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200505964 <br />NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing, the parties hereto agree as follows: <br />1. Incorporation of Recitals. The recitals above made are incorporated into the body <br />of this agreement and are made a material part hereof by this reference. <br />2. Right o ff irst R_ e usal. For and in consideration of the sum of $10.00, the receipt and <br />adequacy of which is hereby acknowledged, Snow grants to Brennan, and Brennan accepts from <br />Snow, a right of first refusal to purchase the real estate hereinabove described (hereafter "subject <br />property"), along the following terms: <br />A. For and during a period of five (5) years from the date of this agreement, in <br />the event that Snow shall receive a bonafide offer for the purchase of their interest in the <br />subject property and desire to accept the same, they agree to notify Brennan, in writing, of <br />the receipt of such offer, and Brennan shall have thirty (30) days from the receipt of such <br />offer in which to notify Snow of their interest in the subject property and their desire to <br />purchase the subject property upon the same terms and conditions as the bonafide offer. In <br />the event that Brennan exercises their right of first refusal within the time herein provided, <br />Snow shall convey marketable title to Brennan upon the same terms and conditions as the <br />bonafide offer. In the event Brennan fails to exercise their right of first refusal within the <br />time provided herein, Snow may proceed to sell their interest in the real estate pursuant to <br />the terms and conditions of the bonafide offer, without further restrictions. <br />B. Evidence of this right of first refusal shall be filed as a matter of public record <br />at Buyers' expense. <br />C. This Agreement may only be assigned by Brennan with the express written <br />consent of Snow. <br />3. Entire Agreement. With respect to only the subject matter contained herein, this <br />Agreement sets forth the entire agreement between the parties, and no subsequent agreements, <br />contracts, promises, or representations of any nature, shall be binding upon and effective between <br />the parties unless set forth in writing and signed by each of the parties. <br />4. Governing Law. The laws of the State of Nebraska shall govern the validity, <br />performance and enforcement of this Agreement. <br />5. Binding E ect. This Agreement shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit <br />of each of the parties, their respective legal representatives, successors and permitted assigns. <br />Page 2 of 3 <br />
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