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200505832 <br />11. UTILITIES, EXPOSED AERIALS AND LINES, OUTDOOR LIGHTING. <br />Certain easements are established for installation and maintenance of utilities, such as <br />easements being clearly marked on the recorded plat of the subdivision. All claims for <br />damages, if any, arising out of the construction, maintenance and repair of utilities or on <br />account of temporary or other inconvenience caused thereby against Northview <br />Subdivision Association, or any utility company or municipality, or any of their agents or <br />servants, are hereby waived by all the owners. Service lines for individual residences for <br />all public utility services which are available to a lot from an underground source shall be <br />constructed and kept underground. All cable television lines shall be underground where <br />available. Television aerials shall be placed in the attic of the residence where available. <br />No mercury or sodium vapor lights are allowed on any lot. Street lighting installed by <br />the City of Grand Island shall be exempted from all lighting restrictions. <br />12. SANITATION. All dwelling structures shall be modern as to indoor <br />plumbing, heating, and lighting, and all human waste shall be discharged into the Grand <br />Island Public Sewer system. <br />13. WATER SERVICE. The water service to all residences in the Northview <br />Subdivision shall come from the Grand Island Public Water System. Separate wells for <br />watering lawns and gardens may be put in with approval from the Hall County Zoning. <br />14. DRAINAGE. Care has been taken to use the natural drainage present in this <br />subdivision. The Declarants restrict the owners from altering the natural drainage in such <br />a manner as may divert water onto another lot or property. Declarants further state that <br />unusual weather and natural irrigation drainage may exist or develop and owners are <br />advised to research these patterns before building. Declarants take no responsibility for <br />drainage problems once the lot has been purchased. <br />15. REMOVAL OF SOD, EARTH, ETC. No sod, earth, sand, gravel, or trees <br />shall be removed to the injury of the value or appearance of any lot, nor for any <br />commercial purposes, unless approved by the Northview Subdivision Association, or its <br />designated committee. Any elevation change of a lot must be approved by the Northview <br />Subdivision Association, or its designated committee. It is anticipated that lots 6, 7, 8, <br />and 9 will require additional dirt in order to build the residence above the flood plain line. <br />16. VEGETATION. Prior to construction, an owner shall mow all weeds and <br />grass to a height less than eight inches. Thereafter, the owner of each lot shall keep the <br />vegetation and grass thereon cut to a height less than eight inches, except for vegetable <br />gardens, ornamental shrubs or grasses and trees. There shall be no cottonwood trees <br />planted. <br />17. FENCES. Ornamental wood or synthetic fences shall be permitted at any <br />place on the boundary lines of said lots including the front line; however, the front <br />boundary fence shall not exceed three (3) feet in height. Chain link fences shall be <br />permitted on the side (not beyond the front line of the house and back boundary lines, not <br />