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200507323 <br />ORDINANCE NO. 8945 <br />An ordinance directing and authorizing the conveyance of property to GI Venture, <br />L.P., a limited partnership; providing for the giving of notice of such conveyance and the terms <br />thereof, providing for the right to file a remonstrance against such conveyance; providing for <br />publication and the effective date of this ordinance. <br />WHEREAS, on October S, 1970, by Ordinance No. 4876, the City of Grand <br />Island approved the vacation of a portion of 16th Street, from Vine Street to the Burlington <br />Northern Railroad right -of -way; and <br />WHEREAS, on February 8, 1971, by Ordinance No. 4977, the City of Grand <br />Island approved the conveyance of such vacated property to Robert R. Rector, Harold F. Hoppe, <br />and W.F. Hoppe, Ir.; and <br />WHEREAS, due to an apparent oversight, the deed conveying such property was <br />never executed or recorded with the Hall County Register of Deeds; and <br />WHEREAS, such property has changed ownership since the conveyance was <br />originally authorized and approved in 1971; and <br />WHEREAS, the current owners of the property are interested in obtaining this <br />property, and it is proper to convey the property to the current property owners under the same <br />terms and conditions. <br />BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF <br />GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: <br />SECTION 1. Approval is hereby granted for the conveyance to GI VENTURE, <br />L.P., a limited partnership, of a part of Sixteenth Street vacated by Ordinance No. 4876. Such <br />vacated street being eighty (80) feet in width, lying between Block 80 and Block 93 in Wheeler <br />Approved as to Form �/f �� <br />December 15, 2004 0 City Attorney <br />