<br />State Of Nebraska Ss County Of Hall
<br />On the 4 tS day of 2003, before me
<br />- o Notary Public within and tol said County, personally appeared MICHAEL D. kOUSH, o
<br />single person, MARLENE C. ROUSH, a single person, DANA JELINEK and RON JELINEK,
<br />wife and husband, to me personally known to be the identical persons whose
<br />signatures are affixed hereto, and that each did acknowledge the execution thereof to
<br />be his or her voluntary act and deed.
<br />iN WITNESS WHEREOF, 1 have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed my official
<br />' seal at Grand Island, Nebraska, on the date last above written.
<br />My commission expires��neT 3� ZcoQ .
<br />Wkai
<br />i
<br />* "orb * Notary Pub I
<br />( eap�
<br />R OF NECR�
<br />E
<br />I hereby certify that on July 31, 2003, I completed an accurate survey of
<br />FIRETHORNE ESTATES SECOND SUBDIVISION, in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, as
<br />shown on the accompanying plot thereof, • that the lots, blocks, streets, avenues, alleys,
<br />parks, commons and other grounds as contained in said subdivision as shown on the
<br />accompanying plat thereof are well and accurately stoked off and marked; that iron
<br />markers were placed at all lot comers, that the dimensions of each lot are as shown
<br />on the plat, that each lot bears its own number, and that said survey was made with
<br />reference to known and recorded monuments.
<br />,j'gRAS)
<br />STBp�'9
<br />-57e eryl D. S rgenfrei, Reg LaM Surveyor No. 578
<br />PC'�OLU.�.," �4?
<br />A SORO�
<br />Submitted to and approved by the Regional 'Planning Commission of Hall County,
<br />Grand island, Wood River and the Villages of Aldo, Cairo and Doniphon, Nebraska.
<br />Approved and accepted by the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, this �t day of
<br />2003.
<br />Mayor City Clerk
<br />(Seal)
<br />A tract of land comprising all of Lot One (1), Firethome Estates Subdivision, a part
<br />of Lots Three (3) and Four (4) Island and a part of the Northeast Ouarter of the
<br />southwest Quarter (NE114SWl 14), all in Section Twenty Seven (27), Township Eleven
<br />(11) North, Range Nine (9) West of the 6th P.M., in the City of Grand Island, Hall
<br />County, Nebraska, more particularly described as follows.
<br />Beginning at the West Quarter Corner of said Section Twenty Seven (17), thence
<br />running southerly along the west line of said Section Twenty Seven (17), on on
<br />Assumed Bearing of S0123104 7E, a distance of Three Hundred Forty Eight and Ninety
<br />One Hundredths (348.91) feet, • thence running N8949'10 "E, a distance of Four
<br />Hundred Thirty Two and Eighty Two Hundredths (432.81) feet, • thence running
<br />N012330 "W, a distance of Three Hundred Fifty Two and Eighty One Hundredths
<br />(351.81) feet, thence running N89'1849 "E, a distance of Two Hundred Twenty Seven
<br />and Four Hundredths (1.7.04) feel, to the ACTUAL Point Of Beginning; thence running
<br />N89'17'35 "E, a distance of One Hundred Forty Two and Ninety Eight Hundredths
<br />(142.98) feel, thence running S0121101"E, o distance of Three Hundred Fifty Six and
<br />Twenty Eight Hundredths (356.28) feet, • thence running N89'4939 "E, a distance of
<br />Three Hundred Sixty Four and Forty Eight Hundredths (364.48) feet, thence running
<br />N012149 "W, a distance of Three Hundred Sixty and Seven Hundredths (360.07) feet,
<br />thence running N89'16'15 E, a distance of One Hundred Thirty Eight and Ninety Two
<br />Hundredths (138.91) feet, • thence running N00'50 54 "W, a distance of Six Hundred
<br />Twenty Five and Six Hundredths (615.06) feet, • thence running N75'31'57"E, a distance
<br />of Eight and Forty Six Hundredths (8.46) feet; thence running N80'2505 "E, a distance
<br />of One Hundred Forty Four and One Hundredth (144.01) feet; thence running
<br />S31'30'00 "E, a distance of Eighty Six and Seventy Four Hundredths (86.74) feet,
<br />thence running S67'1049 "E, a distance of Five Hundred Eighty Eight and Thirty Nine
<br />Hundredths (58839) feet, to the northwest comer of Lot Four (4), frethome Estates
<br />Subdivision; thence running S09'24'02 "W, along the westerly line of Lots Three(3) and
<br />Four (4), Frethome Estates Subdivision, a distance of Eight Hundred Eighty Seven and
<br />Seven Hundredths (887.07) feet, to the northwest comer of Lot Two (2), Firethome
<br />Estates Subdivision; thence running S69'58'00 "W, a distance of Seven Hundred Sixty
<br />and Sixteen Hundredths (760.16) feet, to a point on the easterly line of sold Lot One
<br />(1), Firethome Estates Subdivision; thence running S0122'18 "E, along the easterly line
<br />of said Lot One (1), Firethome Estates Subdivision, a distance of One Hundred Sixty
<br />(160.00) feet; thence running S0126'02 E, along the easterly line of said Lot One (1),
<br />Firethome Estates Subdivision, a distance of Three Hundred Sixteen and Forty Seven
<br />Hundredths (316.47) feet, to the southeast corner of said Lot One (1), Firethore
<br />Estates Subdivision; thence running 589'54'08 "W, along the southerly line of said Lot
<br />One (1), Firethome Estates Subdivision, o distance of Four Hundred Thirty Six and
<br />Ninety One Hundredths (436.91) feet, to the southwest corner of said Lot One (1),
<br />rrethorne Estates Subdivision; thence running N0123'17 "W, along the westerly line of
<br />said Lot One (1), Frethome Estates Subdivision and its extension, a distance of Nine
<br />Hundred and Ninety One Hundredths (900.91) feet, • thence running 589'51'16 "W, a
<br />distance of Sixty and Five Hundredths (60.05) feet, • thence running N01'1332 "W, a
<br />distance of Three Hundred Fifty Four and Ninety Hundredths (354.90) feet, to the
<br />ACTUAL Point of Beginning and containing 29.876 acres more or less.
<br />KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that, MICHAEL D. ROUSH, a single person,
<br />MARLENE C. ROUSH, a single person, DANA JELINEK and RON JELINEK wife and
<br />husband, being the owners of the land described hereon, have caused same to be
<br />surveyed, subdivided, platted and designated as FIRETHORNE ESTATES SECOND
<br />SUBDIVISION, in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, as shown on the accompanying
<br />plat thereof, and do hereby dedicate the easements, if any, as shown thereon for the
<br />location, construction and maintenance of public service utilities forever, together with
<br />the right of ingress and egress thereto, and hereby prohibiting the planting of frees,
<br />bushes and shrubs, or placing other obstructions upon, over, along or underneath the
<br />surface of such easements; and that the foregoing subdivision as more particularly
<br />described in the description hereon as appears on this is made with the free consent
<br />and in accordance with the desires of the undersigned owners and proprietors.
<br />iN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have affixed our signatures hereto at Grand Island,
<br />Nebraska, this-4-LA—day of oQuqui 1 2003.
<br />Michael D. Roush Dona 'Jellnek
<br />V.
<br />More C. Roush Ron Jbllnek
<br />