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20050587'7 <br />way line; thence South parallel to the West line of said Section 36, Five <br />Hundred Four and Seventeen Hundredths (504.17) feet; thence East at <br />right angles Seven (7) feet thence South parallel to the West line of said <br />Section 36, Seven Hundred Ninety Seven and Sixty Five Hundredths <br />(797.65) feet; thence West at right angles 40 feet to the point of beginning <br />and containing 1.12 acres more or less of which .099 acres is existing County <br />Road right of way making a net additional right of way 0.13 acres more or less <br />subject to easements, restrictions of record and public road right of way. <br />GRANTOR has determined that the GRANTEES are the persons entitled <br />to distribution of the real estate from said estate. <br />GRANTOR covenants with GRANTEES that GRANTOR has legal power <br />and lawful authority to convey and release the same. <br />EXECUTE , 2005. <br />ESTATE OF BETTY J. SIEMERS, Deceased <br />By (�ad-2ZrIeJL--,ZDd <br />Robert L. Siemers, P rsonal Representative <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA ) <br />ss. <br />COUNTY OF HALL ) <br />The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of <br />LA a4 °v , 2005, by Robert L. Siemers, Personal Representative of the Estate of <br />Betty J. Siemers, deceased. <br />limeGENERAL NOTMY • State of Nebraska <br />DUANEA.BURNS Notary Public <br />Camm. ftmarotolm <br />