<br />P.,
<br />
<br />87- 107297
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />Borrowers (T~ustors) understand that the document that the Borrowl;'rs arB about to execute is a Deed ofTr~st and not a mortgage and that the pawe,' of ~ale provided
<br />for in the Deed 01 Trust provides substantially different rights and obligations to the Borrowers than a mortgage 10 the event of a default or breach of obllga"onunde~ the
<br />Deed of Trust, including, but not. limited to. the Lender's right to have the Real Property sold by the Trustee wjthout any judicial proceeding or foreclosure. Borrowers
<br />represe d warrant thel this acknowledgement was exec by them before the execution of the Deed of Trust
<br />
<br />
<br />~.~ ~~. Q,
<br />
<br />(Alvin D. Ka-e.lski, Jr.~o"ower Husbct'rrtf
<br />
<br />fL~t.I/~ %~~~f:~ ,
<br />(Rarrlall L. Ko.-e.lski) A Sl.ngle Person
<br />
<br />COMPLETE Ihll polllonONLY 11_ real Property delCribed conlllll ollNDIVIOUALL Y OWNED AGRICULTURAL LAND,
<br />II apptk:able, complele ONLY ONE e1th~r A, B, or C:
<br />
<br />
<br />The Borrower(s) acknowledge that they are about to execute thefol!owing Deed of Trust upon the reat estate described therein. The Borrower(s)~ and each of lhemi.'.
<br />more than one. do hereby disclaim their right to designate a homestead pm5uant thereto. No part of the homestead of either 01 the Borrowef(s) is presently or will in the
<br />future be situated upon said real estate. The Borrower(s) understand that if either establishes a homestead on any part of said real estate during the timethe Deed of Trust
<br />remains unsatisfied and a lien upon said real estate. there shall be no light to mak.e a deSignation of homestead in the evenlof a foreclosure or trustee"s salewilh respect to
<br />said Deed 01 Trust
<br />
<br />
<br />The Borrower(s) acknowledge that they are about to execute the fol1o-,.-109 Deed of Trust upon the rea' estatedescnbed therein_ The BOnOlA'el(s), and each of them if
<br />more than one. do hereby waive thelf rigtlt to deSignate a homestead pursuant thereto The Bono\\'er(s) understand that they have the right to make a designation of
<br />homestead and that byexecutiog this waiver. they are waiving rights otherwise avaltab!e for the purpose Of atfordmgthem the opportunity to retain their homestead in the
<br />e~nt 01 a default upon the Deed of Trust,
<br />
<br />
<br />Pursuant to the Farm Homestead ProtectlOo Act (Seclion 76-1901 et seq Re\'Ised Statutes of the Slate of Nebraskal_ the BorrolA-er(s). do hereby designate the real
<br />propelty described ill the -Designation ot Homestead- attached hereto and IOcorpOfated heretO by thlS reference
<br />
<br />~{ A
<br />
<br />(Randall L. Kowalski)
<br />
<br />
<br />;t
<br />i
<br />'j
<br />
<br />
<br />(A Single Persml~ DEED OF TRUST ''('WTU!'l'lthe _~2. day c' P~C.eml2eL 19IU__ bl' an<l a",o"9 tne Trustor, ..1\1 vill D. Kowalski, Jr.,
<br />Randall L. Km\'alski, & P<!1.~.i:.~t~.~o~aJs,~,i "'''o,...",a.hngaclclress.s u13ou...!-.e 3, Box 295 Grand Island,
<br />NE 68801 \herelO'BOIro..."'. lheTwsle~ \oJilliarn G. Blac:k~ll.r.~.'..~l\__~l~~r..~~ the NE State Bar Assn.
<br />
<br />;'}
<br />
<br />whose maihng address.s ~Q._J!Q~_~J!Q~.(;.!'~l1d.. ,I?.lall~', ~E:,l?~?_O~.______.. ..,______.____loorelO -Trust",,"),
<br />and 100 Benel.ciary, ""pi ve _~~~nts~~~':'!.~.. ____H,
<br />whosemallingaddresslS__E...9.....~__l~.O:L.Gr:and.Is~f.1d.. .t:~.E.,~f3.?()?..,.___.._....
