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<br />.<.".... <br /> <br />200604046 , <br />Mortgagee, . tlle following desarlbilid:real estate'''iI'h.Hall C.o~ty,Nebz:aska: <br />", Lot: Five' (5)" Calvary Subdiyisionl ,.,.,'. <br />City,of .Grand I9~~Q, ~al1 County~ Nebrask~ <br />together with all of MOrtgagor's right, title and interest i~ the pro,perty, now <br />Or hereaft:eracquired, includingl . all buildings, fixtures and improvemenes now <br />on or hereafter placed upon the property and appurtenances i all personal prope,rty <br />that may integrally belong to or hereafter become an integral part of the real <br />estate ~hether attached or detached,' including any ~ppurtenances and <br />accoutrements of any structure or residence secured hereby. The foregoing is <br />collectively referred to in this document as the "Property." <br />