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<br />Beneficillry 5h\\1I blilen enlitled to ~)o.~l'\'isc every righl provid.,d f<;>r in !lny of the LOlln 11111lrUm"nl~ I"r bv Inw tlpon ()ccurrc.ln.;~ M uny event of clet <br />inr::ll,lding the right to exerci:;c th~ power ofsalc: 20 O' 60 2368 <br /> <br />(ii) <br /> <br />commence an action to foreclose Ihi~ DCl;'d of Tnlst M a l'Ilongage, upl"oint 1I receiver or specifically enrot<;;o;: lIny of the COVlJ~ <br /> <br />hereof; <br /> <br />(iii) deliver 1(,) Truslee a written declaration M dcfll\lU l\!Jd demand for sale llud a wrhlen notice of default and det:tion 10 C <br />Trustor'lI intcrC$~ in the Trust Estate to be sold. which notice trustee shall ellU$(: to be duly filed for record in the Ilppropriate officcs oftha COUll' <br />which the Trust Eslate is located: or <br /> <br />(iv) exercise such other rights or n:medies at law or in eql,lity. <br /> <br />1 I. For~cI".fu"e fly Power o.f Salt!. I f Beneficiary elects to foreclose by e:u:rcise of l:hc Pow~r ('If Sale herein contained. Acne I1cillry $h~1111l <br />Trustee and shall deposit with Truslee this Second Deed of Trus( llnd any note evidencing lhe lndebtll'dness I'Ind s\lch receipts and evidence of el{l'cru;lit <br />made and secured hereby as Trustee may require. <br /> <br />(a) Upon receipt (Jf SllCh noti..,e from Bcndidary. .rru!ltee sholl ~~I,l~';: tc.l be recorded. p\lblishcd and delivered 1.0 Trl,l$l,Or such Nt <br />(If Default and Notice or Sale os then rtquirc:d by law and by this Second Deed o(Tru~t. TruSttlt shall. without demand on Trustor, oller ~uch tirrl <br />may the;:n be;: required by law and after recon:liltitm of stich NOlice of Default and aller Nolice of Sale having. been given as required by law, sell <br />Trust Estate at the time and place of sale fixed by it in such Notice of Sale, either as a whole, or in separale lots or pareels nr items as Trustee 5 <br />deem expedient, and in !':uch Mdcr as it ml1Y d...,lc:rm;nc, at public allcllon to Ihe highest hidder fl,lf "(lith in lawful mc>ney of tile Unit.:d ~tQleS I'ay: <br />at the time of sale, Trustee shall deliver to such purchllser or purchasers lhereof its gl)tld lIntl sufficient de~ or decds conveying the property so $ <br />but without (lny covenant or warranty. exprc5s or implied. Thl:l recilols in sl,lch deed uf any matters or fnclll shall he conclusive proor uf <br />lr\lthflllness thereof. Any person, including without limitation TrustOT, Trl,l\'tr;c; Qr 6enc;ficiary, may purrwha:;;e at such snlc. <br /> <br />(b) As mAY be permiUed by law, liner deducting all costs. fees and el{penSCll or Trulltee nnd Mthis Trust. itlr;llldillg cosls ofevidc <br />oftille in connection wilh !lole. TrusteQ .shllll flpply the pwcce(ls ofSflle to payment of (i) the Indebtedness (ii) 311 other sums then secured hereby, <br />(iii) the remainder, if any, to the person or !,crsons legally entitled thereto. <br /> <br />(e) Trustee may in the manner provided by law P()stpone llalc of;J1I or any port.ion ofthc Tryst E:;latc. <br /> <br />12. R(!medil's Not E.'t(cluslv~. Truslee and Bencliciar~l. and each of Ulllm. shall bll entitled tll Ilnrorcc pl'yrl1o;:ht lInd performance Qf <br />indebtedness or obligations s~urcd hereby ilnd to exercise nil rights and powers under this Second Deed oj' Trust or under any I"oall IIlSlrumenl \.lr 0 <br />agreement or any laws now C>T I,crenfteT in fore/;i notwithstanding. some or all of the such indebtedness and obli~atlons secured hereby may now or hereanc <br />otherwise secured. whether by mllrtgagc. deed of trust. pledge. lien. 115signment or otherwise. Neither the llcccpt:mee of this Second IJced of Trust nOI <br />enforccmcnt, whether by court action or pl,l/Ci\Ifl,nl to thl; power or sllll; or othcr powers herein eontained. shall prl;iudiee or in !lny manner aIlect Tl'ustce'; <br />Beneficiary's rig,ht 10 realize upon or enforce