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AM11 111 <br />(3) Thereafter the Grantor executed his Notice of Trustee's Sale, stating that he, as Trustee, <br />would sell at public auction to the highest bidder the property hereinbefore described, fixing the time <br />and place of the sale as May 17, 2005, at 11:00 a.m., in the lower lobby of the Hall County Court <br />House, 111 West 1" Street, Grand Island, Nebraska , and caused copies of such notice to be <br />published once a week for five consecutive weeks in The Grand Island Independent, a legal daily <br />newspaper printed, published and of general circulation in the County of Hall, Nebraska; the first <br />date of publication was April 1, 2005; notice of such Trustee's Sale was mailed by certified mail <br />on April 4, 2005, to the Trustor and Beneficiary and all persons entitled to notice thereof in <br />accordance with applicable law. <br />(4) All applicable statutory provisions of the State of Nebraska and all provisions of such <br />Trust Deed have been complied with as to acts to be performed and notices to be given. <br />The Trustee at the time and place of the sale fixed as aforesaid, then and there-sold, at public <br />auction, to Grantee who was the highest bidder therefore, the property hereinbefore described for <br />adequate consideration in full accordance with the laws of the State of Nebraska and with the terms <br />of the Trust Deed. <br />Dated this 17`" day of May, 2005 <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA ) <br />) ss. <br />COUNTY OF LANCASTER ) <br />The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 17' day of May, 2005, by Larry <br />D. Ohs, Trustee. <br />l tary Public <br />BBL. NOTARY - SM of Neftft <br />JUNE GRAMANN <br />My Comm. E». Nov. 18, 20V <br />