<br />If them is a default. Trustee shall, in addition to my other pormitled analogy, at the "and of the Bereficiany, advettion and sell the
<br />Propmy as a whole Orin separate parcels u public auction m the highest bidder (mash and curve, absolute title 6m and clear affil
<br />right, tideadintercnofTeun wats «htimeandpineuT mduipatm Treace shall give room ofsak including do zinc , terms
<br />sal place ofsale and a deaaiptim ofthe property to be sold as fequiad by the appheabk law in eHett W the time ofhh proposed sale.
<br />Laos, sale Ofdc PODettyand to she extent not prohibimd by law, Trun a shall make and delivers done tothe Prosser, sold
<br />which conveys absolute tick 0 the purchaser, and ago 6.1 paying all fees, charges and can shall pay to Beneficiary all
<br />moneys dvanced for opus, rases, insaranm, liens, investments and pnorcvcumMmces and interest Ihetmm ad the principal
<br />and mt. on the Second Debt, lying the mrylus, ifany, to Trade, Beneficiary trey pterase the Pmpny. The recitals in
<br />any ded ofwowya«e shall be 11110 feoe evldeoce Of the fins sat Santa therein.
<br />All mtmdies arc distincl, cumula ive ad not ao,asive, and the Beneficiary is entidd On all renredia provided in law or equity, whether
<br />wnocxprnsJysnforth. Theamepi «ebyB ficiaryofmysuminpymmlwprierspym enton thegourd Debta6a the
<br />baktcekdue orisy cclermedorafkr By rearefill fresh «t deniluteewaives dome nor waiverightfirequire
<br />ammylerc cure ofeny exivfing default. By raw exercising any remedy on Tmaar's debase B<«fitlary does raw waive Beneficiary's right
<br />to Ia¢rxonsidn tlm event adNauO if it continua orfiappens agairy
<br />Truster agrees re pry all of Beneficiary's expmus if Tmnor bleaches my covenant in pis Security In ieamem Towner will elm pry on
<br />dousing any amount incurred by Beachoary fm inswing, inspecting. Dresming or otherwise protein, Do Proper and Bmeficiery's
<br />security intcrtse Then expenses will bar interest Sam the due of&c pytmnt until Mid in fall 9 the higheat mount mm in eR lass
<br />positing to the temp afire Secured Deba Tmnm ogres ropy oil .am and expanses itmmd by Bera6eiary in collect., mfarcing
<br />orlon «ring Bme6civy'sayJtrs ad retmdio sago Mu Scevtiy lnswmml Tldsemount may include, bW ie test limiod to,
<br />anameys' fee; aurtmsn, and otter legal expmua This Seariry IttTUmmt Tall remain in eR«t until rekamd. Trvnw ogress to My
<br />for ony rmodatkn msB of stch rtkam.
<br />IT. ENVIRONMENTAL LAWS AND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES Af used in this smtiun,(1) Envimnmm(al Law mean; win.
<br />Initiation, the Carmrthmsiw E"WonmenW Response, Cmnpmsetim And Liability Act (CERCLA, 42 U.S.C. pool in sea.), and all
<br />aaimdwm roue i, waste, llWma or conotnmwt which hwcM1murerutics which render the substanm dangerousa
<br />dmgaows W the prise AeaIT, sakty, welfarewavhwttmns The rem melds, wiTOW limiotioq my subsuncn i
<br />'Itanrdous momial, "toxic mbwncea " "havdaw wane "o`M1awd«s mbnm« ttderany Fnviwnmmol Law.
<br />Trwnm reMneam, wnsmts and agrees thW:
<br />A. Eseeo as previously chwelwed and aclmowledgd ia"fing m Banfieiwy.« Haardmss Substance is or will be kened,
<br />stord m released on m w do Pmpny This replied. does not ply k mall quantities OfHavardms Substances rho
<br />are gmeaallY recognized ro be apprapriuc 6arore norn0l um rid tlmtrnnR<Ofdc Pmpaty.
<br />B. Estill in peviowlYdimlwd and ackwwlle in writingm Bme6ciary, Trvnar and awry tmmtheve rem, ere, and shall
<br />remain st full mmprnce with wry mplliWk Envir.Or th law.
<br />C. Tontine ehallimmedah miy Beneficiary if. rclexemthrenmrdrck ing6Nmperty Sillonamnsto srson,mderm
<br />avowtheecapmyertlure isa violationofmy with mwmmtal law cmmm . Te Proprry. In stetmevent, Tmsror shall
<br />mkt Reset rcttt ly fY mmeoadm« t my EnviratntM$ law,
<br />0. Tatman Tall inmdinelYtWtify Bate(n'ary in waitkg anaaon uTrvstorhw reasonm believe dtercisanYPmdingm
<br />timid invntigirq claim, mPeomding relating mthe rcimx m Tratemd relaseofmy HanNaO Babson« oMe
<br />violnbn ofmy Envilironmental Lew .16013
<br />I& CONDEMNATION.Tm#ar will give Bendcisry prompt noise ofmy Pending orthramuel suction, by privao or public
<br />entities to purchase« eke mymall ofMe Pmpmy Trough codma0tion, mti«W domak, m my Other moans.
<br />Trustcs W Benson Bemf iary k mofha e w rd of chain omit is damages connected ware a d actiw0 w ckras. Trvskr
<br />WI aranta Bc«fminy the procmds ofmysward arelaimf «dev0ges mnnwd with a codemtatim moths eking of
<br />y Mnarem. Paopny. S «h proceeds Tallbemnsidrnd pyments and willbeapplidwProvidd In Tis
<br />speeiry InmotherI Thiecisiigiment ofpr «ads is mbjmt mtheNmts ofanYDrbrttwrtgege , tied ofws4 emudry
<br />agreencm «other him d«Wmnt.
<br />Exprc "' 01991 Baiken System, kc., SL CIdtl, MN Lnm US &REDT -NE 9 /i/ilpl
<br />(page dolt)
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