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<br />compliahcc with the insurance req\,itcments of the Fir~t Deed or Trust or mortgage shall he ~lIf1ir;;ichllo satisfy the req\lircmcnlJ t,rthis pamgmph 3 rei a' <br />insul'ilncc. . 2 0 0 6 0 2 3 6 8 <br /> <br />Trustor shall flmtTlptly repair and repl:Jce the Trust Esll1te or allY part thereof !loth!!t, except for ordinnry WeM !IMd tClIr. the Tru:::t ~stlltc (\11, <br />dctcriof:ate. In no event shalllhe Trustor commit WlIstc on or t('t the Tr\lst Estate, or commil. sufr<:t or permit any act 10 hll donll in or upr:>n the Trust I~s <br />violation or n,tly hlw, ordinance or reglllatforJ. Truslor shall p!lY Ilnd promptly discharge at TrU$L'.It'~ ..ost and expense IlII liens, encumbranccs and cI <br />levied. imposed or J)$SCSsed against the Trust Estate or lIrJY part thereof. <br /> <br />4. Acfioll.v Affecting TTlltlt E!;t<<le. Tnrstor shall appear in Ilnd contest any action or purportin!! III alr~cl the 5cetlrity hcreof <br />rights or pOW(lrs of Beneficiary or Trustee, ilnd ~hlll1 rillY ~dl costs and expenses, incll1cling cost of e...idence of title tlnd nttorl1eys' r~es, in VIlY such ad <br />proceeding in which Rmlefieiury or Trustee may nf)pcllr, If TrtlS10r fails to Milke llny payment or to (1\) f)ny ilct as and in the manner pruvided in any <br />LOllM Instruments, Beneficiary and/or TrUlltell. ellch ill theIr own discretion. without obligation $(1 lO do ~\nd without notice to or demand upon Tru!:tl <br />without releasing Trustor from MY obllgarjon, tYl<ly make or do the same in sueh manner and to sueh elltent as either may deem necessary to protect the $C <br />hereof. 'trustor shall, immediately up(ln demand therefor by Benendllty. pay all eosls and Ilxpl,':n:;c;~ incurred by Beneficiary in Ilonlll;l;tion with the c;tcrc <br />Beneficiary or the foregoing rights, ineltJl;liog without Ii mitation C(lsts of evidence of title, court costs, appraisals, $urveys ltnd attorneys' fees. <br /> <br />5. Eminellt DfJmtli,J. If the Trust E.'llllle. or OMy part thereof or inl:crest tnerdn, be taken or damaged by reason or lltly pl,lblil.l improvcm <br />conclemno.tiotl prQcE:ooing, or in any othQr manncr including dee:d in lieu thereot ("C1mdcm1'1ation"), or if Tru$lor rCCl;ives any notice or other inforn <br />regarding such procetding, Trustor shall give: "tompt written notice thereof to Beneficiary. Trustor shall be entitled to 011 compensation, award~ \md <br />payment.s or relief thereor IHld shall be entitled at its \lplio\1 to commence. appeAr in IInd prosecute in Us OWI1 n~mc any action or proceedings. TrllstOl <br />also be entitled t.o make any compromi$c or settlement in conMllctitm with such laking (lr damilgc. <br /> <br />6. Appnintlne"l of Sr/CCI!81U'1' Trusfc/!. Bcncfici:IrY 111;11'. from time to timr1, by ;I written instrument llXt! and acknowledge <br />Beneficiary, mailed l(l Trustor and recorded in the County in which the Tnlst Estatc Is located and by otherwise: complying with Ihc provision!: of the appl <br />law of the Stllte QrNebraska substitute a ~ueeessor or successor~ to the Trustee named herein or ill:!ting hereunder. <br /> <br />7. $1lrc:t:S3QrS tlnd A.~.dC"'r. This Second Deed of Trust applies to, inures to the benefit of iilnd bind~ alll'Artie!l f1etdo, their hcir~, leg <br />de...isees, personal rc,,~~cI'ILlltivC5. successors nnd H$signs. The lcrm "Bcnllf"iQhuy" shall mClll\ the QWOQT and holder or any promissory note gi... <br />bencnci<1ry. <br /> <br />8. Merger. Co,'so/idtltiOll, Sallts fI' Lcv..,cs, Tru~tor C~Wtlnants that Trustor will nQI soil. Icase or otherwise dispose of any of lhe TrUSt r <br />Tn the event that Trustor sells, leases or otherwise di5poses of any part or thl:: Trust Estate, I3cneficil1ry may at its option decllltC the Indebtedness ~I'" <br />l1e\'l:by immediately due llnd Pllyable, whether or nol any default exists. Beneficiary shall cQnSent to a transfer of the TrUst Estate to a third rarty to Ihe: ~ <br />Sueh third pal1y meets the requirement!; contained in. and assumes the obligations Slll forth in the First Deed of Trust. The covenants C(lIIlDintld herein sha <br />with the Property and shall remain in foil force and effect ul'1til the Indebtedness is paid in full. <br /> <br />9. E",mts DI,De/lilllt Any orthe following CVcntS shall be deemed an <:vent of default hereunder; <br /> <br />(a) default shall be made in the paymt!nt (If the rndebtedne!:~ or any other sum secured hereby when due; or <br /> <br />(b) Trustor shall perform any aCI in bankruptcy; or <br /> <br />(c) a court of competent juri.~diction shall enter lU\ (ltder, judgment or dcere':' $pproving a petition filed lIgllinst 'l'rwaor seck in! <br />reorgll.nization. dissolution or similar relief under !lnY present or Mure federal. state or other statute, law or regullltion relating to hankru <br />insolvency or other relief f6r debtors, and sueh order. jl,ldgment or decree shill I remain unvocaled And unstayed for an Ilggtcgate of sixty (60) <br />(whelher or nOI conl'ecullve) from thc nrst date or en11]' thereof: or any l,fI.1stee, receiver or liqui~lllt(lr or Trustor elr llf 1\11 IJI (lny pLItt of the' <br />Estate, or of any or all of the royalties, n;vcnues, rellts, iSS\lcS or profits therenr: shl,ll] be appoilllcd wiU10\lt thc C;;Ollsent or acquiescence ofTrusto <br />S\leh appointment shall remain un...aeatcd and unstayed for llh aggregate ofsixty (60) days (wheth(lr or not conscctltive); or <br /> <br />Cd) a writ of execution ()r 1I11.l\chmcnl or lIn)' simil<1t pror;:e5s shall be enl.ered against trustor which shall become n lieD on the' <br />Estate or any portion Ih~tcor or intere~t therein and sueh execulit,'ln. lItt~chment or similAr process of Judgment is noi rclea.~ed, bOl1dcd. satb <br />vacated Of stayed within sixty (60) days after its entry or levy: or <br /> <br />(c) tl1crc has occurre(1 n breach of Dr ddavlt undcr any term, co...enant, agrecment, con(lition. provision, rorre~~l1tation or warl <br />contained in the Fitt;l Deed of Trust or any prior deed ortTl,IS! or mortgage arreeting t!,e Trust Estate. <br /> <br />10, Accelcrtlf/M "POII I)c/QlIlt: Adliftiomtl Reme(i;es. It'an event ofdcfauh occurll. Beneficiary may declare lh~ Jndcbtc;;dncss sccLlrc~l he <br />to be due and paYDbre and the same shall thcrQlIpOn bceomtl dUe ond payable withoullll1Y presentmelll, dcmal1d. protesl or notiCe of ~ny kind. ll,crc( <br />Beneficiary may: <br /> <br />(i) either in peroon (lr by agent, wilh or withQut bringing any lu:tion or proceeding, or by a receiver appointed by a court lllld wit <br />regllrd to the adeql.l"ey of its security, enter llpOIl and lnke P~'ssc.~siQn of the Trust;:. or any part thereof. in its own Ilomll or in the nam <br />Trustee, and do any aets which it deems necessary or dc!:irnble to preserve the value, marketability or renlabillty of the Trust Est{lte. or p~11lherel <br />interest therein, increllse the income thl!rr;from or protect the ~ee\lrity hcre(lr fU'lr,l. with or withol,ltlllking p05."ic~5ioll or the Tr\l~t E~tate. sue f( <br />otherwiSE: collect the rents, issues Qnd profit5 thereof, including those past due find unpaid. and :ll"ply the $amc, ll:~s eosts !lJ1d expen!lCS of oper~ <br />and collection including attorney:;' rc!;:>. \Ipon any indehtcdm:.~$ secured hereby_ nil in sllch order Il~ Renclicinry IMY determillC. Thc clHcting L <br />and possession /If the Tnlst I~sta!e. the collc;etioll of such rllnls, is!ltles and prolils anti the applical.illn thereof liS aforcsnid shall not eur <br />waive any deflluH (lr notice of default hereunder or invalidate any act clone jn fel'ponSC to sueh dcfl1l,1lt or pllr!luant tn ~uch notice or ddault <br />nOlwithslnndil1g the contil'lJ.lllnCe in posse!:sil~n of the lrust Eslatc or the collection, tecdpt find application of rents, i!:sucs or proJits, fruste <br /> <br />15 <br /> <br />03/15/2006 <br /> <br />NIl:" Il.tbht"mrt., <br />8:43AM (GMT-06:00) <br />