<br />6, Eminent Dom.ln. Lender -is hereby assigned all compensation, awards. damages and other payments or rehef (herelOafter "Proceeds") in connection with
<br />condemnation or other ta,king 01 the Property or part thereof, or for conveyance 10 lieu of condemnation. Lender shall be entitled at Its option to commence. appear in and
<br />prosecute in its own name any action or proceedings. and shall also be entitled to make any compromise or settlement in connection with such taking or damage. In the
<br />event any portion of the Property is so taken or damaged. lender shall have the option. in its sole and absolute discretion, to apply all such Proceeds. after ded~cting
<br />therefromall costs and expenses incurred by it in connection with such proceeds, upon any indebtedness secured hereby and in such order as Lender may determine. or to
<br />apply all such Proceeds. after such deductions. to the restoration of the. Property upon- such conditions as Lender may determine. Any application of Proceeds to
<br />indebtedness shall no~ extend or postpone the due date of any payments under the Note. or cure any default thereunder or hereunder.
<br />
<br />7. Performance by Lender. In the event of Borrower's failure to perform ~ny of the co\'enents herein or make any payments required hereby. or if any act is taken or
<br />legal proceeding commenced Which materially affects Lender's interest in the Property. Lender may In ils own discretion. but without obligation to do so, and without notice
<br />to or demand uponBorrower and without releasing Borrower from any obligation. do any act which the Borrower has agreed but fails to do and may also do any other act it
<br />deems necessary to prQtect the security hereof. Borrower shall. immediately upon demand therefor by Lender. pay to Lender all costs and expenses incurred and sums
<br />expended by Lender in connection with the ex~rcise by Lender of the foregoing .rights. together with interest thereon at the rate provided in the Note. which shall be added to
<br />the indebtedness s~ured hereby. lender shall not incur any personal liability because of anything it may do.or omit to.do hereunder_
<br />
<br />8_ Ewent. 01 Del.ult. The following shall constitute an event of default under this Deed of Trust'
<br />
<br />(a) Failure to pay any installment of principal or interest or any other sum secured hereby when due. or failure to pay when due any other indebtedness of
<br />Borrower to lender:
<br />
<br />(b) A breach of or default under any proviSion contamed in the Note. thIS Deed of Trust. any document which secures the Note. and any other
<br />encumbrance upon the Property:
<br />
<br />(e) A writ of execution or attachment or any similar process shall be entered against Borrower which shall become a lien on the Property or any portion
<br />thereof or interest therein;
<br />
<br />(d) There shall be filed by or against Borrower an action under any present or future federal. state or other statute. law or regulation relating to
<br />bankruptcy. insolvency or other relief for debtors: or there shaH be appointed any trustee. recei\'er or liquidator of Borrower or of all or any part of the Property. or
<br />the rents. issues or profits thereof. or Borrower shall make any genera' assignment for the benefIt of credItors
<br />
<br />(el The sate. transfer, assignment. conveyance or further encumbrance of all or any part of or any Interest in the Property. either voluntarily or
<br />involuntarily. without the express written consent of Lender
<br />
<br />(I) If Borrower is not an individual, the sale_ transfer. assIgnment. conveyance or encumbrance of more than - percent of (if a corporation) its
<br />
<br />issued and outstanding stock or (if a partnershIp) _ percent of partnership lfiterests
<br />
<br />9. Remediel; Acceleration Upon Del.un. In the event of any E,,'ent of Default Lender may ceclare all tnoebtedness secured hereby to be due and payable and the
<br />same shall thereupon beCome due and payable without any presentment. demanCl. protest or notice of any iund. Thereafter Lender may.
