<br />ngHnt:noc;~
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<br />200610986
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<br />occurs, therightofTrustortocollecfthe Rents and to manage the Premises shall thereLJpon automatically terminate and sucri right,
<br />tog~ther with'other' rights; powers and authorizations contained. herein, shall belong exclusively t6 the BenefiCiaryi., . Thii;'~s'sig~ment
<br />confers' upon<the'BeneflciatY'a'power'cotlpl~d'wlth '.' an, inter~lSt 'and" cannot b'e"revokedbyther'iustor: li,tJpbn'the'i ~ccu rr!3nc~\ of, a
<br />dElfaUlt/thei8emifleiary !'s.filts:.c Optiori\r.Jitfl6uthotic'e 'aridtWithOLJt'.s'eeklng' br "obiiitir1ingttle '~t:Jpdrttm~:rlt'bfi:i!r1i6eiv~r O( 't~kiiig "attual
<br />~d~&i!l~'ion"f1f!th'e'preniil~e8'~m~t:('a)"'glve ndtitetoai-,ytenaht(s)' tt'iat, the 'tshailt(s)'i!ltidu Id'8~~iri'riiakiHg' .~~YrJte~ts: u~:de(theif'leas8 .
<br />a~le'iWlinf($);~arr~btl\/:to(th$I'S~l9ficliiry'bi,.jf$:ide~;igh'Jje';'! (b) 'b8'ffirt\~,~'6E{'~':fdr~btosd're l,iltti61-{'an'd' fi le"amotidri':fdr 'appoiritrherif' of 'a
<br />re~~1tI~~t\;))!i{el;gtve'.1'I'cltr&ii,tQ' thb 'trustor .that'thi:l;Trusi6~i'shobld'; '6611~ctall':Rerits\a:ri~ihg! Ndm 'the' 'Pf~ri1iseS"'aHd "remit' 'inEiill'"to"the
<br />EJ~efielr,., apo'M"t:I3/hicitt9n"\!int:tl'th'l!t 'th~ Tr(isfor' should 'ehf8rc~i'tlii3'tefnis'bftK~ is~s~(d) tb~A's'ur~'pi6mpfbaymerit' b~:teharlt(s)
<br />dnClEfrJ t~:Ii!il1s'e~)\Jl 'AW'Jq'6rtts' rEfCElived' bytKe"TTust6( shall :OEn"eld,jln' trust ;b~i:M~) r(UStck'f6hh~"HSriefibary.AII isuchi'>~~iments
<br />rec~lv.IirQy'iheBEiriefiCiaryrmayt)e:~pliedin';'ahy'manner asltls 'BeneficiarY determines to paYlnents requirsd LJrlder thi's Deed of
<br />Trust,' the'loanDoQliimehts'arid 'the:Pb!igations. . The 'Trustor ~'gre~s to hold eachter1ant harmiEiss from' actiOns' relating to tenant's
<br />pa.yment'9f'R&nts.tothea.nefieiary.
<br />
<br />2.13 FlxtLlrfit Filin9~\Frq,m,me,c;:lljlte,'qf it~ recording, this O~e(j of Trust s,hallbe effective as a financing statement filed as a fixture
<br />filing under the Uniform ,c:pn1m~r.9i~IGpcl~,withrespectto thelmprovementi3 and.fqr.this purpOse the name and qddreSs pf the
<br />dEjl;>toristhen1ilme and a,dclress of the Trustor all set forth in thi:;;; [)eed of Tru'it Olnd the,n~me and address of the securepPOlrty is the
<br />n.a,m.,~a,(l\.Qrel>s'Qf'~"~fif\efi~i4ry .~$~t, torthlnitliis:I);El:e~:<<:"n.tst", lltw@ropeflty\:jl;cILidas'igo<!l/!l!twh ich~Ve or may become S9
<br />~ffix!r;l't9l~al",pliq~y'.,tp~.Ji)(t\"liland'pro9ucts and procee<;ls,oNheproperty. If:Olny ottheF'roperty il> of a nature such
<br />thqta,SElQUfityinlElre~tthereirlcan QEI Perfected under the Uniform Commercial Code, this Deed of Trust shall also constitute the grant
<br />of II 1lI8curity interel$t to the Elenefi<;iary al'ld- serve as a Security Agreement, and Trustor authorizes Ilia filing of any financing state-
<br />ments and agrees to execute other instruments that may be required for the further specification, perfection or renewal of such
<br />security interest.
