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<br />'I,h. Nort.hwest foIuarter (Nlfl'4' at Section Unt? (11,,", lo"nphip I:;ll'ven l.l J ,.
<br />"~llTt.h, ".nCle 'I'.,n (101 West. af the bt.h ... /I.. 1111.11 (Jaunt.y, NebrAskA, nnd "'"0....
<br />p~rt.io\ll.riy desor:1bed...:' follows,
<br />
<br />~inning at the Soutti...t. cqrnll'r 0:1: the Nort.hvest \luar,ter (NIU/4) 0:1. said
<br />s.tot.ion Un" (1), thenCl" northerly ..long thl!' e..t., 1;1/1" ot SQid Hort.hvpst,
<br />g~.rt.er (NWl/4) s d~Bt.nc.. af t.hree hundred ninet~~1~ve and nint?ty-:l.ive
<br />~ndredthB (395.9~J' 1_t. to D point on thl!! south ri~ht 0:1. vay line o:t
<br />lI~br.8k. No. ~I .t.hence nOTUnester.1y 1I1ong an upon the 'pouth ri~ht-01-VRY
<br />~ine of Nebraska No.2. II d~atBnce 01 tour hundred ninety c4~O.UOI :teet.
<br />.~b"nc::. southerLy Bnd p.rsln...,..ll. to the enst. linv of,. till! said NorthvE'sC:
<br />,liIu.rt..r 4N1I1/4) a di.;t.lln~e colt f;:iYII hundred thtrty one' lind' four hundn.dth..
<br />(531. U4) feet. ,'. to . pot...t en' the Routh .r",!neo o:i: IItllid Ncu.t.hwest IoIUlJ,.tlP.r
<br />CHW1/..) J t.hen!"e .l!Il!Itet'ly a.ll..Qnq t.he PoUl~' line 01: Bl!IidHort.hYellt loIulJ,'ler
<br />CHII1/41'. a dlatanoe a:l:10ul'" hund:red seventy C4"/U.UUI, :t...et. t.o :the pDi.nt. 01
<br />b..,,;inllirip, ~H~!W:n!fW IUt;!f!!!t:I:!VtJ 8.lI:ioert.ain tract 01: lShd...ri.>irr';.' ,:eparUcuHlr 1 Y
<br />d.....oribed in lIggument. No. 8:,!.-U04./~:': 'and l==~l<!::r~:!"p J!I~!C~f!41f!!~' "O:l!'rt. Din t."t..:\.
<br />'01 lDnd mort? pllrticu1l1rl11'.. ~ealClr:ibed in t.h" Warrant.i\l" ,~'e..d ....Dordud "..
<br />t;ccumcri,t No. 'U4-0U4lU4 IIncF!fJJ!t:nnm'.~~~~~:t::!~Y J!I~!jf;~"!J~'J;'" c..rtotn trllct ot
<br />'.land IIl0l;"1t part.iculllr.ly dltllci':lbed.,ill.':thll Warrontv lIesd' recorded. as I)~cuml?nt
<br />No. 84H2U4816 ~!lHl~~lJ ~K~~el:-lU!i"lt\jJJ;ijfi!::lj!Jt.t 0 cer tni.n, t.rHct 13:t .l nnd mor...
<br />FlIII"t..t.cuiarJl.Y <1..~cr:l.b"d in Womrranty.'u'....d J:'.eeorded liP UDl1\.1lnent HD. tJ., -UU'lU':JU.
<br />.' ~U .
<br />
<br />It tract g:f ll1nd comprtBtng D part.'o:f the NorUn.e",t: loIUBrtE'r II-IW1/-11 <31
<br />Seatton Un" (1). 'ro"nlllhip Ii:~""en (11) NDrth. IIanqe 'fen. (lU) W"'~!:. Df the bllb
<br />("'.11.. IIn1.1 County, Neb"lIllIkn ..nd mOre particularl1/' djJl~erJ.bll'd lit'!! l:ol.lo"Al
<br />tleqinning et theo South1fIU,t coornt!'t' 0;>1 8eornt SUbd1v'!!Y!..:.n. ""Iii aoint. b..iml ......
<br />the Bout.h l1ne of e.:l.d NW1/. Dnd a'ABD beinq Six Ifundrnd T"I'~nlt.,. !ill'"e-'~ Rind
<br />a;'our 'f,,"th'" C &2'1.4') feet y"ot o:f tl'l'i;!. !>oulhellot 110rner af aotd HWl/-4,'l),h"l',,"e
<br />~unntnq northerly '81ang tPte>west ltnlP. of 'aaicl; 8ernt: SubdlvtQian .. dls.t~"cl9"
<br />faf five hunctll".ed BUy.nty silf; .Bnd twenty ~1.Qht hund:t1edtlts C~"Iio. :lal tea-t tu
<br />the Northwest eorner of B~id Hernt liubdlvinton. and aleo beilt(1 n pol n~" .,m
<br />tlle l:iaut.herly ri!lht'of "8Y 111111 01 Htate Il!qlnroy No. :ll th",,,cp ,J,'II(ml.l"q
<br />..tt .':3 degrees :J2' end running Nort.h....at..rl)' alonl1' QRid r,t,ahl~ 0.1 WIIV II"'"
<br />iii, diatanoC!' lOt Two H~ndrlPd "fin"ty four nnd l~i;:I,ty nlr"" thuidredUlt'I 1/.':1'1. !>,J I
<br />....eot., thellClCIP .....nn:frnq southerJ.y, prlraJ.t,g-j1 ta. the ERst 111u'I o,t Aald Ihll/" 9:
<br />distanl::(!' a1 Six ~umjJred I"i:tt.y 1it?II~n amI' Fort.y. !:lilC lIundrt?dtha (6:;".41>) If:"".t
<br />to . point 011 th8' 5QIlIth Line ot ul;tl.d HW.l1 "= theroDP rUllni"" Ol'IJIJIl'."."lV Ill.("",
<br />t.hIP Bouth line of aald HW1J'4 u dintan<:1? o.jf "-wo lIu"dred 1::iqlllV fwo on,:t l'o,'ly
<br />'1'.0 Hundredthll C 282. II:.!) 1&elt t.o the pD:lnl~ of b~q illnl IIU.
<br />AHU
<br />Al.l of Hernt 9ubdivision, lIuli Q.:ountv, Itebrnsklll, t;IU.';~I~lllmnll';UI';I':I/ut~ ,~
<br />cert.ain t.rp(lt 0:1 land ",DrIP partiaulorly deBllribed ill WltJ:'r'Bntv l)(!t?d r...-:<:>T,'",d
<br />DD Document No. 8;J-OU:J:.30Y .Ild a;:XGlW'j' J.ItU nlEll!,;FllUll Il ce.. tllln trite: l ot I.n",l'
<br />more pBrtlcuJ.nrly dellcribed in wuitcj;;ifti"IJ~~d' r,;;';tor,I...:t ''If' ""cum,-"t tlO. ,'.,j-
<br />00:.3:314 and ~!na~e!!!!'" l!!~U!iit:HI.J" a CertDtn lraal ,,1 ,IIClut 'nl).... '-lIlr Ucm 1.01' I.v
<br />dl'lBCl"ib'ed tn Warranty I)e..d r"Clorded B9 lJocunleClt 110. lj~-UU.J~l.l.
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