<br />
<br />(a) Demand that Trustee exerCise the POWER OF SALE granted herem. and Trusteeshall thereafter cause Borrower's mterest In the Property to be sold
<br />and the proceeds to be distributed. an in the manner prOVided to the Nebraska Trust ~s Act
<br />
<br />(b) Either in person or by agent. with or Without bnngtng any action or proceethng. at by a (€'Cener appotO!e--d by a court and without regard to the
<br />adequacy of its secunty. enter upon and take pOsseSSlQn of the Property. or any part thereof. an Itso,,"'n flame or an the nameo' the Trustee. and do any acts which
<br />it deems necessary or deSirable to preserve the \'alue_ marketabiht)' or rentatllhty Of the Property, or pari thereof or mtere-st therein. increase the income
<br />therefrom or protect the security here-of and. With or Without taktn9 possession of the- Pro~rty sue for or other.....lse-coHeet the rents. issues and profits thereof.
<br />including those past due and unpaid. and appty the same_lesseosts and ex~nses of operation and eo~lectlon mcludmg attorneys' fees. upon any indebtedness
<br />secured hereby. all in such order as Lender may determme-. The ente-Hng upon aoo ta~lng possess,on 01 the Propert)'. the collection of such rents. issues and
<br />profits and the application thereof as aforesaid. shall not cure or VIo'ai...'e any de-faun or notice of cefault hereunder or 100'alidateany act done in response to such
<br />default or pursuant to suCh nollce of default and. notwdhstandlOg the contmu3nce m -=,oss.ess,o!1 of the Property OJ tile coltechon. receipt and application 01
<br />lents, issues or profits. Trustee or Lender shall be entitled to e~efclse e...'ery nghl pfo\lded !or In any ot the Loan Instruments or by law upon occurence of any
<br />event of default. including the right to exercIse the P-OO\er of sale_ and
<br />
<br />(c) Commence an action to fo-re-ctose thiS Deed of TfUst as a mortgage. appOint a !"(><~~'I;eT Q1' spec.lflcall)' enforce any of the CO'ienants heleot:
<br />
<br />No remedy hereinconfened uponor reserved 10 Tn.isteeor Lender Ismtended tobeexc.usI\'e of any oth€,' terne-d~' he:elll 01 b)'law pro\tdedor permitted. but each shall be
<br />cumutative. shall be in a~dition to every other remedy gl\.en hereunder Of now or hereafter el('S:If'g at la~' 0' ,0 eqmty or by statut€'_ and may be- exercised concunenUy.
<br />independently or sUe<:e5sively
<br />
<br />10 Trull". The Trustee may reSIgn at an)' hme Without cause and LenON mal' at 3n)"" !~rr-.e anti "lth-C'...! C311seappol.nt a successor or substitute Trustee. Trustee
<br />shall not be liable lor any toss or damage unless due 10 acttonable neghger-.ce OJ \llt,'jmU1 m~scona!,;,! ana Sh:.tll not be requited to ta\:.e any action in connectton \\'lth the
<br />enforcement of this Deed of Trust unless IndemOlhed, m 'W'fntlOg. for aH costs. com,pe-nsatton 0' ("...penses 't,h~tl may be assoc~ated tt'.ere\\'lth. 10 addition. Trustee may
<br />-beCome a purchaser at any sateo! the Properly(judtcial or under tnepa,,'e!" 0' s3;eg'a~'t€'d to-,{"-leIO', ~O-S!t'01"':.-{' 1l1'~ sa'e Q! a1l 0' any f"Ort!on ot the-property, as pfO..tded by law:
<br />or sell the Property as a whole. or in separate parce's or lots