<br />
<br />
<br />In addition to all other rights (including setoff) 'and duties of the Beneficiary under the Loan Documents which are expressly
<br />incorporated herein asa,part ofthis Deed ofTrust;tHefollowingprovisions willalsoiapplY: ',.,:,i:
<br />
<br />I,.",; ':: I :.',." ;,:."/:,:,,,:~,:h"\ ~" ,,~,' ',;~', ,',." :',.:....::.,~."',',':".,,,...."\:,.,:,': ,~:.:"".,~,:'::;'::/;. ",,: .'.:'," .',\:,~: ,..,.1-.'_".",..:,~,:':T .'"<".,,j;..:~!,
<br /> T" .""', :. i',: oJ,' ,. .,:.
<br />"3.~ B~neficiary Ai,jttlorl~liIiJ to P~~lmn fo'r'Trustor.lf the-l~ust6Hailstoperfbrm 'a~.YLW)~~7,~r~~s~9:r'sd:l!ti~~.~r,coy~?a?~~.l:let
<br />forth If) thiS Deed of Tru~t" th~ Beneflcla,ry m<iY perform the duties or cause them to be' performep, Including, Without IJmltatloQ,
<br />"i~hin~Hn.T rust~('she,rn'e.1;)r':paying'ariy .' am6Jnt;so:requifeH1aridithe'cost;fwith' rntsre~~;'at\th'e;'detaJlfc rate "se('forth ill. the Loan
<br />DOGu'r'rient$;"wlICin'Yirl$diately:;;b~id(il,~ffoh'l::tl1e.rtr~stdrto!th~! Sef'lettoiaryifr6ni' tH~ dclte'of!ex'pgAdiiJre by the'Beneficiary to date of
<br />payi!Meht '15yJt,hff'"f(t.l~Oft illiriCf,'wl1f'oe: cine ~'oftlle:6olig'ati6ns;se;cut~cif';bY thi~ i6~ed:6f t'ftJst}:'A~'I":actS"bY'the '" Beneficiary are 'hereby
<br />(catifi'edari~apprqvedJ:ai1d;theBeneficiarV;will'ridt be'liable for:an~~acts of'colTihiissi6h or;lohiis'gi6n; ncirtorar1y, errors of judgment or
<br />rn'istakesoffaCt'of'laW.i.'"., ,,", ",'..' .h" I;')
<br />
<br />
<br />The Beneficiai)' rry~y ~qfqrge its rights .!'lnd, rem~9.iljl~Hnq~Ohis,Oeed of Try~t \JP9nqef?\ult. A,default will occur if the Trustor fails
<br />to. comply with th~ te~ms~f~t;ly,LoaQ,pP,crPrnents, (inc1u,c;l,il']\:j thi~peed ofTrl,lst9r ~r,1Y,9u\'lrOlnty,:,gy ~he Trustor) or ~ demand for
<br />paymem i$,rn~~t;l ';\J.Qq~f;~,q'flliar,l(j.lo.~!'l'o.q~!'! Trl.,l~t9rR.~f~yl~~ OIl.iilDY.qthE!r.,m9dg.f!9~tqfff!p1;in.~.. .~h~,Lqr")d,pr .if. E\ny qther opligor f~il~
<br />t9.'9o,mRl~i~I~~th~;~"~r,n~?f .9~f~~fl;P~9l,f!i!'El!'1W:!9r:~M!~Pl th!'!;:.~tl;l~pr,b~!.i~i~rl~~e:~El~~f.i""j~rM .~...g~orr:~Wy.;<?r . pl~oge.. U pl;ln~h~
<br />occurrence of a default, the Beneficiary may declare the o Qlig ation$ to be imm~.diE\t~ly'due ~np; p2\yaple. '
<br />
<br />4.1 Remedies. In addition to the remedies for default set forth below and in,theother Loan Documents,JnclLJding acceleration,