<br />
<br />___.P_ __ ___ __. ~,____ lhere!o -Lender-)
<br />
<br />u
<br />;
<br />
<br />FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION. Includmg the mdetllf-d~ss u::enM,E"O t1e!E'm anl1 hust t.NE'1f! c~€'a:N. U1f' h?'ce:ptot ",h~h IS hereby ac:~no..ledged, Borrower
<br />hereby irrevocably grants, hans1ers, con,,'eys and assIgns ~o Trus,€>e IN TRUST \~'ltH POWER OF SA.LE fOT tho{> N'N:'hl "nd SE'CUflty Of Lendet, under and subject to the
<br />terms and conditions. helemaUer set fmth_ the teat property, t1eSChbeQ as l0110A'$
<br />
<br />See Attachment hereto
<br />
<br />
<br />Together With aU bUlldingS.lmpro\'eO\ents. fixtures. streets alleys ras.s.age~ars eaS(>mer:'l~S ughts p,n,!'\!--g;es ano;J aP-PUtte'na"ces located thereon Q{ In anyWise
<br />pertaining thereto. and the rents. Issues and profits, re\'erSlons and remamdefs there-o'_ lOcludlU9 tout not '.Im.teo to heatmg and coohng eqUIpment and such persona\
<br />propertylhat is attached 10 the ImprO'iements so as to constitute a Ilx'ure _ and together YltolltJ. the homestead or (:"la'I!a' lotelests_ II any. ",hlch ,nterests are hereby released
<br />and waived: 01\1 of which.includmg replacements and additions thereto, IS hereby ce<la'e-d to toe a J.'3fl of the I('a' (,$tate 'M."'cured by th(" ('en 0' thiS Dred of Trust and aU 01 the
<br />foregoing being retefled to herem as the ~property-
<br />
<br />This Deed of Trust shaH secure ta) the payment of the pnnClpal sum ana mtNest E'\,'idenc("-d by Bono'....er 5 note and O. oMit agu~"e-menl dated ____m_ ._n'n
<br />12/22/87 ,havlOg a malu..ly dale 01 _._..!1L.2.'lL91.._.._,~. ,n Ihe o"gmal p..nc.pal amount 01 S .3.'l..!,9_0.<?..QQ........ and any and all
<br />modtfications. extensions afld renewals thereof or thereto and any and an tuture adlil"antes and reau..'ances helf~'unde' pvrsuant to one or mOte promissory notes Or credIt
<br />agree_ments (herein caned '-Note"), (b) the payment of other sums advanced by lender to pTot~cllhe security of the Note _ ~c) H1e (lertOfJ'T1ance all CQ\t:'nants and agreement
<br />of Borrower,set forth herein: and Cd) an indebtedness and obligations 01 BouOAer to lCf'lde' .....hether dupe! Indlte>cl. absoiu1e> Ot contingent and "h~lhet atls\ng by note.
