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4 <br />t <br />DURABLE GENERAL POWER OF ATTORNEY <br />OF <br />PAULINE V. KNUTSON 200505157 <br />I, Pauline V. Knutson, of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, now make this Durable <br />General Power of Attorney. In this Durable General Power of Attorney, I refer to my attorney -in- <br />fact as my Agent. My Agent is given authority to act or to omit to act for me as follows: <br />ARTICLE 1 <br />Agent, Diurabilit-,7 and Effective Date <br />Section 1.1. Mme' Agent: I, Pauline V. Knutson, now appoint Larry C. Rennecker as my <br />attorney -in -fact and as my Agent to act with the powers granted in this Durable General Power of <br />Attorney. <br />Section 1.2. Durabilit : This Durable General Power of Attorney is effective even though <br />I am disabled, and will continue in effect after my death until my Agent is notified of my death. Any <br />action taken in good faith by my Agent prior to the time that my Agent receives actual notice of my <br />death or which is taken during my disability, shall be as valid as if I were alive, competent, and not <br />disabled. <br />Section 1.3. When Effective: This Durable General Power of Attorney shall be effective <br />immediately. <br />Section 1.4, Successor Agent Authority: All persons named as Successor Agents in this <br />Durable General Power of Attorney, who have succeeded to the office of Agent, are granted all of <br />the powers granted to my original Agent pursuant to this Durable General Power of Attorney. <br />ARTICLE 2 <br />Asset Powers <br />Section 2.1. Pro e Covered: Any power given in this Durable General Power of Attorney <br />shall apply to any property which I may now own, which I may acquire in the future, or to any <br />property which my Agent may acquire in my name. <br />Section 2.2. Pull Power of Attorney: I give to my Agent the full power to act or to omit to <br />act regarding my estate or my person. I intend to grant to my Agent a Durable General Power of <br />Attorney to act for me and not to grant only a limited or special power. My Agent can act for me <br />with regard to my property or person to the extent that I could act if I were personally present. <br />Section 2.3. Receipt of Money and Property: My Agent shall have the power to exercise <br />any of my right to demand and to receive any sums of money, debts or any property which may be <br />due to me at any time. <br />Section 2.4. Settlements Payments and Releases: My Agent may give receipts or releases <br />for any of my property or money. My Agent may make any settlement on any matter relating to me. <br />My Agent may pay any of my debts or liabilities which I may be required to pay, including any <br />support obligations. <br />Section 2.5. Sales Leases Pled es and Other Actions Concerning Pro e : My Agent may <br />take any action which my Agent deems proper regarding any of my property, which shall include, <br />but not be limited to, any of the following actions with respect to any of my property, including my <br />real estate: <br />A. To sell or to transfer any interest in any of my property for consideration upon the <br />terms and conditions that my Agent shall deem proper, including an installment sale; <br />B. To mortgage or pledge any of my property; <br />