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20050670'7 <br />assessment has been made by the Association, assessments shall be made at lease <br />annually, based upon a budget adopted at lease annually by the Association. <br />9.1 Amount of Assessments. Except for assessments under Sections 9.2, 9.3 and <br />9.4 of this Article, all common expenses shall be assessed against all of the units in <br />accordance with the allocations set forth in Article 8 of this Declaration. Any past due <br />common expense assessment or installment bears interest at the rate of 18% per annum or <br />at such other rate as may from time to time be established by the Association. <br />9.2 Expenses for Limited Common Elements and Common Expenses Benefiting <br />Fewer Than All Units. Any common expense associated with the maintenance, repair or <br />replacement of a limited common element shall be equally assessed against the units to <br />which the limited common element is assigned. Any common expense or portion of a <br />common expense benefiting fewer than all of the units shall be assessed exclusively <br />against the units benefited. <br />9.3 Assessments for Payment of Judgments. Assessments to pay a judgment <br />against the Association shall be made only against the units in the condominium in <br />proportion to their common expense liabilities. <br />9.4 Misconduct of Unit Owner. If any common expense is caused by the <br />misconduct of any unit owner, the Association may assess that expense exclusively <br />against his unit. <br />9.5 Maintenance of Reserve Fund. Out of the amival assessments, the <br />Association shall establish and maintain an adequate reserve fund for the periodic <br />maintenance, repair and replacement of improvements to the common elements which the <br />Association is obligated to maintain. If the executive board determines that there are any <br />surplus monies in the reserve fund remaining after provision is made for payment of <br />common expenses and funds needed to maintain the reserve fund, such surplus money <br />shall be paid to the unit owners in proportion to their common expense liabilities or <br />credited to them to reduce their common expense assessments. <br />9.6 Reserve Fund. The Association may establish a reserve fund by contribution <br />from each purchaser of a unit and from such other sources as the Executive Board shall <br />determine. The reserve fund shall be used for capital improvements and necessary <br />replacements and such other items as the Executive Board shall determine. <br />ARTICLE X. <br />LIEN FOR. ASSESSMEN'T'S <br />10.0 Lien for Assessments. Pursuant to the provisions of Neb. Rev. Stat. Section <br />76 -874 (Reissue 1990) the Association has a lien on the unit for any assessment levied <br />against that unit or monetary penalties imposed against its unit owner from the time that <br />the assessment or fide becomes due. The Association's lien may be lbreclosed in the <br />- 13 - <br />