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200504121 <br />(f) No practice or use shall be permitted on the condominium property or <br />in any unit which shall be an annoyance or nuisance to other owners <br />or residents and which shall interfere with their peaceful use and <br />enjoyment of their unit. All portions of the condominium and of each <br />unit shall be kept clean, safe and sanitary and no use thereof shall be <br />made which constitutes a violation of any laws, zoning ordinances, <br />governmental regulations, or regulations of the Association. No one <br />shall fix or repair vehicles on the condominium property except minor <br />routine repair of vehicles owned by the unit owners. Garage doors <br />shall remain closed at all times, except for the time vehicles exit or <br />enter said garage. No vegetable gardens shall be allowed on the <br />condominium property except for designated areas not exceeding <br />eighty square feet parcels and located within twenty feet of the <br />outside perimeter of the condominium property. All gardens are to be <br />well maintained and shall be kept free of weeds at all times. The <br />Association may establish from time to time rules and regulations <br />regarding gardens and other uses and practices of owners, guests, <br />and residents of the units. <br />(g) No animals of any kind shall be kept in the unit for commercial <br />purposes. Household pets in the unit will be subject to regulation, <br />restriction, and exclusion and special assessment as may be <br />determined by the Association from time to time, including removal of <br />any pet which becomes an annoyance to other unit owners. Each <br />unit owner shall indemnify the Association, all other unit owners, and <br />the Declarant against any and all liability arising from maintaining a <br />pet. Awnings, sunscreens, outside television or other antennas, <br />satellite dishes, storage or parking of boats, camps, trailers, motor <br />homes, equipment, machinery, or similar items shall all be subject to <br />regulation, restriction, exclusion and special assessment by the <br />Association. Individual garbage cans or trash receptacles are to be <br />permitted outside only in areas designed therefor by the Association. <br />Outside wood piles, clothes lines and clothes hangers will be subject <br />to regulation, restriction, exclusion and special assessment of the <br />Association. Outside use of barbecue grills will be subject to <br />regulation, restriction or exclusion by the Association. No out <br />buildings or other structures may be erected on the condominium <br />property without the approval of the Association. No playground <br />equipment may be erected on the condominium property. Chain link <br />fences, dog kennels, and dog runs are strictly prohibited. <br />(h) This condominium may be terminated orwaived bywritten agreement <br />of four fifths (4/5) of the unit owners or more with the consent of all <br />lien holders of record; which agreement shall be acknowledged and <br />recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Hall County, <br />Nebraska, and termination shall be effective as of the recording date. <br />The termination agreement may specify that all or part of the units <br />and common areas be sold following termination. If the real estate <br />constituting the condominium is not sold following termination, the unit <br />owners shall become tenants in common and while the tenancy in <br />common exists, each unit owner and his or her successors in interest <br />shall have an exclusive right to occupancy of that portion of the real <br />estate that formerly constituted his or her unit. In no event may any <br />part of the property be sold or otherwise disposed of without the prior <br />termination or waiver of the condominium, unless sale or disposition <br />is approved in writing by owners representing one hundred percent <br />(100 %) of the unit owners and by holders of all mortgages of record <br />covering any units within the condominium. Notwithstanding any <br />provision in the By -Laws, there shall be no reduction or deletion or <br />conveyance of the common elements without the priorwritten consent <br />