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<br />200610303
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<br />EXIIIDIT "A"
<br />
<br />A tracl or lAud comprising a part of Lot Three (3), F;Jiracres Dairy Third Subdivision, an Additlon to
<br />the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, hUll more partlcnlarly described 8S follow);:
<br />lkginnhlg at the soUthC85t corner of said Lot TItre!: (3), talrncres DaIry 'thIrd S'Jbdlvlslonj thence N
<br />89" 04' 19" V\' tllong aDd upon tht' :iOuth line of said Lot Thl"t'e (3), Falrncrel!l DAiry 'rblrd Subdivi!lion,
<br />a db,tanet of Threc Hundred Twelve llnd SeYen Tenths (312.70) feet to a !louthwellt corner of !laid Lot
<br />Three (3). l<'airi1cres Dlliry TIllrd Subdivision. ~aid point al!lO being the srmtheast curm:r of Lot Two (2),
<br />Pau!ltian Subdivision; thence N 00" 11:' 14" W, along and upon a weslline of !Said Lot Three (3), Fair-acres
<br />Dairy Third Subdivision, ~nd ~Isn being along and upon an eMt Hne of said 1.01 Two (2), Pltustian
<br />Subdivision, a dislllnce 01" 'lbree Hundred Twenty Five flDd Thirty Three Hundredth" (325_,3) fed to
<br />1\ lJouthwesl corner of said Lot Three (3), hiracrc.." UnlI)' Third Subdivj:sion, sllid "point 1I1so b!:ing 1\
<br />northeast corner 01" said Lot Two (2), Paustlal\ Subdivision; t.hence N 88" 03' 31" W, along and 'Ipon It
<br />suulh Hlle 01' sllIid Lot Three (3), FAlraeres U:dry Third Subdivision, ll-nd also being along and upon a
<br />north line of ~aid Lot Two (2), Paustian Subdivision, il distance of Sixt!:!en l\nd Seventy One Hundr!:!dths
<br />(16.71) reel. to ;1 suuthwest (,orner of said Lot Thl"l:e (3) FaJra~re:9 Dairy Third Subdh.ision, SAid point
<br />also being u nortbenst corner ttf sultl Lot Two (2), Paustian Subdlvisionj thence N 00" 01' 22" W, along
<br />and upon a west line of ~ald Lot Three (3), F.l1ir8Cre~ Dairy Third Subdivl:'lion, nnd ulso being along nnd
<br />upon an ellst line or :mid Lut Two (2), Panstlan Sllbdlvlsloll, a distance of Fifty Eight Bnd Eighty One
<br />Hundredths (58,81) feet to II !Iouthwest corner of said Lot Thrre (3), Fairntres Dl1iry Third Subdivi:siol1,
<br />said point also being the oortheast corner of !;ald Lot Two (2), Paustian Subdivision, thence S SR" 511'
<br />2)" E, along and lIpttn the ea~terly prolongltSion of n soutb line of said [Jut Thr~l': (3), Fuinu:rl:S Jllliry
<br />'l'hif'd Subdivjsion, and 1ll:W being ..hlng amI upon the eaRterly prolongation of the north line of "aid Lot
<br />Two (2), P.amitian Suhdivisifln, .fI dbitBm:e or Three Hundred 1Wt:nty Nine !lnd Six Hundr...lIths (329.U6)
<br />feet to 11 point on the east line of said Lot Tbree (3), Falr(Jcres Dairy Third Subdlvl!1lon; thence S 00" 1.3'
<br />43" F., aloTlK and upon the east line of !laid Lot Three (3), Fairacres Uairy l"hird Subdivision, II distance
<br />ot Three Hundred Kighty Three lIud Ninety Two llundl"etllhs (383.92) red to the point of heglnning,
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