G61— sh.w.2med -und1w 4 w�*f Mortgagwer TAwt 2f1(�2f�J291
<br />RnoW !all ,_[en by Tbtge 3pregentgt That, Whereas, in an ad un in the Dsbiet Court of the
<br />Ninth ....... _._.._.._ Judicial District of the Stall e Nebraska, within andw U. Caenf Hall_,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,wheei.
<br />City of - Grand._Is land Neb- raska, A. Municipal- Corporation p(aintiD and
<br />_Mbnitas..F.._.Davi s._ dlb(a Pietro_ Pub11 &hiuy.. Gas. __ _ _.. __ _ __... ................ .......... ....... . ...d feadant -S
<br />W the..... JADUs11Y....1 s [...__.._._._Term, A. A 19_99., d esid roar6.County_ of Hall, Nebraska........._ .....___ .......................
<br />did obtain a decry finding that there is du Jm._Thnmas F. Davis d /b /a Metro - Pub- l ish- ing. , Co.
<br />__....._ ....
<br />_............._..
<br />B City oiGrand isl,ande Nebraska -_A_Municipal Corporation the,.
<br />of..5ums...£ nand. ..due._and...awing...in_nrdar.. nf_theix...pr.iaxity.. as determined_ in _ ____ dollea ,
<br />and coele of..0 taxed at.. ____.__ .............. dollars, and, rehemas, it wan then and there
<br />further ordered in the sold aclian that in defauU of the mount of the sum so fauad due by the said._ Thamas ...E....Davisa___....._____..
<br />kublishing,_ Co- , .......................... .......... _.that _____ Jerry ... Watson ........._._._.._... ._..............._...._..____..
<br />Sheriff of said county of ............. . .............. should cause the lands and tenement hereinafter described to be
<br />advertised and said weardiny to law to pay the game, and, whereas, default hacina been mode therein, the said
<br />Sheriff.) said courtly, under and by virtue of the acid decree and
<br />the order ofsale to him duly directed, dirt on lhe.________I 8th ..... -.. ______ daycf__JUIY __._.__._... ... A. Dw20.02
<br />allhe _ Lower,- Lobbyf gd�ec jehe County CourI He., in the. ......8ity --- - - t - -- Graced- ..Island
<br />in said County y.. Hall _.__,- , havirp firs/ Aiven due and G9al rolice of the lime and place laaid sate
<br />by puhb:cation once in each week for Jour sucressire ureks in meGxand..ISlaad ... ladrpe"gpt, a ner^epaper prlyded and in general
<br />evculotmn in said Counly of .__. _ ..Hall_ _ _ __ . . sell said Premises at public auatfan to
<br />.. City ._ of _Grand_.island.....Hehtaska.._ A_NaunicipaICJbFJWJ& bP`_' _.Que...Hlindred_ and no/000
<br />$100.00 ) - _ -. .,...__ .................... ...dall a, which safe was affenowd a ds Ian. 'St. Terra o J said Court,
<br />A. A. 19 99_, emonined and eoryfirmed and the said ... ______ _Se YT,y_Wat son ................as such Sheriff, ordered
<br />w ronvrylhe said premixa inJee simple to the said Qf_Grand lS.land, Nehxaska.../l_kIVAi.C.3.R.11 ..GQ.rporation
<br />-Onto Therefore, 1 the said ........... Jerry Watson ...., Sheriff of the Couny J
<br />....,._. ... _. _
<br />as aforesaid, in consideration of the premtrs and by slims of the powers rotsd in me by law and the
<br />decree of said coat, do hereby Give, Omnt and Convey to the said- Ci_ty...QJI— CSand_ ................................... Islaadjebraska,__A Municipal____.._
<br />Corporation
<br />..____.____ ........ ............................_._ .heirs and ridges, the premises so as aforesaid sold, A, wU:
<br />See Attached Appendix "A"
<br />............. . _ ..... ___ with the asp u t es
<br />City ?f Grand Island, Zraska,
<br />Ito *abe anb to 1)01a the Aiame unto he mid A Municipal CQrytaraClaa.__ -_
<br />__ g1RR yip .................. - -- --sirs and assigns, and to them and their use and behoof forever.
<br />3n Ttaimonp Ifjereof, 1 have, as such Sheriff, h nowd, gel hand this 4th .............. ................_..____.._day of
<br />._ ... ........ A. D.AW...ZQ02
<br />_......[dri _ _.__._..__.
<br />Executed and delivered in the Prueme I S rff oJ......... ...HHaCa..ty, Nehraska.
<br />HaJ..b__....... __ ................. On this...... 4th _daY J September _._........
<br />Cm +DIY of - .._._. - � �7
<br />laG�d� before me, fhe urderep - __ - -__
<br />in and fur mid munlY• Peraow!!y appeared lls said .....__�IP.rT$.r...11at &An.__.. _ ___- _ ____.____
<br />.__ ........ . . .......__...__.....__.._ ---------- ._._........ _ .......... Slur g of said Counly.
<br />O
<br />he me .l,d Ud Me b be the idenliml Person who morsel Us foregoing ifarrthe as H d par, and
<br />4h rein ni orth. the acme b be his roWntwy col and deed, m ouch aheri8,1 r the ura and pwpare+
<br />esea 1/urcin aetJwUr.
<br />Wih1e8S my hand acid o$syi Lafa/ they dos, a/ad year raabuse QWiden.
<br />—
<br />February 14.2005
<br />