<br />()3eO!aOO~
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<br />2f>>0610D86
<br />
<br />of the Improvements, whichever is less. The policies. willcontain an agreement by Elaqh ins.uJ'ilr ttlatthepGlicy will' not be terminated
<br />qrmqgifiesl without at le<l$t thirty (3Q)days' prior written notic;e to the Beneficiary <'ind. will. contain a mortgage qlause <.icc~ptable to the
<br />Beneficiary; and the Trustor will take such other <lctian<ls theU3e.riefiCiary._.may,Jeasonably reqlJe6!t to :enslJte'.that-the Beneficiary will,
<br />r~q~ivE:!(sJJbject to no othl;lr interests) the insura,nc;E;I ::PrQ~e.e(lts frorn'ithe .Iqlprovemants. t'The\Trustor: hereby_assigns all insurance
<br />PIQCeec;lsto and i rreYOCably. di rects;~.iLe.(.arw.:.Qbli.gati9JlsA:ernain unpaidtanyinsl.lrerJopayJo Jh\\l.Beneficiary.the . pCQceeds.ofall
<br />s,uch ;inlltlranceand. any pram iu m;~efunfi:k.!<lndautb.oriVlS:"the! .eeJiefiditiry,tci) endoree tthEl,iErulltQCls,:nameJ;t(l effect,tt;le i'Sar:ne,;ltoill'laka;:
<br />a.9ju$,!,or:ie:l'tle,in,the Trustor!S ,nalitte.any Claim 9r}.aplylijT'lsuranea:Jjdilicy'rel<'itiqgJ0;theH~remises;; 1h$ proceeds>and refur;ldswilLlillP'
<br />applied .iAlsuch ,.rnanner as:the;HenefiGiany,'in, its:solaiand<lbsolut$'discr@tictinl'determinea to'rebuildingofthe)P.r"r:nis9$ .'or.tol!layment\
<br />of>the"Q!ii.ligationslwhethef'or nbt'th.Elndu~,afld1paYiilbJa>;:~. i.',;G l,)'p,n.\ r:;,(".C::',:,,',. \ ,:'11',\ >:i ki"} r;flii:f~:1.:!(!).!s>,\' :
<br />2'.7 .........Condem nation. Any'tdri1pen's~tioi'Y reCeived" for the') takih'~'ofth'e: Premh~esi or';'a\1y,r~art~,tHergdf." by"ii .t6hde'mri~tiOn~
<br />prdceeding (including' payments in CQrnpromise of condem'nation':~fo6eeidirigs); and'all"compenstltion reCeived I as' ith:ih)age~' 'fur
<br />injury to the Premises, or any part thereof, sh<'ill be applied in such manner <lsthe Beneficiary,lrfits's'oIEi"ahd absohJtif'discretiol1','
<br />determines to rebuilding of the Premises or to p<iyment of the QbligatiOfls,. whether or not then due and. 8~yable, '
<br />" '" , ' , \ " ~..: ~ ., \.' ;.,'" - ,," 1 ':': ": ~ "': ,.". I ': " "''':' '""
<br />2.8 Environmental Matters. Except as specificallyeJisclosedbyTrustor to Beneficiary inwritfng prior to the execution of this
<br />Deed 'of Trust,. Trustor' re(Jresent$iand 'warrants as follows).. There,'axists' nouncorrectecj.'Violaticir'JibyfheiTlusforof'any 'federal; state
<br />Of local laws (includill'g statuf.Q :reguI3Jicih's;' o(<!JiHaMes'of\ otnerlgOV'Elfniti'arifal :"resiliidtions:ahd r-fequirl9mentsj'" relating' to' the"
<br />discharge of air pollutants, water pollutants or proce$s' waste water or otherviJis\$;re!~ting'tb~'t-/llij. en.vlrol"lm-ent . ,6l'iHazai'dous
<br />Substances as herein<lfter defined, whether such laws clkrentlyaxist orareenactad in;thefuture(colle6l:iVeIY"EhvlronmentaI'Lawa!').
