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W2_ 200505.115 <br />2. That the care, custody and control of the two <br />minor children of the parties, Ryan D. Fenster, born <br />July 23, 1974 and Shannon L. Fenster, born August 23, 1976 <br />shall be in the Petitioner; respondent shall have the right <br />to reasonable visitation; respondent shall pay the sum of <br />One Hundred Twenty Five dollars ($125.00) per month per child, <br />commencing November 25, 1981 and continuing on the same,day <br />of each and every month thereafter until each child shall ind- <br />ividually reach the age of nineteen (19) years or the further <br />order of the Court. <br />3. That the family home of the parties located at 3119 <br />West 18th Street., Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, and <br />legally described as follows: <br />Lot Five (5) in Block Three (3) in Westerhoff's <br />First Subdivision, except the East Thirteen (13) <br />feet (E13) and the Westerly Forty (40) feet, an <br />Addition to the City of Grand island, Hall County, <br />Nebraska <br />should be immediately sold, and the Petitioner is hereby granted <br />the authority to sign all contracts, Deeds, and other forms of <br />conveyance to convey the property pursuant to this Decree of <br />Dissolution in her name alone; that the expense of sale and the <br />I <br />mortgage lien against thelproperty shall be deducted from the <br />I <br />proceeds, and the balance shall be paid into the Clerk of the <br />District Court, Hall Coun y, Nebraska, to be disposed of to pay <br />the bills of the parties till outstanding as set forth by the <br />Petitioner in documents t be filed with the Clerk. <br />4. That the 1977 P ntiac Grand Prix automobile, Serial <br />No. 2J57P7P387 186 is juieted in Petitioner. <br />5. That all househ ld goods and furnishings and all <br />personal items now in her possession are quieted in Petitioner. <br />6. The 1970 Cadillac automobile and the other personal <br />items in Respondent's po'psession are quieted in him. <br />7. That all payments of money made pursuant to this Decree <br />of Dissolution shall be made to the Clerk of the District Court, <br />