<br />guaran'y..o~rc;lratt or otherwise
<br />
<br />Borrower, to proteCt the !.eCurtly of thiS Deed of Trust, co..enanfs and agrees With lender as fo!lo'o\-'~
<br />,_ p.,....,.. 01 Princlpal end Inter..t. Borrowe, shall promptly pay when due tr.e pnnCtpal of and IOIe-rest on, and any 'e~s Ot charges pro....lded m. the Note Of an thiS
<br />Deed olT 'ust,
<br />
<br />2 T..... BOllowe, IS the owner of the Property. has the light and authortty to cOf'l\ey the Propen" and v.-arrants tha~ the In:"n (feated hereb)' 1$ a first and puor hen on
<br />the Property. ea.cept as may othenw,se be set forth here,n_ and the e.ecutton and dehyery of this Deed Of T'ust oo-es not \'0'.1'(> ,lny con1fdct or other oblIgation to 't\hlCh
<br />Borrower ._$ $ubJect
<br />
<br />3 T....~ A......,..nt.. To pay 'lthen due all f3l1:es. speCial assessments and all other charges agaln~t th'l" P~l'N"t)' _Ind upon "hUen demand by lender, to ",ay to
<br />lr;mdet such amount as may be sutllClent to enabl(O the lender 10 pay such f,hes, ass.essments 0' othi't {'h.1lgf."S- ,'!llh(''t, bt.~O'!l(> dl.(>
<br />
<br />",..renee. To 'eep the Prope!ty Insured against damage by fifE> hazards Included '".,lln.n the teJ'n ~ 11.1('1'1.\]('(1 co...t~'.lge- ,\oJ such ot"'('t haziuds as lender n1i.l't'
<br />leQuue. m amounts end With -compan1es acceptable 10 lender_ and With 105S payab1p to the len(1e. In ca'i~" ur l.z\.!;.S u;"\'J('r 'Su(h ~'~'\~(I{"!O lPli' lendt.'" ;s ,1 lJltH,,':lt."'d to adJlIst
<br />tOHeet endcompromlS-e. atlc!alm$ thereund~r and shi!,!1 havo ItlC opt.on ot a(lp!'1I1\g all 01 part 01 It'e ,nSu..)n'-.(-' lH\1{t'(>(h II! t~) .'tn,- "'t1(>h~('\1.~~ss S~'(:Uft-"l1 t1t."t'l~,,- an~1 an such
<br />order a, lender may determme_ (II) 10 Ihp BOIrower 10 be u"ed !QI 1tl[. I('palf Of '<,s1o,_ahon of tor. P-tO~'('Ih (}T Ill.j 'pt .J',) i.*1~" J.'lJlP!)~P C,. i.~bi"( 1 ".,l1'sti:\tl!.llr 10 c \'I1l.1Pl
<br />wltnout .aHecll"9 'he hen 0' ttil' Deed 01 Trust tor Itle lull BmQUnt S(>f urp<' N~f{'lh( b.ej(lt(' !ouc h hi,.'nwnt {'~('f h<~,)... ('!.H'" J\'l~ ,~L'r,l;c\!'("~ t" tHOO't'iJS h) ll);Jphh'~I't"SS. ~f13l!
<br />not eah'H'\d Qf pO$.tpon~ the due- dAte <-If an)' pa)'rnpnls undl" H'l' Not(O o~ (U'\' .in..,.. t1(.t<1ll\t lh~'('U'ldl?f Uf t'f>,.-,,,.'tJ('1
<br />
<br />
<br />r
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<br />i
<br />
<br />!
<br />[
<br />f
<br />
<br />. ""ntenante A_pal" .nd CompJlance .lth l..' Hu",.l....", St;.li! "ccp ttll' Pf'\{~'t". .n Q('(;.lj ,(H,:~'t,"-l ,H',_-: ,,"p,l;' ",_;>: t'10H'pi'\ '('Pil" ~l' !t'pl,\Lt," .In'l
<br />Imp;ovtr"..!lj-n! which !flay be "ama-;;~~J 0' d~\hoyt.'-d It-All '-'Hi ton)",.' 01 p.,'ff";" ...n.., ....,:ute O~ [h~h""('!,H,tll1 ",' 't'w P"T\"ly ..!;,)\~ ",-" ';'I1',h.~' ","l'I':,~;h \" ~\It\S.1"'tltIJ\!\' ,l!1\"
<br />"flY ot the Imp,o'W'p.mentt on t!'1l' Plopcrl)' shall nOI('0'''''''11 "'utll" C' p(>lnl" lloy dct 10 '-'("k,"r':!l!," ~j["'" tr'.. p. :-T'-" 1 'r "1 """,","",,, ,-, ~") ',h' ,',l''",lP,~' ." 'PQ"\.1t.\),, ,r"l
<br />"t".(t!1 It't oi~d P!Of'!'lpl!l' d,t:.{ t\iHQ~ If' OOHO"'''' ,. f \)\.! ,H'':' P al>lff\\(" illi hill'rr~ (.n( l"If!1tJl,H" t"lo .l"J '- 1~..1!')('-" 'f'". ",,1 ...;~., "..,t ," '''~''''''''''''''~ \q,I'i'~! !"'" 1', -';,;,'h . ,\"'. i.',ld ..~.,,,,,,I
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