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<br />200605313 <br /> <br />Addendum A <br /> <br />LEGAL DESCRIPTION <br /> <br />A tract of land comprising a part of the West Half of the Southeast Quarter (Wl/2 SE 1/4) <br />of Section Thirty One (31), Township Twelve (12) North, Range Ten (10) West of the 61h <br />P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, and more particularly described as follows: <br /> <br />First, to ascertain the point of beginning, start at the northwest corner of said West <br />Half of the Southeast Quarter (Wl/2 SE 1/4); thence running easterly, along and upon <br />the north line of said West Half of the Northeast Quarter (Wl/2 NEI/4), a distance <br />of One Thousand Three Hundred Twenty and Twenty Two Hundredths <br />(1,320.22) feet to the northeast corner of said West Half of the Southeast Quarter <br />(WI/2 SEl/4); thence deflecting right 89'47'05" and running southerly, along and <br />upon the east line of said West Half of the Southeast Quarter (Wl/2 SEl/4), a distance <br />of One Hundred Nineteen and Sixty Six Hundredths (119.66) feet to a point on the <br />southerly right of way line of State Highway No.2; thence deflecting right 90' 11 '30" <br />and running westerly, along and upon said southerly highway right of way line, a <br />distance of Three Hundred One and Thirty Four Hundredths (301.34) feet to the ACTUAL <br />point of beginning; thence continuing westerly, along and upon the previously <br />described course, a distance of One Hundred Ninety Five and Fifty Eight Hundredths <br />(195.58) feet; thence deflecting left 90'23 '25" and running southerly, a distance of Seven <br />Hundred Twenty and Eighty One Hundredths (720.81) feet; thence deflecting left <br />89'36'35" and running easterly, parallel with said southerly highway right of way <br />line, a distance of One Hundred Ninety Five and Fifty Eight Hundredths (195.58) feet; <br />thence deflecting left 90'23 '25" and running northerly, a distance of Seven Hundred <br />Twenty and Eighty One Hundredths (720.81) feet to the ACTUAL point of <br />beginning and containing 3.236 acres, more or less. <br />