<br />The term. "Hazardous.. Substances" will' mean any' hai<'lrdous''()r'';\'oxie,'wastes,. cheh'libahs .Q'i\'btl'ierds~Stal"ioe$,'m,ger'1eratiOi'li
<br />possession or existence of which is protiibited or governed byahy Environmental: Laws'.'~The Trustor is ricitsubjeict to any judgment,'
<br />decree, order or citation, or a par1y to (or threatened with) any litigation or administrativEl proceeding, which asserts thatthe Trustor
<br />(a) has viol<lted <lny Environmental Laws; (b) is required to clean up,rElmoveor'take,remeqial or other action with respect to any
<br />Hazardous Substances (collectively "RernediaIAction"); or (c) ill rElquire,ci to pay all or a portion of the cost of any Remedial.,Attion,
<br />as a potentially responsible party. Except a~,,,~j;~,;;?19;~~~,~n:t~~:~9r~9t7r:~;irQyir~~rr~~~~I.;q~~stionn<'iire provided to the Beneficiary,
<br />there are not now, nor to the Trustor's knowledge after reascinable investigation have there ever been, any Hazardous Substances (or
<br />t~nkSorolhet{'faciliriesfor the storage- of Haz8:rdal!is"Subsianoes)\S'lbre'd; ittepOsiteidj 'red:ycll:ldor'dl$poSed 'of:'Gi:'1,lfnderor1at;:any':re<'i1
<br />estate Ciwhedbr 'oc.clfpied.. by the T rl'lstbr,. dufinglhe "pattt)dlil 'thanHa' If rusto(iOwr!ed b(ClcaLlflli~dilllon ~8'al;"$tate'."whlct1-if{pr'esent''ofl1
<br />the i'eal'estare':or 'in' soils' 0(. ground- 'Water, 'd:hlld te~utr&IRem'e'dial!\AGtii:;lnifl.+l'\!)t.fllEi:,if'rtist'(!)tl:8tkrh\!ml~d!1i~,tt~l!lr& arEl";Ht;llp(bpo'setl'i~t
<br />pending chaffges in E nvi ran ment al'L'aWs"Wh'iGt1:h;volliltf'!adver~aly:''iiff~Cf'llhe' 7/I'ri:lsl<lr! i 6r:\its~ibb~i\iiijti~lt'iaf'lM.'(tlll~tej'i:ij-e\rho\'~c6n'ditibh~1
<br />E!xisti ng. currEl,fitly or likely to exist wh i let!18, Loarl';Documef')t~ar~. irw~ffeQtw"t@t;\!WI;!lI:;lIc;l;Sl.!Jpj$ct JI!tE!l~"Prlll$~qr:it~~H~itiEldi~lrActi9r'Fo~ either
<br />liability. l'he,,[.rustor.currently complieR with 'and.'will.qqntinlje: tQ,ltirn13ly ~bmply,'with. ~II ~pplipabIEkenVifc!ilnn1ehtaHl,w$ilaPld;WIll
<br />provide the e,tlneficiary. immediately upon receipt, copies of <lny, qprrespondt';)Hce,IlOlicej, OOrn'plaint,iO~d13r'or,pth'er' document"from
<br />any source a~~eiiing or <'illeging any circums~~nCfllDr co.ncjitiOr''Yvl;igB,r'13qyire~:or mGlY'irEjquirea financi.lil contribution by the Trustor
<br />or Remedial A~tion or other respollse. by or on the part of the In,lstor. under Environme~tall..<'i""s,orwhich see.ks damages or civil,
<br />criminal or punitive penalties from the Trustor foran allegedVi?lati?n ;ofEllVlronmer)t:alL.a~lr/lnth~eventOfanysuch'Circumstance
<br />or condition, the Trustor agrees, at its expense and at the request6ftheBenafiCiary,t6pe':mit'anenvirohmen~alaudit solely for the
<br />b~nefit of the Beneficiary, to be conducted by the Beoeficiary oran'independent agentsele~ed:by tl1eBElneficia'ry-'arid 'which m<'iY not
<br />be' '~elied on by'the Tr~,stor for' any PU'-8'ose:.'TfF~ '~rqxish)ri~h~U:rqtr~lieve thl;l Tru~t~ff~Y~+'6~PCfY5ih~iit~',~~r;,',,~~h\fi~9rrn~mal'
<br />audits or taking any other steps neces~'<'irytoo9mply with Envirof)mlilntal Laws. ,_' ..... ;'.... . .,."
