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20031`050 <br />0) to employ such agents, attorneys, accountants, investment counsel, trustees, <br />caretakers and other persons and entities, and to delegate duties hereunder and <br />pay such compensation, as my attorney -in -fact may deem necessary or <br />appropriate; and <br />(k) to do, execute, perform and finish for me and in my name all things which my <br />attorney -in -fact shall deem necessary or appropriate, in and about or concerning <br />my property or any part thereof. <br />In addition, I specifically authorize my attorney -in -fact to deal with tax <br />authorities, to execute and sign on my behalf any and all Federal, state, local and foreign income <br />and gift tax returns, including estimated returns and interest, dividends, gains and transfer <br />returns, for all periods between 1975 and 2050, and to pay any taxes, penalties and interest due <br />thereon; to allocate generation- skipping transfer tax exemptions (within the meaning of Section <br />2642(a) of the Internal Revenue Code) and to make tax elections; to represent me or to sign an <br />Internal Revenue Service Form 2848 (Power of Attorney or Declaration of Representative) or <br />Form 8821 (Tax Information Authorization), or comparable authorization, appointing a qualified <br />lawyer, certified public accountant or enrolled agent (including my attorney -in -fact if so <br />qualified) to represent me before any office of the Internal Revenue Service or any state, local or <br />foreign taxing authority with respect to the types of taxes and years referred to above, and to <br />specify on said authorization said types of taxes and years; to receive from or inspect <br />confidential information in any office of the Internal Revenue Service or state, local or foreign <br />tax authority; to receive and deposit. in any one of my bank accounts, or those of any revocable <br />trust of mine, checks in payment of any refund of Federal, state, local or foreign taxes, penalties <br />and interest; to pay by check drawn on any bank account of mine or of any revocable trust of <br />mine and have accounts to permit my attorney -in -fact to draw checks for payment of said items; <br />to execute waivers (and offers of waivers) of restrictions on assessment or collection of <br />deficiencies in taxes and waivers of notice of disallowance of a claim for credit or refund; to <br />execute consents extending the statutory period for assessment or collection of such taxes; to <br />execute offers in compromise and closing Agreements under Section 7121 or comparable <br />provisions of the Internal Revenue Code or any Federal, state, local or foreign tax statutes or <br />regulations; to delegate authority or to substitute another representative for any one previously <br />appointed by me or my attorney -in -fact; and to receive copies of all notices and other written <br />communications involving my Federal, state, local or foreign taxes at such address as my <br />attorney -in -fact may designate. <br />This power of attorney is a durable power of attorney, and it shall not be affected <br />by my becoming disabled, incompetent or incapacitated. It is my intent that the authority <br />conferred herein shall be exercisable notwithstanding my physical disability or mental <br />incompetence. <br />This power of attorney, however, shall terminate on January 31, 2004. <br />To induce any third party to act hereunder, I hereby agree that any third party <br />receiving a duly executed copy or facsimile of this power of attorney may act hereunder, and that <br />revocation or termination hereof shall be ineffective as to such third party unless and until actual <br />3 <br />
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