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200209892 <br />BEFORE THE BOARD OF APPRAISERS FOR EDUCATIONAL LANDS <br />NEBRASKA PUBLIC POWER DISTRICT ) <br />A Public Corporation and Political ) <br />Subdivision of the State of Nebraska, ) <br />Condemner ) <br />RETURN OF APPRAISERS <br />VS. ' ) <br />BOARD OF EDUCATIONAL LANDS AND ) _ <br />FUNDS OF THE STATE OF NEBRASKA, ) <br />Condemnee ) <br />Nebraska Public Power District, having heretofore on the 6s' day of August, 2001, <br />filed its Application to condemn a permanent easement for the special purpose of <br />surveying, constructing, operating, maintaining, Inspecting, repairing, removing, altering, <br />relocating and reconstructing an aboveground 115 KV electric transmission line, placed on <br />two -pole structures, as set forth In said Application, including all necessary towers, poles, <br />wires, guys and other equipment, over and across the following- described educational land: <br />Parcel No. 8-11-011451 <br />An easement area being a strip of land over, under, upon and across a <br />portion of the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 16, <br />Township 10 North, Range 9 West of the a P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, <br />EXCEPT the Epst 75 feet thereof, said strip of land is coincident with the <br />west right -of -way line of South Locust Street and is variable from 122 feet <br />to 131 feet In width, being 50 feet west and variable from 72 feet to 81 feet <br />east of a reference line, (the reference line being the approximate <br />centerline location of an electric transmission line), said reference line is <br />described as follows: Entering the property on the south line at a location <br />154 feet west of the southeast comer of said Southeast Quarter of the <br />Southeast Quarter, said location is 79 feet west of the west right - of-way <br />line of said Street; thence northerly to a location 834 feet north of the <br />southeast comer and 156 feet west of the east line of said Southeast <br />Quarter of the Southeast Quarter, said location is 81 feet west of the west <br />right -of -way line of said Street; thence northerly leaving the property on <br />the north line at a location 147 feet west of the northeast corner of said <br />Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter, said location is 72 feet west <br />of the west right -of -way line of said Street. The west sideline of said strip <br />of land is lengthened or shortened to begin on the south line of said <br />Southeast. Quarter of the Southeast Quarter, to meet on the bisector of the <br />angle and to and on the north line of said Southeast Quarter of the <br />Southeast Quarter. Said strip of land contains 3.94 acres, more or less. <br />including all rights and privileges Incidentto the use and enjoyment thereof, <br />such easement area being depleted on the attached Exhibit "A" which Is <br />Incorporated herein and made a part hereof by this reference as If fully set <br />forth herein, such easement Including, but not limited to, the right of Ingress <br />and egress across and along the right-of-way area for any purpose In connection <br />therewith and the rights at any time to trim or remove such trees and underbrush <br />within the easement area that may in any way endanger or interfere with the safe <br />construction, operation, maintenance, alteration or reconstruction of the electric <br />transmission line and equipment used In connection therewith Including, but not <br />limited to, topping or removing any other trees which, in falling, would come <br />within 15 feet of the nearest electric line conductor or structure, <br />subjectto all prior easements, reservations, restrictions, rights -of -way, previous <br />condemnation proceedings and other prior matters, If any, of record in the office <br />of the Board of Educational Lands and Funds of the State of Nebraska and also <br />subject to the further requirement that this proceeding and the easement hereby <br />acquired shall not operate to deprive the Board of Educational Lands and Funds <br />of the State of Nebraska of any rights with respect to the saltsprings, coal, oil, <br />minerals and other natural resources on or contained In the land; and <br />00537 <br />