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<br />0~/12iOS THU 14:4~ FAX 308 384 6~~6 <br /> <br />Cl"MiI::;'GHU LAW OFFICE GI <br /> <br />200603940 <br /> <br />the BENEFICIARY, in an ~c at lea&t 8~al to the property':! full <br />insurable va.1ue, whicb policies stLall name the BBIlBFICIARY ;lUI <br />additional ilUlUt'M, with the pt'oc:eeds payable to the partiee ae <br />theit' U1tlu:ests may :Appe..r l:Ie~und.e:r. TR1JSTOJl.S agree tg p~ovide <br />RBRBFICIARY with c:opies of duch policies or certificates of <br />inouran\:. d=ing the teUl of thill indebtedne"li, which policies of <br />insuranoe may Il.Qt be cancelled by SAid carrier without fifteen (15) <br />days written Il.Qtice to BKMHFICIARY. <br /> <br />B. In the l!V8nt the TRVllTIJll:i fail o:z: negl.Qt tQ pay tuell aU<! procure <br />a....udty insurance, 1111 all above set forth, then Bli:1ml'ICIi\RY NY <br />pay such taxes and procure lluc:h insurance, and all BUIllll expend.ed <br />and advanced by 8BIIIBFICI;M.Y "'00 TRUBTBE in aooordance wi th the <br />p:z:ovidOJl5 contained hen!in are lleeured l1erel'Jy an.cI. '..ithout ru..lIIaI1d, <br />lIhall he iBn8distely due &nd pay~le by ~ TRUSTORS and 1I11all bear <br />int.r.lIlt at the rate of ten percent (lOt) per annUlI. until paid; <br />provided however, that ilt the option of the BBNKl1'ICIARY and <br />TRUSTO, llIllCh advancements fot' pa}'lllllnt of taxell and iJWu:t"anoe llI'lY <br />he added to the princilNll bllllUlc:e of any indebtednesB secured <br />hereby lUId. 1h;l.11 bear intllr8ll1t at thB rate of ten J'jM!rcent (lOt) pI'lT <br />llIIQlIIll. until paid. <br /> <br />'l'll.t1$TORS cavenant and agree that a failure to make any payment, eieher <br />principal or intere..t. on the Note secut'ed hereby wben due and payable, or a <br />ta.i.J.~ to cCX1lply with any of the cQVenant.. >md agr~tlI h...~llin IIIllde IlIhall <br />cause the Whole 11.llII of IIIQney hereby secured to become i1llllediately dUB and. <br />eollecdble oilt tho! option of the llBN.l!:J!I'ICIARY, iUId BENBFICIARY shall have the <br />right to eaulle 1I'0tice of Default to be gi"'D IWd. tile pr_illee to be eold all <br />~rovi4ed bcrein. <br /> <br />the partiee mutually agree all followa, <br /> <br />A. At;;my tillll'l and fX'Qlll tillll!! tg time upon written request of <br />BBNBJ!I'ICIARY, paywent of feel and pre.entatiQn of this Deed of ~lIt <br />Ul4 tM Note for sndorlleme.ut (in eaSll of eull reCQnveyance, for <br />olll\.ellllaticm and. retention), without atfect11:19' the liability of any <br />person fDr the payment ot t:be iDdebtl!nmellll, TRtJ$'1'EB may (al aanll&J\t <br />to the makinq of ~ !lap or plat of said property; (b) join in <br />granting any eaaement or creating any reBtr~ctian en.reonl (el join <br />in llIIy subordination 01<" other &g!:e8lllllnt affecting chill O..d. of <br />Trust or tl:le lien or c:harge "Il.creof I (d) reconvey thii! Deed of <br />Trulllt or the lien or chllIge thereof: (d) recomrey, with.o\1t <br />warranty, ,all Or any part at pl<"opllrty upon request of <br />Bll\1RrIClAU . <br /> <br />B. The 9rantee in any Deed of Reconveyance _y he descrihed .... "the <br />person o:r pe:nlorull enti.tled theJ:;"etg". and. the recitalll therein of <br />any matter, or tacts shall be conclusive pl<"oof of the truthfulrt8S& <br />thereof. ReCOllV8}lilDC. .ball operate as II re..aignment of r~t.s and <br />profits assigned ~o TRUSTEE. <br /> <br />c. upon defllult by 'tllUSTORS in t.he payment 0:1: indehtadnes& gecured <br />hereby or in the p"rformmee of ....y a~..lll8I1t heraun"'r, <br />BBlIIEFICIARY llIllY acoelerllt:& payment and. declare ~11 sums secured <br />hereby i_r;Uatdy a.l.\lJ and pllyabl. by delivery to TRUSTEl!: ot <br />wdtt"n declaration of cwfa\l1t. J:f llmmFICIJ\llY dadrllll said <br />property to be ,old., thay ahall ~ait with TRUSTSB thia DRed of <br />Trullt and all p~liIl1lory 401:e. ami documents evidomcin!r <br />expenditlU"es eecur<!Id hel:e1ly, ~ .hlIll deliver to TRUSTEE . written <br />Notice of Default and election to cause said prope:z:ty to be ~old in <br />the form requ.ired by law, whioh shall be duly filed fo;, record by <br />'l'RUSTD. <br /> <br />(1) Altar tl1e lilpse of such time aB I1IilY be required by law <br />fpre.ently being one (1) month following the recQrdation of <br />5lUd ~tice of Default), Notice of Default and lfQticll of Sale <br />hlIving bet!l1 yiVlm aa xeqW.J:;"ed by law, TRUSTBIl, without demand. <br />on TRU8TORS, $hall sell .aid prapet'ty OD tbe dAte an~ at the <br />time it.nd place designated in ,aid Notioe of Sale, at ~lio <br /> <br />-2- <br /> <br />IlJ 0 03 <br />