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200506707 <br />or by any invitee, licensee or lessee of such owner; provided however, that the <br />Association Rules may not unreasonably discriminate among owners and shall not be <br />inconsistent with this Declaration or the Association's By -Laws. A copy of the <br />Association Rules as they may from time to time be adopted, amended or appealed, shall <br />be mailed or otherwise delivered to each Unit Owner and may be recorded in the office of <br />the Hall County Register of Deeds. <br />ARTICLE VII. <br />MEMBERSHIP AND VOTING RIGHTS <br />7.0 Identity. Each owner of a unit shall be a member of the Association. <br />7.1 Classes of Membership. The Association shall have two classes of voting <br />membership: <br />7. 1.1 Class A. Class A members shall be all owners of units, with exception of <br />the Declarant, until such time as the Class B membership ceases. Each Class A member <br />shall be entitled to one vote for each unit owned. <br />7.1.2 Class B. The Class B members shall be the Declarant, who shall be entitled <br />to three votes for each unit owned. The Class B membership shall cease and be <br />converted to Class A membership upon the happening of any of the following events, <br />whichever first occurs: <br />a. Ninety (90) days after the date that 75% of the units have been conveyed <br />to Unit Owners other than the Declarant; <br />b. When the Declarant notifies the Association in writing that it relinquishes <br />its Class B membership. <br />7.2 Joint Ownership. When more than one person is the owner of the unit, all <br />such persons shall be members. The vote for such unit shall be exercised as they aIIlong <br />themselves determine, but in no event shall more than one ballot be cast with respect to <br />any unit. The vote for each twit must be cast as a unit and fractional votes shall not be <br />allowed. In the event that joint owners are unable to agree among themselves as to how <br />their vote or votes should be cast, they shall lose their right to vote on the matter in <br />question. If any owner casts a ballot representing a certain unit, it will thereafter be <br />conclusively presumed for all purposes that lie was acting with the authority and consent <br />of'all other owners of the same unit. In the event that more then one ballot is cast for a <br />particular unit, none of said votes shall be counted and said votes shall be decmed void. <br />7.3 Corporate or Partnership Ownership. In the event a unit is owned by a <br />corporation, partnership or association, the corporation, partnership or association shall <br />be a member and shall designate in writing to the Association at the time of its <br />acquisition of the unit, the name and title of the person who shall have the power to vote <br />
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