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10/28/2005 11:18:56 AM
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corner of Lot 22 of said Ross - Theasmeyer Subdivision; thence <br />S89 °05'09 "E a distance of 198.08 feet; thence S00 °54'51 "W a <br />distance of 240.36 feet; thence S89 °05'09 "E a distance of 135.17 feet; <br />thence N00 °54'51 "E a distance of 297.36 feet to a point of curvature; <br />thence around a curve in a clockwise direction having a delta angle of <br />98'l T1 9", an arc length of 137.24 feet, a radius of 80.00 feet and a <br />chord bearing N45 °26'20 "E for a distance of 121.02 feet; thence <br />S85 °25'00 "E a distance of 16.29 feet to a point of curvature; thence <br />around a curve in a clockwise direction having a delta angle of <br />34 °42'09 ", an arc length of 60.57 feet, a radius of 100.00 feet and a <br />chord bearing S68 °03'56 "E for a distance of 59.65 feet; thence <br />S50 °42'52 "E a distance of 23.07 feet to a point of curvature; thence <br />around a curve in a clockwise direction having a delta angle of <br />40 °22'56 ", an arc length of 176.20 feet, a radius of 250.00 feet and a <br />chord bearing of S30 °31'24 "E for a distance of 172.58 feet; thence <br />S10 °19'56 "E a distance of 87.19 feet to a point of curvature; thence <br />around a curve in a counter clockwise direction having a delta angle <br />of 61'39'21 ", an arc length of 161.41 feet, a radius of 150.00 feet and <br />a chord bearing S41 °09'37 "E for a distance of 153.74 feet; thence <br />S89 005'09 "E a distance of 119.92 feet; thence S00 °54'51 "W a <br />distance of 60.00 feet; thence S89 °05'09 "E a distance of 446.91 feet <br />to a point on the west R.O.W. line of North Road; thence continuing <br />S89 °05'09 "E a distance of 33.00 feet to a point on the east line of said <br />E1 /2, NE1 /4; thence S00 °22'16 "W along said east line a distance of <br />376.02 feet to the point of beginning. Said tract contains 688,825.70 <br />square feet or 15.81 acres more or less of which 3.01 acres is new <br />dedicated public road right -of -way; <br />desire to have subdivided as a subdivision the foregoing tract of land located within the corporate <br />limits of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and hereby submit to the City Council of such City for <br />acceptance as provided by law an accurate map and plat of such proposed subdivision, to be known <br />as NORTHVIEW FIRST SUBDIVISION, designating explicitly the land to be laid out and <br />particularly describing the lots, easements, and streets belonging to such subdivision, with the lots <br />designated by number, easements by dimensions, and streets by name, and propose to cause the plat <br />of such subdivision when finally approved by the Regional Planning Commission and the City <br />Council to be acknowledged by such owners, certified as to accuracy of survey by a registered land <br />
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