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200507323 <br />ORDINANCE NO. 8945 (Cont.) <br />and Bennett's Fourth Addition to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, from the easterly line of <br />Vine Street in said City to a line joining the northeasterly corner of said Block 80 and the <br />southeasterly corner of said Block 93, all being in the City of Grand Island, Hall. County, <br />Nebraska, containing 0.485 acres, more or less, as shown on the attached plat marked Exhibit <br />"A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. <br />SECTION 2. The consideration for such conveyance shall be Twenty Five <br />Dollars ($25.00). Conveyance of the real estate above described shall be by quitclaim deed, <br />subject to the restriction that no building shall be permitted on the premises but that the premises <br />will be set aside as open space. The City of Grand Island shall not be required to furnish an <br />abstract of title. <br />SECTION 3. As provided by law, notice of such conveyance and the terms <br />thereof shall be published for three consecutive weeks in the Grand Island Independent, a <br />newspaper published for general circulation in the City of Grand Island. Immediately after the <br />passage and publication of this ordinance, the City Clerk is hereby directed and instructed to <br />prepare and publish said notice. <br />SECTION 4. Authority is hereby granted to the electors of the City of Grand <br />Island to file a remonstrance against the conveyance of such within described real estate; and if a <br />remonstrance against such conveyance signed by registered voters of the City of Grand Island <br />equal in number to thirty percent of the registered voters of the City of Grand Island voting at the <br />last regular municipal election held in such City be filed with the City Council within thirty days <br />of passage and publication of such ordinance, said property shall not then, nor within one year <br />thereafter, be conveyed. <br />-2- <br />