<br />the Beneficiary upon default will have all other rights and remedies for dE!fault available by law or equity. Upon a default, Beneficiary
<br />may exercise the following remedies:
<br />
<br />(a) iE~forcement, o~~~.I(;Jnment of Rents and Leases.B'eneflci~~ym,~y: ...' ". .,.. "
<br />~' ;1 . ' ,', ',,: ,',,", i., " " ,:., ' ; ; \ . ~ ' : I.".', ,'.1 l .. : ' , ! . I' ,", ~,' ' " ), , .,' , ,.. ,~. .' .' . . , \ '.,' , , , ,
<br />,';' .,,;,{i)}errpir?t~(~h~\,'!i~~:n,~~,;~ra~t,!'l.~ toTr~stortg c;Q,I!~~}~~.~ent~,(r:e,~,<;Ir~le~~ 9f,whet~er ;B7~nC3fiEiarx,or Trus,teEl ~hqll ha~e entered
<br />....~Intq pql;!se~~lon,O~thep~9PElrty), Q~Ue<:;t a.nd'~LJe f,ort~e, ~!3.ntsln, Ben,efIGI<i,i)'~a, o"wlname, gIVEl}ecelptsaJ:H;Ireleasestherefor,. and
<br />.',: ':i~#~,;9~~.~~,i~.~' ~tj;~~p.,~~~,~~;?f. 9,~IIE3.~i~R', !1']~i,J-gin#,':~~.~~,9;,h~~J~ .~~R[P~y~'.-,f~~~1. ,~Rply '~e\n.~,f8;rQe~ed~:tr7r~oftO. RPY;9bligpti'Qns
<br />
<br />"" ",,~l:!'''IE!nE:lt!c.Jljlr:y,lTl~Yv't!~,ft'I:' ',:"".,., "."i"'" '.-'. Vf"":."'W;"".."",."\ O:"""\'j:''''''' """'ri'i'l Ji",';"'')';,;,'d' "'..~ . J. ,i."..:'." "'.,.\,"
<br />
<br />" ,I. ' . '(iI) m~e;' ~odjiY, enfor~e, 'ca~cel' or accept" ~u~;~'nq~;'~f,~tlY :Ie..a,.,ll~$,) l;)vi~,~~QSl~~l\i,' ~9jU'!>;f\f~ent~,\tll~in,tF!jn,clE;lg;oratla~,'refurbish,
<br />rep~~~, ?lr~~~'i:~95~. \.n)~'~i' .~I?~C:;~. .... re~9~. . ,~9~,r~n~,lng,.,am~,.i 9t~~Wt~~;(:~?'i,:~P>1,~,i,~9\.~~~,~f!qiiTry\ [~~.~R:~<l8Jy ",S!~~[l:1t,,~dvis,a~le, in
<br />"c",?R:Q9,e.;9!~(),~,W,'~Q\9,~;E{9.P~~x;, \'.', ;:,1',':"""1'"" Ii, ":."', ....'...11<. " '.""'{"';;" ,. ...... ..
<br />. (iii) :,app!y the"R~Qt~ ,S9" c:gll(:lGtl?,d, tottle QP13rOltion~nd mar:t~gen,1!3rlt.()tJhe Pr,opertY,)l')pIUding the "Payment of.
<br />r~~,~o,r1a.ble. managementdJro~er,age. and)~ttornljlYs' :f~es, or tq,th~ Qb.!igatiOrls;<md,,' . 'I
<br />(iv) require Trustor to t.ransfElr and deliver possession 9f aU security d~posits and recOrds thereof to Beneficiary.
<br />
<br />(b) Power of Sale. Beneficiary may requirethaTrustee, and the Trustae is hereby authorized and empowered, to enter and take
<br />possG$sionof the Premises and to sellalhor part of the Prbperty in accordance with the Nebraska Trust Deeds Act, as the same
<br />may be hereafter amended or modified. The Trusteemay sell all or any portion of the Property, together or in lots or parcels, and
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