Itn)' tIther Sllcurity n,.!w or hcrcl\fb:r held by Truster': or 6cncfidllry. il bcing Ilgrcctl that Tnl~lee llnd Benefiel <br />and caeh of them, shall be l:ntitled to entorce this ~econd Deed ol"Truslllnd any other Sllcurity now l)r I1Clraaner held by Rcncfieinry or Tru::;lee ill SI,Il:h 01 <br />ll.nd manner as. they or either of them may it! their absolute discretion determine. No remedy lu:rein conferred upon or rellcrved to Tl\ or Benclll:illT <br />intended to be exdullivc of any other remedy herein 01' hy law provided or pcrmiue(1. but each shall be .;urr1\lllltivl: and shall be ijn addition tu every (J' <br />remedy given hereunder or now or hereafter existing a.t law or in equity Qr lly stAtl,llc. Ei,lery r(w"er or remedy gi\'<::n by lmy of the Lonn Inslll.,menls 10 Tru: <br />or Beneficiary or to which either of them may be otherwise cntillcd. mllY be exerciSed. l;onc\ ot il1dcpclJdenUy. fTom lime to time and as often as mll~ <br />deemed cKpedicllt by tru~lce or Benericiary Ilnd either of them may porS\IC inconsistent rctl1edies, Nlithit'1g hercin shall bl; I;onstrucd as prohibil <br />Beneficiary (rom !iceking a 4encicncy jl,ldghieTlt against the Trustor to thc extent such m;tion is pennitted by Jaw. <br /> <br />13. Reqllest For Norit:e. Trustor and all other l'I11rtie~ set forth herein her.:!,)' requests 11 e....")' Orany Noticc or Ocrl1(lh lInd II copy <;>f My No <br />OfSllh: hereunder be mailed to Ihcm at the address set forth in the first parllgraph nflhis Second Oood ofTrullt. <br /> <br />14. GfJl'(!rnilW L,ni'. This Second Deed of Trust shall be governed by Md conSlruedln litclmluncc wilh the Il'lws (lfthe Stllte ofNl;'bH1~kll. <br />the event that any provision or c1ausc ofany of the Loan Instruments conflicts with, such conflict shll.llnalllfTecl othll'r prllvisiuhS of SlJ"h J... <br />IMtrull\l1nt~ which cl'ln he given effect without Ihl;' connieting pr(wision. !lnd 10 this end the provisions of Ihe Loall Instruments arc declared to bol Solvera <br />This Instrument cannOl be waived, cha.nged, discharged Qr tcnninnlcd ornlly. bIll. (lnly by an instnlmellt in writing signed by the party against wi, <br />enf\'lrt:emCl1t of any wftivcr, change, discharge or tcnnination is sought. <br /> <br />15. , Ruollvty""cl' by TrII,IUt. Upon writtcn request of Beneficiary $tilting I,hat all sum., sttlurcd hereby have been pnid IInd tlpOn sllrrendc <br />tit is Second Dced of Trust 11l1(lllny note to trustee ror cancellation nn" retentil)n and upon pa)'ment by Tru!lltlr of Trll:'lle~'!1 fees. T~ll1lt~e shall reconVe) <br />Trustor. or thl! person or persol1s legally entitled thereto. wilhout warranty. any portion of Ihe Tnlst Estate then hdd hereunder. Thc l'Ccill'l,ls in s <br />reconveyance of allY malleI'S nr filets llhnll be conellls,vr; proof of the truthfu Ines~ thereof. The grantee in any reconveyance may bc described liS "tlte persot <br />persons 1l:gQlly entitled lherdo." <br /> <br />16. NotletJ. Whenever Rcnefidnry, TruSl1)t <,IT Th,lstc:e Shllll desire to give or serve any notice. demand. rcqtlest or other communication v <br />respect to this Second Deed of Trust. eoeh such Mtice, demand, reque!;t c;lT nther communicntion shall be in writing and shall be effcetive only if the sam< <br />delivered by personal service or mailed hy certified mail, txlstag.e I'rcl'nid, rclum rcc~ipl requesled. addtcsscd to Ihc addn:ss sel forth at the beginning of I <br />Second Deed of Trust. Any rarty may at any time ~hllngc its address fur such notices by delivering or m::1ilin,e 10 the other parties hCI'cto. all arofe~ait.l, a no: <br />ofl;uch ehal1ge. <br /> <br />17. Acceplllllce by Trllstct!. Trustee accepts thiS Tru~t whell thil> Second Deed (If Trust, duly cXI;lCl,lted and acknowledged. is made a pul <br />record a~ provided by law. <br /> <br />16 <br /> <br />03/15/2006 <br /> <br />N'....A. MDnLtm.'fl"J <br />8:43AM (GMT-06:00) <br />