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200504121 <br />perimeter block wall. The share of an owner in a common element is <br />appurtenant to his or her unit and inseparable from the unit <br />ownership. Assessments against owners for insurance, common <br />elements expenses and reserves, and for other expenses incurred by <br />the Association shall be made pursuant to the By -Laws. <br />Assessments made within ten (10) days after the date when due shall <br />not bear interest, but all sums not paid within said ten (10) day period <br />shall bear interest at the highest legal rate at which individuals may <br />contract under the laws of this state from the due date until paid. If <br />any owner shall fail or refuse to make any payment of such <br />assessments when due, the amount thereof plus interest shall <br />constitute a lien upon the owner's interest in his or her unit and in the <br />property as defined in Section 76 -874 R.R.S. Neb. upon the recording <br />of such lien by the Association in the office of the Register of Deeds <br />of Hall County, Nebraska, such amount shall constitute a lien prior <br />and preferred over all other liens and encumbrances except <br />assessments, liens and charges for taxes due and unpaid on a unit <br />and except prior duly recorded mortgages and lien instruments. <br />(d) Each owner of a unit shall be responsible: <br />(1) To maintain, repair and replace at his or her expense, <br />all portions of his or her unit which are not included in <br />the definition and context of common elements and <br />each owner shall be responsible for the repair, <br />maintenance and replacement of all exterior doors, <br />including garage doors and the mechanical operators <br />thereof appurtenant to said owners unit; it being <br />understood that the only Association maintenance of <br />exterior doors shall be the painting or finishing of the <br />exterior surfaces thereof. If any owner fails to repair, <br />maintain or replace the exterior doors, including garage <br />doors of his or her unit as set forth in the Master Deed <br />and Declaration or amendments thereto and the By- <br />Laws or amendments thereto described herein, the <br />Association may perform such work, invoice the owner <br />thereof and secure and enforce a claim and lien <br />therefor against the owner and his or her unit in like <br />manner as a delinquent assessment for common <br />element expense. <br />(2) To maintain and repair or replace as necessary all <br />utilities within that owner's unit and any damage to the <br />common utilities caused by use within that unit. <br />(3) To refrain from painting, decorating or changing the <br />appearance of any portion of the exterior of the unit <br />unless approved by the Association in writing. <br />(4) To properly report to the Association any defect or need <br />for repairs which are the responsibility of the <br />Association. <br />(e) Each unit shall be used and occupied only by one family, its servants <br />and guests and be used for residential purposes only. No unit may <br />be subdivided into a smaller unit nor any portion thereof sold or <br />transferred without first amending this Master Deed and Declaration <br />and obtaining the written consent of the Association setting forth the <br />change in the unit to be subdivided. <br />5 <br />
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