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200505832 <br />CONVENANTS, RESTRICTIONS AND CONDITIONS <br />In consideration of the mutual benefits to be derived by the owners of Northview <br />Subdivision and any purchaser, their heirs, devises, personal representatives and assigns, <br />the declarant stipulates and agrees that any and all lots in Northview Subdivision, all as <br />surveyed and platted and more particularly described as recorded in the office of the <br />Register of Deeds, Hall County, Nebraska, that are sold, transferred and conveyed, shall <br />be a and are subject to the following protective covenants, restrictions and conditions. <br />1. CONVENANTS TO RUN WITH LAND. These Restrictive Covenants and <br />conditions are to run with the land and shall be binding on all persons and all parties <br />claiming ownership of said lots, for Twenty (20) years from the time these Covenants, <br />Restrictions and Conditions are filed with the Register of Deeds, at which time said <br />covenants and restrictions shall be automatically extended for successive periods of 10 <br />(ten) years unless changed or modified by vote of majority of the owners of the lots of <br />this Subdivision. Any amendment to this Agreement must be recorded with the Register <br />of Deeds of Hall County, Nebraska. <br />2. RESIDENTIAL, USE. All lots in this Subdivision shall be known and <br />described as Single Family Residential lots. No multiple dwelling units, and no more <br />than one residential structure shall be allowed on each lot. No Single Family dwelling <br />shall be occupied by more than one family. No commercial or business enterprise shall <br />be conducted or operated in the subdivision; however, personal offices within homes <br />shall be permitted. Only one additional structure may be located on each lot in addition <br />to the residential structure. <br />3. TEMPORARY STRUCTURES AND OTHER PROHIBITIONS. No trailer, <br />motor home, basement, tent, garage, shack or other unsightly outbuilding shall be used in <br />the subdivision as a dwelling at any time, nor shall any structure of a temporary character <br />be used as a residence. No unused building materials, junk or rubbish shall be left <br />exposed on any lot except during actual building operations. No farm equipment shall be <br />stored or placed on the property. <br />4. ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL. The Northview Subdivision Association or <br />its designated committee shall have the architectural control and the responsibility for <br />approving all construction upon the lots. Construction shall include but not be limited to <br />dwellings, additions to or modification of any existing home, fences, secondary <br />buildings, storm shelters, and site storm drainage. <br />In the event the Northview Subdivision Association, or its designated <br />architectural control committee, fails to approve or disapprove any design and location <br />within thirty (30) days following the submission of the plans and specifications to the <br />Association, approval will not be required and this Paragraph will be deemed to have <br />been fully complied with. The owner or constructor shall then obtain a building permit <br />from the proper governing facility. <br />