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<br />05/12/05 :nw 14:~.!'AX 308 3ll.j!l56 <br /> <br />Cl"N!\I)"~ LAW OFFICE GI <br /> <br />200603940 <br /> <br />DaD or ftml'l' ...\ ~, <br />!.,' L-, <br />~oo(.., <br />nus TRUST DRBD _de thi. a .~,,\ day of fY)(l .1 .J ,to:O:lt, bet.....en <br />DWIGfl'1' S. LIVINCS'tON "nd JmL,lIN.[E J. LXv:rnGBTON, ~fe, all 'l'RUSTORS, <br />who_ addre&R ill 309 1If. 6"" Street, Grand Uland.. Nebraska 686Ql; JO)!N M. <br />CUWI1IIIlITlDfAM,. a mc=mber of tb.eNebr..ka State sar AI,,"ocillciOl1. .aB TRUSTlllIO, whoae <br />'u:ldrell is 222 NOrth Cedu .9c_, P. O. !lox 2:.180, Graod. bland, IIl'GraBka 69802; <br />aDd. JOYCE C. CLAlISON, wbole a&1re8lll is 3403 30.h Read, clarkfil, Neb1'allxa 66628, <br />ae BDI'EP'ICIARY. <br /> <br />WI'nIJESlll!.TH, <br /> <br />Tl:tat TRDSTORS hereby grant, .b1U' sell, convey and warn.Ilt to 'tRl18TEE. <br />IN TRUST, hiB heir!. devisees. persOI1al representative., .uec.sgor~ acd <br />.asigns, with power of aale, the follawicg-~8Cribed real property' <br /> <br />LO'1' 'I.'tfO (21. BLCla SID'KEII 1111. Dl'TD OUl:IDL TOMII. .. CITY <br />OJ' lDAIID ISLUID. HALL c:!OIl-.l'Y. lIIIDlllUIEA. <br /> <br />together with all improvementll and appurtenancell thereon- <br /> <br />Tb.e TRUSTORS Iwreby covenant and agree with the TRUSTBB and BBNBl'ICIJIJl.Y <br />that they arl: lawfully lIeised and the ownerD 01: the above-dellcribed property; <br />that they have good right and lawful authority to lIell aDd convey s4id premi~es <br />and that /Said premill.1I are free &11d clear of all liens and. enc1.1lllbrance.s, and <br />, that TRUS'tORS will _=&1\1: aftd. de-rend the title to said premille!l <br />forever aqai~t the 1:1alma of all per.on~ w~lIoeve~- <br /> <br />For the puq>oll& of filec\U"ing performance 01' each agr.......-...nt of TRUS'I'ORS <br />herein containlld and. the p4yment of TIIO 'nIOUSAIlD EIGHT Htl1IIDRI!O DOLLARS <br />($2,800,00), tha TRUSTORB have executed a Trust Deed >>ote bearing even date, at <br />the rate of interest a4d on tha tC~ aDd eoad.i!:iona as set forth in such Tru~t <br />Deed IIl'ote until paid. The principal l!11llI and. iuterellt shall be payable in <br />&caord4nce with upon the ter1llll and condition.s <If "aid. Trullt Deed !fate of <br />even dB.t:e, and in any event the entire principal ba;tance due hereunder and any <br />accnlell intereet Shall b.. paid on May 1, 2010. All payment III due hereunder <br />shall be paid at the addrell& of the 8ENeVtCIARY all above delcribed, or at such <br />ether place all ~~ch BEHBPICIARY o~ the holders of said IIl1curity shall \'1e~ignate <br />in Wl:"iUng. All in.tall....nt pay11Mlll.tll hereunder _ball be applied fint to th$ <br />payment at intere..t on the IIEIp4id halance. purSU!lnt to tbe AmOrtization <br />Schedule, a copy of which hall been provided ta each of the parties heratO, and <br />the remainder of each payment of 81lr;:h ill.stallllll!Ilt to be applied on principal. <br /> <br />It 11 agreed by and beeuten the parties hereto that while title ir;; vested <br />in the rRUSTIE &nd until filing of Notice of Default, the TRUSTOR ~hall: <br /> <br />A. Retain. p011l8111icm of the PrClllflrty at all tilll9lJ. eJCl;:ept 4!1 may :be <br />otharwille agreed ~y the p.~tie. in writiDq. <br /> <br />8. Maintain the reaide!lee and any other improvetnents located on the <br />real property in gQOd condition and repair. <br /> <br />C. Pay all general iU1d epecid tax.. and all special llUelIS1ll8l1til of <br />every kind levied or allSeesed. or c1u.e upon said. propeJ:ty <br />before delinquency, and to deliver to B:BHB1!"ICIlIAY capies of <br />receipts showing ~t of SUCh taxes each yea~, <br /> <br />D. ~ocure and ~iIltain ~olieiea of all-ri.k ill.sut~e on laid <br />imp~nt!l. in IIUlllB >md underwritten by companies acceptabl.. to <br /> <br />-1- <br /> <br />~002 <br />
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