .'. I prmlH~e to pa~ alltaxt"~. asse:-.smC'nls and oth--=f charges on my real e'late when <br />due. 4, I proml~e III timely make all paymenb.t)flI1lY pflor 10311\ 'l:'l..'UJCU h~ m~ rcal estate. I ~tb(l prollllse- that I wI~1 not e\(end. renew or change prior loans without your <br />written permi~...lOn. 5. If I do not Insure my hou~e nr fulfill m~ I}thcr tlhIH~atH)fl' to m~ rl'aj e",tate. then you can do H for me If you want (but you do not have to). If you ~o <br />pay any of these ohligations f~)~ 111~. I agree to pa~ ) ou hack on Jl'lll,lI1J p1u... II1terl~'1 at the tllghe't la\\ ful c~)Otract rat~ of interest. l'mii I pay you back. !hese amounts Will <br />be added to ow del'lt 10 \ nu wmch IS ~ecured b\ m\" realc...tatc ;.and hplI'e I kno\\ lhat It \ nu dC(1Je hl hu\" lI1~urdn('e tor me (hat \"nu do not ha\'e to obtam an\' homeowner <br />or liabilit)' mstlrance. ' . . .,' . <br /> <br />SALE OF MY HO(;SE: I promise not 10 sell. lease or gJ\e 11l~ house to "n\one unlll I have lull\ repaid m\. dehtlo \Oll <br /> <br />DEFAULT: I will be in default under this contract if: <br /> <br />I. I don't make a payment when due; or <br />2. I break any promise I made to you in this contr:;:l; or <br />3. Something else happens which causes you to believe in good faith that I do not intend to pay you as promised; or <br />4. I default on any obligations for which I am using my home as collateral; or <br />5. Something happens to my house which threatens your rights. if any, in it. <br /> <br />IF I A.'" IN DEFAULT: I understand that you have the right to f~rec!ose the Mortgage I have given to you and have my house sold to repay any amounts I owe you if I <br />am in default under this contract. Before my house is sold. you will do everything that the law requires. If you hire an attorney to assist you to sell my house. or, to sue me. <br />or, to protect your rights, I agree to pay you for your reasonable attorneys' fees and for olher related expenses such as court costs, title searches and money you expended <br />to protect my house, If you are allowed 10 colleCI such amounlS by law. <br /> <br />OTHER RIGHTS: We can choose not to enforce any of the rights under this contract as often as we want withoullosing them. Or, we can delay enforcing any of the rights <br />without losing them. We can also use any rights now or in the future given to us by law. <br /> <br />DELAYS: I know that you will use your best efforts to install the products I am purchasing on my house. but I also understand that in some situations you may encounter <br />delays !hat are caused by stnkes. weather conditions, delays you have in obtaining materials, or for other reasons that are beyond your control. I understand that you will <br />not be hable for such delays. <br /> <br />ARBITRATION: If I have a dispute or claim with you concerning the quantity. quality or performance of the products, I understand that my dispute may be submitted to <br />and settled according to the mediation-arbitration progra.n that may have developed in my community, I also know that any decision made by an arbitrator(s) would be en. <br />tered in the court having jurisdiction over me and you. <br /> <br />SALV AGE \'ALUE: I know thatthc windows. woodwork. S1dmg. brick and other materials that have to be remowd by you for this installation have NO salvage value. <br />\Vhen you remove them. you can have them forwhalever purpo~e you \\anl. <br /> <br />SPECIAL SITUATIONS: Due to the uniqueness of some of the J?roducts that you sell, I understand that in special situations that your Regional Office may have to review <br />and accept this contract. I also understand that this sale occurred III my home and that you and I may not have had all the correct information impor'.ant to this transaction <br />al our fingertips; I give you my consent to correct any obvious errors that may have occurred when the blanks in this contracl were completed. <br /> <br />;";" <br /> <br />~;~~::..., <br />-~~H~ <br />>:?:;;:,<: <br />\'.(..' <br /> <br />f~ <br />i~ <br /> <br />t~ <br />tl <br />W~~ <br />h-E <br /> <br />Y""4Y i'1"\ nn""TC'."''''C'. 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