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`200209892 <br />Notice of the pendency of such Application and the date of Hearing thereon having <br />been given by serving a copy of said Application, togetherwith notice of the date of Hearing <br />thereon, upon the Governor and Attorney General on the 26th day of July, 2002, and notice <br />having been given to all other interested parties, said data of Hearing being more than ten <br />days from the date of the filing of said Application; and <br />The matter having come on for Hearing before a Board Of Appraisers consisting of the <br />Superintendent of a School District offering instruction in grades kindergarten through twelve, <br />a Certified Public Accountant, and a Licensed Real Estate Appraiser, constituting a legal <br />quorum of such Board, and the evidence with relation thereto having been heard by said <br />Board and the matter having been fully considered; <br />NOW, THEREFORE, said Board Of Appraisers finds and awards the sum of Four <br />Thousand Nine Hundred Twenty -five Dollars ($4,925.00) as being the fair and reasonable <br />value of the Interest of the Board of Educational Lands and Funds of the State of Nebraska, <br />as Trustee for the public schools, in the easementso taken and acquired by said Condemner <br />in this proceeding for the special purpose set forth in said Condemner's Application. <br />When any of the above - described land subjectto such easement acquired by said <br />Condemner in this proceeding shall cease to be used for the special purpose for which this <br />easementwas so acquired, such easement as to that land shall revert to the Board of <br />Educational Lands and Funds of the State of Nebraska as educational land, terminate and <br />be extinguished. <br />Witness our hands this 13th day of August, 2002. <br />School Superintendent <br />Certified Public Accountant <br />L tensed ReaT Estate Appraiser <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA ) <br />) SS. <br />COUNTY OF LANCASTER ) <br />It r _ .Tav r;Tdersleeve I Deputy Director of the Board of Educational <br />Lands and Funds of the State of Nebraska, hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and <br />exact copy of the RETURN OF APPRAISERS executed under date of August 13 .2002, and <br />recorded in Condemnation/Easement Book 8 , Page(s) OOS37 -00538 in the office of <br />the Board of Educational Lands and Funds. <br />Dated this 9th day of September . 2002 . <br />r <br />the rd of Educational Lands <br />a F ds f the State of Nebraska <br />