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200603057 <br />(C) Interest Rate Limit <br />My interest rate will never be greater than 9.9500 %. Beginning with the <br />first Interest Rate Change Date, my interest rate will never be lower than the Margin. <br />(D) Index <br />Beginning with the first Interest Rate Change Date, my adjustable interest rate will be <br />based on an Index. The "Index" is the "Twelve -Month Average" of the annual yields on <br />actively traded United States Treasury Securities adjusted to a constant maturity of one year <br />as published by the Federal Reserve Board in the Federal Reserve Statistical Release entitled <br />"Selected Interest Rates (h. 15)" (the "Monthly Yields "). The Twelve Month Average is <br />determined by adding together the Monthly Yields for the most recently available twelve <br />months and dividing by 12. The most recent Index figure available as of the date 15 days <br />before each Interest Rate Change Date is called the "Current Index." <br />If the Index is no longer available, the Note Holder will choose a new index that is based <br />upon comparable information. The Note Holder will give me notice of this choice. <br />(E) Calculation of Interest Rate Changes <br />Before each Interest Rate Change Date, the Note Holder will calculate my new interest <br />rate by adding THREE AND THREE HUNDRED TWENTY FIVE THOUSANDTHS percentage point(s) <br />( <br />3.3250 %) to the Current Index subject to the limit stated in <br />Section 2(C) above. The Note Holder will then round the result of this addition to the nearest <br />one- eighth of one percentage point (0.125 %). This rounded amount will be my new interest <br />rate until the next Interest Rate Change Date. <br />3. PAYMENTS <br />(A) Time and Place of Payments <br />I will pay principal and interest by making a payment every month. <br />I will make my monthly payments on the first day of each month beginning on <br />MAY IST, 2006 . I will make these payments every month until I have paid all the <br />principal and interest and any other charges described below that 1 may owe under this Note. <br />Each monthly payment will be applied as of its scheduled due date and will be applied to <br />interest before Principal. If, on APRIL 1ST, 2036 , I still owe amounts under this <br />Note, I will pay those amounts in full on that date, which is called the "Maturity Date." <br />I will make my monthly payments at 27725 STANSBURY BLVD, SUITE 375, <br />FARMINGTON HILLS, MI 48334 <br />or at a different place if required by the Note Holder. <br />(B) Amount of My Initial Monthly Payments <br />Each of my initial monthly payments will be in the amount of U.S. $ 929.64 <br />This amount may change. <br />(C) Payment Change Dates <br />My monthly payment may change as required by Section 3(D) below beginning on the <br />first day of MAY, 2007 , and on that day every 12th month thereafter. Each of these <br />dates is called a "Payment Change Date." My monthly payment also will change at any time <br />Section 3(F) or 3(G) below requires me to pay a different monthly payment. <br />Initials: <br />7754035 (0402) Al Page 2 of 5 Form 3184 1/01 <br />MFCDO262 (09/2005) / 042 - 727259 -5 fA_J <br />
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