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<br />200606199 <br /> <br />have the authority to delegate the responsibility for the making of the decisions under this Article to <br />its Architectural Review Committee who shall be members of the Association. <br /> <br />8. All decisions by the Association under the provisions of this Article shall be based upon <br />reasonable standards which shall not discriminate against any Owner or any Lot. As to the Real <br />Estate, those reasonable standards shall include but not necessarily be limited to the following: <br /> <br />a) All buildings shall be constructed within the Building Envelope Areas as provided in the <br />Development Plan and Subdivision Agreement. <br /> <br />b) Overhangs are permitted over Outlots, easements and setback areas, but not over <br />building envelopes of adjacent Lots. Roof eaves from adjoining buildings may encroach no more <br />than two (2) feet into Outlot A or into any utility easement on Outlot A. No buildings on adjoining <br />Lots shall be built closer than ten (10) feet from one another regardless of distance from the lot line. <br />No portion of any building shall exceed a height of thirty five (35) feet above the center of the <br />intersection of Capital A venue and Hancock Avenue. <br /> <br />e) The projection of open balconies, bay windows and uncovered porches into open space <br />is acceptable subject to the foregoing subparagraph b). <br /> <br />f) Patios and decks shall be set back at least six (6) inches from the lot line; however, <br />patios and decks may extend into Outlot A provided they shall be screened with a six (6) foot high <br />privacy fence, if they reduce the landscaped area of Outlot A to less than thirty (30) feet from <br />adjoining property line on the exterior of the Subdivision. Patios and decks must be set back at least <br />ten (10) feet from the outer property line of subdivision. <br /> <br />9. The Board of Directors reserves the right to promulgate, establish and amend rules of <br />regulations, from time to time, concerning the use of the Real Estate, Lots and Common Area and <br />facilities. Copies of such rules and regulations shall be furnished to each lot owner prior to the time <br />when the same shall become effective. <br /> <br />10. If any Owner fails to comply with the General or Special Restrictions set forth herein <br />or any rules or regulations promulgated and established from time to time by the Association, the <br />Association has the option to give thirty (30) days written notice to the lot owner to remedy the <br />situation and, if the lot owner fails to remedy the situation, the Association has the right to remedy <br />the situation/perform any repair, removal, or replacement, invoice the violating Owner therefore, <br />including any attorney's fees, and secure and enforce a claim and lien therefore against the Owner <br />and hislher Lot in like manner as a delinquent assessment. <br /> <br />ARTICLE VI <br />EASEMENT TO COMMON AREA <br /> <br />Owners' Easements of Enioyment. Every Owner, shall have a non-exclusive right and easement of <br />enjoyment in and to the Common Area for use as provided herein, which use and enjoyment shall <br /> <br />6 <br />