<br />19. INSURANCE. Tmaarshallkeeppmpmymsurtdagamnlossbyfim ,Rood,MRnMOM handsodr reasonably
<br />a aocidWwith MepropmyduemiDtypemMlocation ThiswwmsceslapWmaintaiIN mg miwnlsaMforthe
<br />periods Mat Bmdciary requires. The insurance earner pmvMing Me insurmu slap b<dwsen by Tmam subject to
<br />Beneficiary's approval, which shall rim be unrcasovbly withheM. IfTmstor fails to maintain Mic coverage claindbd
<br />above, Bmaficia, nay, m Beneficiary's coca. obtain coverage W p n as Beneficiary's rights In Me Ptcpmy accm, ing
<br />W the arms of this SccmhY law. c"
<br />All iMma ce policies and settesvals shall be mcrymble to Beneficiary and stall include a monism "mmtgagc clause" and,
<br />when epplipbl< "loss payce clause." TmMrslWlimmdiaklYnWfy Baeficiaryofcm ie mmtmniMionofMc
<br />insurance. Bmefieiery sFSl have Me ngM1am MMthe policies ad renewals. If Bettefciaryraluires,Tmsbsshail
<br />immdialely give to Bmeficieryall aaeipa ofpild premiums as retcewal notiam Upm loan, TMmV shall give
<br />byby Tmwoe ndiumthe imm�nu caner as Beneficiary. Be�xfidary may make woofof loss if riot made immdiately
<br />msmr.
<br />Unless othewix agrcd in wi Mg, all insurance pmcccds shall be applied to Me smtomtent or rc*r ofthe Properly or to
<br />the Seeuaed DM,wb aortwtthendue,aB iciery'soption. Any WplicblecofpmedstoprincipalMillnot
<br />Ciklld IN pa6QbM Me dYC dMe Oflhe seFdllld piyTlent 1KK dange M<wMYlll of YIY WYnntL AOY eaccas WIII be
<br />paid to Me Grantor. If Me Propcny is acquired by Ben<ficiary, Tmsmr's right to any iwmxpolicies ad p talc
<br />aslting from dams,, to Me Property before the mquisition shall pass to Beneficiary to the cannot ofthe Sccurd Debt
<br />immediately bafaa Me "ositim.
<br />N. ESCROWFORTAMANDINSURANCL Unlrs ahewiu providd ins apwme agewmem ,Twlwwill not be nquirdro
<br />payso0 iwyfund. mrtascm6inamanc, in csaow. 5657
<br />21. FINANCIAL REPORTS AND ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS TrwumwillpmMde to Beneficiary upon raluc54 mY finarxul
<br />esaktwne m infomaion Be�icimy maydcom aeaamably nacsvmy. Tmabragrt,s to ap, deliver, ad file my additional dmummss
<br />Inali i Ma Brnefxi onnMee nmeasmyb perfect continua,sa prewveGmw 's obligesimxaWa MisSaunry
<br />Instalment and lice . w on Mc Property
<br />Sorority Imtrumet artloint ad iaivMwl. IfTmsbr signs Mis Security Instrwmnt butdoa cwt sign m evidence ofdebt Trustm
<br />does m mlyb mortgage Truav's inlaea in Me Property to semen paYmrnt ofMe S,curN DeMad Truww dots rim ogee, ro be
<br />persotWlY liable on Me Smued DeG. If Mis Security Mammrnt secures a guarmryb,twcen Belxficimy and Tustm, Truesw agras
<br />to waive mY rights Mm may prevent Bewficimy from bnvginB mYettim adaimagsMa Tmsms ormY PmY idebuM uMer Me
<br />obligmion. Thex ngM1DmY MSude, baart rim limikd lo, myamideficimcYaroneeaion laws. Truesoagras Mm Brneficiary
<br />ad mY pnY to Mis Saunry Imhvttmt maYexknd, mdi(ymmakeany char,« a the taers ofMU Security InaWtlxnl err my
<br />evidma ofdebt witlroul Ttustor's conunt. Swh •alum& wiB oot release Trvaor finm We tams a[M'v Saunty lnmumrnt. The
<br />dories mM bmefik ofNis Sorority Instrunant shell bind aM benefit 1M1Catxxcsxms ad assigm o(Trustm and Beneficiary.
<br />21. APPLICABLEWW ;SEVERABILITY;INTERPRETATION. ThisSa tyB VUmmtisgove dbYtkImOfthcjunWi im
<br />M which Benef 'my is lowtd, except m Ne mttau aMemiu requird bYMe 6wT oftlRluaiaktion wM1eee M<Propmy is Iwatd. This
<br />semen in 6irvmmt ie cam ,mace, fidlyiotegead. Thu sauna Mona) o M msystabe mmtdd w rots wMa by Omi erg law will My
<br />in Mia SaaitY Inem�mcn4 aachmrnm,mmY ageemeMMendmMe Sea�M Debt Macmfliebono dil.sable law will rid
<br />becRatirc. unless Matta expamlY a impliedlYPermik Mc variations by w.inrn eyes ^rot. IfmY maim ofrhia Saveiry
<br />Ltswmrnt cmm[be mforcd aamdity b hs tmm, Mm xenon win be severe aM win tar aRUt Me mfmmbiapt ofMe famines
<br />of ft maims Seca tyhrnem uinm fix only m L menota, a Mal to in Mesinguler. l MeagwMads Secugs
<br />ofdxsafM Tim ofthe ca mitnamtt mefmco astrumuarty andmrmtro he usdroMt �rn mdefine MC mtrm ofthis Security
<br />lmtrvmnt Time u afthc munro in this Savory Instrument.
<br />24. SUCCESSOR TRUSJEE. Beneficiary, 0Beneficiary's option, only Bon nmc m am tmave Tmslee ad aplsoint a successor
<br />tewkewhham mtile, wrother Ban codesignmien inwriting. Ths Suunwrtruan,tandsacmveyvxe of the Pbopnty, shalt
<br />aucud to all dx lido, power and dwies cmfend upon Tsusta by ilia Savriry Inesmtmnl and applimble law.
<br />2S. NOTICE. Unless othawix ¢guard by law, any not. shall be,M. by delivenng A O by mailingn by fires sass mail In Me
<br />apprnprwe pm , abbess on page 1 of Nis Security 1..4 or m my mM1a add. designakd in writing. Notice be oM Tmaor
<br />will be deemed to Ix nonce he all wa—
<br />24. WAIVERS.BSUproMc extent prahibikd by law, Truatawaivesillappeilxmmt mM homwead ezempion nghn relating rothe
<br />peapeny
<br />ExpercTM D 1991 BmAm System. lot., St C 4MN Foam USR- REST -NE WUEUJI
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