<br />
<br />11_ Future Ac:tYanceL Upon request of Borro""ef, Lender m3y. a111:5 option ma'-e aadlho-n31 a'Ot1lulol~ .uh,aoc:e-s and read\'ances to Borro\\er. Such 3(h~ances and
<br />readvances. with mteres1 thereon, shall be secured bV thiS ()e.eod 0' Trust At no 'H'ne ~t\aU tt\e pn'ftt.~, a~\i~l 0' ''"',e Indebte-<1r.,ess secured by this Deed of Trust. no\ in~
<br />
<br />eluding sums ad\'anced to protect the secunty ot thIS Deed 0' Trust. e..ceeO theor.gl;'t31 pnnc~pa1 amount sta~N hNelO. or $_50..000.00._.______ -- ,_. \,rucheve-r as
<br />greater
<br />
<br />12, lIiscellaneouo -.,
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<br />
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<br />
<br />(a) Borrower Not ReJeaHd. E).tenslon of the time tOT payment 0' moo~hcatfon 0' amOTtllaboo 0' the sums secme-d by thts Deed of Trust granted by
<br />Lender to any successor 10 interest 01 BOtfo\\'e-r shall not operate to re!ease. many ma""ni"'. the Ilabthtv 0' tt'.e ong\Oa\ Borro\'\er and Borrower's successors in
<br />interest_ Lender shaH not be requITed 1ocomm~nte pToceedlngsagalnst SuCh slrCceSSOf or ri-'I,lSt" to e:dend t~me .0.. vaj'me-r.t or o'he.'l\\se mOOtty amott"abon
<br />ot the sums secmed by thIS Deed of Trust b~' rE'asc-n 0' any demands made by t!!'1-,.e ong\na\ Bcno\\e.. and Borro\'\t'r-s sutcessOts to Interest
<br />
<br />(b) Lender. Powen. \'iittu:;'l\.ltaUe-Chog the 'tab,11t)' ot any o!t-.et p-prson hat"e fOf the pa)'m{!on' of an)' ohhga11on he'te.n mentioned. and .....,tnou. affecting
<br />the I~en or charge of ttus Deed ot Tc-ust upon an)' ponlon 'Of th€- Prope~1y not then C1 ttlel(".tO!Ole U?-;E'ased as securd)' lor theluUamouot of aU unpaid obhgahons.
<br />Lender may. from time to time and VII.,thout notice (I) re~a5f!' any pt!-lI'son so It3b~-e. (Ill e-.tend the mattmty Of alter an)' ot the te.ms of any such obhgations. lui)
<br />grant other indulgences. (III) release or recon\'ey. or cause lobe re~as,.e.d 0' fecom'i"j'ed at any l\~at Le~er's o.p1H:>nsany parcel. portIon Or aU ot the Propelty.
<br />(v) take or release any other or additional secuuty 10r anv obhgat~on herein re~ntIOf!l€'d. 00' .".1' 'IT"..a"e("O\Tll>os~ll-t;msm. olMr atfangements \\t1h de-btorsin relation
<br />thereto
<br />
<br />(C) ForbearanCe b, Lender Nol. W.wer. An)' fOtboea,antto b)' l.eoder ~n eJ(ero~ng an)' ughl O! tef1'\edy heteunder. Ot oUlerwl5e aUmded by ap-phcab!e
<br />taw. shaH not be a wai\'erot or predu-de th--e-exe,clseof any such hgtlt Of H~rr..t"d~. 1 ht' tnoc.u'e~ent 0' m~Ufance or the payment of tall.esor othe.- hens or charges
<br />by Lender shall not be a wan.-er ot Lender"s right to accelerate tne matu'lt)' ot ',""of' ~ndt'NM~s se<or~ bV thIS Deed of Trust
<br />
<br />(d) 5___ aNI Aaaltn. BouNl: JoInland Se--' liability; C~lion', Th(> co.enanlS and a9.",,"'~nts he."m conlolOw shall bInd, and the "9h1S
<br />hereunder shaH tnure to, the respectl\'e successors and ass1gns of Lend("r aod BOlrO\llot'f Subi:t'<1 to 'tle prO",.ls\ons of paragraph 8 (e) hereot AU cO\:enants and
<br />agreements of BOflo,*er shaH be lomt and several Thecapt10ns and f!eadH'\Q$ 01 ,tle paraglaphs of U'l1S Deed ot Trustate 10rcon.enteflCe only and are not to t;le
