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200312596 <br />SEVERANCE AGREEMENT <br />THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into on this /ZC day of July, 2003, by and <br />between MICHAEL D. ROUSH, hereinafter referred to as "Roush" and JAMES R. HATCH <br />AND BEVERLY J. HATCH, hereinafter referred to as "Hatch ". <br />WITNESSETH: <br />WHEREAS, the real estate subject to this agreement is legally described as follows and is <br />hereinafter referred to as "the subject real estate ", to -wit: <br />A tract of land comprising a part of Lots 3 and 4, Island and part of the Northeast <br />Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (NE' /4SW' /4), all in Section 27, Township 11 <br />North, Range 9 West of the 6t' P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, said tract being <br />more particularly described as follows. With reference to the West Quarter corner <br />of said Section 27; thence running on an assumed bearing of S 01 23'04" E on the <br />West line of said Section 27 for a distance of 348.91 feet; thence N 89 49'59" E <br />for 432.82 feet; thence N 01 23'29" W for 352.81 feet; thence N 89 17'44" E for <br />227.12 feet to the actual POINT OF BEGINNING; thence N 89 1744" E for <br />142.98 feet; thence S 0120'41 " E for 356.28 feet; thence N 89 49'59" E for <br />364.48 feet; N. 0122'45" W for 360.07 feet; thence N 89 1707" E for 138.92 feet; <br />thence N 00 5 P02" W for 625.06 feet; thence N 75 20'47" E for 8.52 feet; thence <br />N 80 3525" E for 143.87 feet; thence S 3140'02" E for 86.44 feet; thence S 67 <br />1 P10" E for 588.34 feet; to the Northwest corner of Lot 4, FIRETHORNE <br />ESTATES SUBDIVISION, an addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, <br />Nebraska, thence S 09 24'02" W on the West line of Lots 4 and 3 of said <br />subdivision for 887.07 feet to the Southwest corner of said Lot 3; thence S 69 <br />58'00" W for 410.16 feet to a point on the East line of Lot 1 of said subdivision; <br />thence S 47 27'08" E 362.61 feet; thence N 89 49'49" E 507.24 feet to a point on <br />the West line of Lot 1 of said subdivision; thence N 01 2' )'10" W 60.00 feet <br />Northerly of the Northwest corner thereof; thence S 89 49'59" W for 60.01 feet; <br />thence N 01 23'04" W for 354.94 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, said tract <br />containing 19.82 acres more or less. <br />WHEREAS, Hatch purchased the subject real estate from Dana Jelinek, Ron Jelinek, <br />Michael D. Roush and Marlene D. Roush by virtue of a Real Estate Purchase Agreement entered <br />into by and ong the parties on the /D day of July, 2003, which transaction closed on <br />September A, 2003; <br />WHEREAS, by virtue of the afore- referenced agreement, Roush retained ownership of a <br />60 x 40 metal outbuilding currently situated in the northwest corner of the subject real estate; <br />WHEREAS, the parties desire to confirm the ownership of the metal outbuilding and to <br />provide for the proper disposition of the improvement particularly in the event of the death of <br />any of the parties hereto. <br />1 <br />
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