<br />
<br />2.9 Assignments. The Trustor will.not.?:ss,i9n..in'wholeQrin part,withouttHe B~(l~f[9Ial)!'~.pr!9(wtltl:ep:.CRn~~t:U'i~tI~'re1'1ts,...inuea
<br />or profits arising from the Premises. .. ''oF', "
<br />
<br />2.10 Right of Inspection, The Beneficiarymay at all reasonable times enter and inspect the Premises.:" '
<br />
<br />". ',\ '.. " _,l::\',j':', ,:~"...,. ,;;"~:;,r i:i....~,!,'~:,"~':',~,~'li^':"~ ~:" ", '
<br />, 2.11 Waivers l?y Trustor. To ttll;l gle3lE;lst ext~nt tha,t syc;h rjghts m<'iY then be lawfully waived, the Tr!.,l&tor, hereQY agrees for itself
<br />(,". ^, ~: ,.:" ,,' ",," .'" c,' \. '"..' .",.' ':",;' ,~".' ,."'.'" ",' i:,:',11 :T,,: I':"',!"~":,,,,,,: "'i)'~"~':';;""':"\.!"',::\.:~",.J',F:"1..',~,!':".'I,'f'; ", ~,'; ;,'\; :
<br /> " ':'. \
<br />Eln.~ any per~ODs cl<lirning ~r1~~rthe.W3eq of Tr,l,J.,st, t~~t iri;~il!.,'fY;~iY~"~~"9::'I't!I\ rl,% ~r,Jn~SY]~I!lr.i~is~,~P?g;ahf?J~ad 9F.i,~, ~f)y:m.a~n~r
<br />wh<'itsoever claim or t<;l~e ... '1f!;Y' p'enefl~.. 0,rl;~'1d,~~ntW~~:9t. ,(,CJ) :,~ny \e1<wpp1,19Q"" ,~.t~.YJ:E!~t~~~IY?h ?,r:\mRr~!.~r~\;J,l1;1i!.~r< f?PIV'f; I ~r:~~ c~P,~AIIl}e;
<br />hereafter in force; (b) any law now or hereafter In force providing for the valuation orappralselTlent of the Premises or <'iny part thereof
<br />prior roany sale.. orsal es- th'efe6f tOJbe' ~m';:\de 'p~rs6ant to. any prbitis ion' nerei M' bdnfairiecf br 'P'i.lrsuaht1t01thElideciee,'ludgment 'or'order
<br />df<lriy court' of 'cOrhl"eter\"rJLifis'Clicti&n';I'(c]l'i~ifhe\'tfxterit...~'erfflift~d iby;laW:;ah~I'law hoW'orfatfanyrfih1e"hereaft~i' ;mad~i br'~naCted
<br />granting ,fright to. t/:ideem.fr6r'n' Idtc6ld~lrr€l :Cirai,yiOther rightsbhredemptionin '.c&ridi3ctli:ln . with fotetlOSU\'e;?f,i'orexeroisa 'Many
<br />power of sale under, this Deed 6fTrust; (d)ahystatute of limitations now'ot <'it any time heire;<'ifter'iniforc~W6f '(e)' any' rigHt'to'require
<br />marshalling of assets by the Benefiojary..; '.'1',,;,':1,':'.\', :~;! ".:,";' ,...
<br />
<br />2.12 Assignment of Rents and LeaseS. The Trustor assigns and transfers lethe' BEm-efk:iary,' 'asiadditional'secu'iitYfor th~
<br />Obligations, all right, title and interest of the Trustor in and to all leases which now exist or hereafter may be executed by or on behalf
<br />of the Trustor covering the Premises and any extensions or renewals thereof, togetherwithall Rents, itbeing intended th<'it this is an
<br />absolute and present assignment of the !lents. Notwit[1standing that this aE;signmentcQnstitutes <'i..pre~ent aEisignment of leases and
<br />rents. the Trustor may collect the Rents and manage toe Prl;lmises, but only if and so 10l]lg as a default has not occurred. If a default
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