<br />used to interpret or deflOe the pro\"iSlons he-,ea'
<br />
<br />(e) Req...t tor NoticH-. The parties hereby request 'l'\a1 ace-p)' 01 an,' ~Oh(E'O' di"',)ult tl+?ft?uf\der an-da COpj'ot any oottceof s.a~ hereunde-t bE' mal'-ed to
<br />each party to this Deed of Tfust at the address set forth aoo"e to the manN'" P'("K',b4>-<f b). apphc.)b!e la'ft' E),cept tor an\' othel notice re-quued undN applicable-
<br />law to be given 10 another manner, any notIce prOVided tor tn thIS ~ O. T 'u~, s~alll* gW1?n 0)' malhng SUCh not~(e by certified mall addressed to the othet
<br />parties. at the address set forth abo\'e
<br />
<br />Any notice pfo\o'ided for to thiS Deed of Trust shat! be- deemed to ha...--e been g....en to Bono\/lloE'I or Lender ",hen gl\e-n In the manner designated tlere-,n
<br />
<br />(f) Inapectlon.lender may make or cause to be made re-asonab~ entuE'S upon and 1O$Pf'Chonsof the Property ptO\'tde-d that lender shaUgwe BonoYler
<br />notice prior to any such IOspechon $peClfVlr'lg reasonabte cause '.....ere-for relate<l to lender.s lOte-fest In the- Propert)'
<br />
<br />(g) Reconw.f.nce. Upon payment of aU sums secured by thiS Deed of Trusl.le-nder stlaU request Trustee to ret:onlley the Property and shall suuender
<br />this Deed ot Trust and all noteS eVldenclnglOdebtedness secured by thiS 0ee<J of Trust to Trustee Trustee shan recoo\"ey the Propt"lty Without wauanty and
<br />Without charge to the person or persons legaUy entitled thefeto. Suc::t\ person 01 petsons shan pay an costs of ~ecordatlon, It any
<br />
<br />(h) Peraon.tProperty, Security Agreement. As additional SKuut)' tor 'he paymen! of the Note all t.dules. eQ,u1pme-nt, and o!her persona' property used
<br />in connectIOn WIth the real estate or impro\'ements located lhereoo. and not ottler\\'&se declared 0' deemE"d to be a part of the leal estate secured hereby. shan be
<br />subject to a secutlty mtelest in favor ot the Lender undPI the Nebraska Uniform Commerclat Code ThtS IOstrum~nt shaH be construed as a Setuut)- Agreement
<br />under said Code. and the Lender shaH ha\.e aU the ughts and remedIes of a secured party under saId Code 10 addItion to the ughts and leme<he-s created under
<br />and accorded the Lender pursuant to this Deed of Trust
<br />
<br />(i) ~..n the event that any prOVISion of thiS Deed of Trust conflict With applicable 13\\' or are declared Invalid or Olherwlse unef'tOfceable. such
<br />conflict or invahdity shaH not affect the otherpro\'lsions at this Deed 01 Trust or tne Note which can he 91,.en etfecl wlltlout the confhctlng prO\;ISI:)O. and to thiS
<br />end the prOV1StOOS ot the Deed of Trust and ,he Note are dpc!ared to be se\'erabte
<br />
<br />80Hower has executed this Deed at Trust the date wuUpn abo~
<br />
<br />d /./ ),~ ~~ :.? .
<br />_6-~::Lpj.n' ./ .~~/Z1M'< /'./ .
<br />(Husband). BO"O~N (i\ 1 v 1 n t-. Ko\<a 1 sk 1,
<br />) L"" >
<br />_ > //.' V
<br />1"''''1..-11' .j~ ,/\.
<br />(,\: \ n~j,J-' , 1"'1 ~;on)
<br />I/.ii " ';;..' '
<br />u tMf.:
<br />
<br />
<br />L. Kowalski)
<br />
<br />K\willskt)
<br />
<br />,Jr. )
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />,--.--
<br />
<br />(.
<br />
<br />