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<br />, ' <br /> <br />~, . <br /> <br />Doc. #205 [611/93J <br />Congregation resolution to authorize Buy-Down Modification of an existing secured loan, and to authorize officers to agree to any further <br />extensions of the due dates of the loan, <br /> <br />200604046 <br /> <br />Account No. 110111001 <br /> <br />MISSION INVESTMENT FUND OF THE <br />EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH IN AMERICA <br />8765 West Higgins Road <br />Chicago, Illinois 60631 <br /> <br />Name of congregation <br />Address <br /> <br />Calvary Lutheran Church <br />1304 N Custer Avenue, Grand Island, NE 68803 <br /> <br />CERTIFICATION BY CONGREGATION OFFICER <br /> <br />I, Da.c.Jtd. Meyer (print name) am the <br />-rr <!'.... ~ ........e r-- (title) of the above named congregation (herein the <br />"Congregation"), and I hereby certify that the following is a true and correct copy of a resolution duly adopted by the <br />Congregation [or] buulld! [cross out as required] at a meeting thereof duly called and held on <br />R f 1': l q ) DC i.:, , at which meeting a quorum was at all times present and acting, and that said <br />resolution re~ains in full force and effect as of the date of this certification: <br /> <br />WHEREAS this Congregation has an outstanding loan in the sum of $205,1 25.03 * from the Mission <br />Investment Fund ofthe Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (the "Fund"), and this Congregation and the Fund <br />propose to modify the terms of the promissory note and/or mortgage evidencing that loan as follows: The tenns of <br />the loan are in accordance with Document (#207) and it is. <br /> <br />RESOLVED that (a) the foregoing modification of the said promissory note and/or mortgage is approved, <br />and the proper officers of this Congregation are authorized to execute a modiflcation agreement to incorporate the <br />foregoing modification with such changes therein as such officers may approve, (b) those officers are also authorized <br />to take all further actions and execute all such further documents as may be necessary to carry out the foregoing <br />modification of the tenns of the loan; and <br /> <br />RESOLVED that in connection with the foregoing loan, in the event that at any time hereafter the Fund <br />may consent to an extension of any due dates for payments of principal and interest of said loan and if the officers of <br />this Congregation deem such extension in the best interests of this Congregation, the proper officers of this <br />Congregation are authorized to enter into agreements on behalf of this Congregation with the Fund to confirm any <br />such extensions and to take all further actions and execute all such further documents as may be necessary to <br />implement such extensions. <br /> <br />Date of certification: <br /> <br />If.:lS''D~> <br /> <br />S;gn'ture of ",tifYiog om"" V w.e ~/-<-- <br />Print name and title: UCt,J, d 1)1 ~y~~ 7 r"'....:LSI.<-.l'~ .- <br /> <br />"'Current Balance <br />