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2005053'78 <br />commence upon the first day of January, 2004, and shall continue to be due and payable on <br />the 1" day of each month thereafter until the minor child reaches the age of nineteen, <br />becomes emancipated, becomes self - supporting, marries, dies, or further order of the Court. <br />VI. <br />The Court finds, that neither party shall pay alimony to the other. <br />VII. <br />The Court finds that each party shall pay his/her own attorney fees and Court costs <br />shall be paid by the Petitioner, which have been paid in full <br />VIII. <br />The Temporary Order dated 0 day of December, 2003, shall be preserved in this <br />Decree and shall merge into this Decree. <br />IX. <br />The Court finds that the parties during the course of the marriage have accumulated <br />certain items of personal property and each party shall set over to her or him as her or his <br />sole and absolute property, all household goods and furnishings, wearing apparel, personal <br />effects, appliances and fixtures, and other personal property of every kind and description <br />now in her or his possession, including bank accounts, insurance policies, retirement funds, <br />pension plans or other tangible property now possessed by each party or owned by her or <br />him in her or his separate name, subject to any encumbrances thereon. <br />X. <br />The Court finds that Petitioner shall be quieted in him the family residence located <br />at 1920 W 12'h Street, Grand Island, Nebraska, legally described as follows: <br />The East Thirty (3 0) feet of Lot Eleven (11) and all of Lot Twelve (12), in Block Two <br />(2), in Boggs & Hill's Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska. <br />at 1912 W 12'' Street, Grand Island, Nebraska, legally described as follows: <br />Lot 14, Block 2, Boggs and Hill's Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, <br />Nebraska <br />and at 711 E 15`t Street, Grand Island, Nebraska, legally described as follows: <br />Lot Fourteen (14), Block Fourteen (14), Meth's Addition to the City of Grand <br />Island, Hall County, Nebraska. <br />