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200210294 <br />APPENDIX "A" <br />Part of Lot Five (5) in Block Three (3) of Nagy's Addition to the City of Grand <br />Island and part of Lot Five (5) in Block Three (3) in the Original Town, now City <br />of Grand Island, Nebraska, described as follows: Commencing at the Southeast <br />Comer of Lot Five (5) in Block Three (3) in Nagy's Addition to the City of Grand <br />Island, thence Northerly along and upon the East line of said Lot Five (5), Nagy's <br />Addition a distance of sixty -six feet (66'), thence Southwesterly parallel to the <br />Southerly line of said Lot Five (5), Nagy's Addition to the easterly line of Oak <br />Street a distance of sixty-six (66'), thence along and upon the Easterly line of Oak <br />Street a distance of a sixty -six feet (66'), to the Northerly line of Sixth Street, <br />thence Easterly along and upon the Northerly line of said Sixth Street a distance <br />of sixty -six feet (66') to the point of beginning, Hall County, Nebraska. <br />w <br />