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200209089 <br />Buyers have inspected said premises and accept the same without <br />any representation or warranties on the part of the Sellers or <br />their agent. <br />(8) Title. At the request of either party, a title insurance <br />commitment shall be obtained, together with title policy, the <br />expense for which shall be paid one -half by each of the parties <br />hereto. The Sellers agree that said described real property will <br />be conveyed by Quitclaim Deed to the Buyers subject to easements, <br />restrictions, reservations of record, present zoning regulations, <br />and all liens, taxes and encumbrances of record. <br />(9) Escrow Agent and Payments. All payments due hereunder <br />shall be paid to the Sellers at such address as they shall <br />provide the Buyer in writing from time to time. The parties <br />hereby designate the State Bank of Cairo, Cairo, Nebraska, as <br />Escrow Agent under the terms of this Contract. An executed copy <br />of this Contract, Title Policy, Quitclaim Deed, insurance policies <br />and other documents, shall be deposited with and held by said <br />Escrow Agent. Upon payment of the entire purchase price, <br />including principal and interest, and upon the pperformance by the <br />Buyers of all of the covenants to be performed by it, the Escrow <br />Agent is hereby authorized to deliver all documents held by it to <br />the Buyers. The cost of documentary stamps required for recording <br />said deed, if any, shall be paid by the Sellers, and the amount <br />of such payment shall be withheld from the final payment due from <br />Buyers to Sellers. <br />(10) Duties of Escrow Agent. It is agreed that the duties <br />and obligations of the Escrow Agent shall be as depository only <br />and said agent shall not be called upon to construe any contract <br />or instrument and shall be required only to act as specifically <br />set forth herein and shall have no responsibility for collection <br />of any amount due hereunder. In the event of any dispute <br />between the parties, the Escrow Agent shall have the right to <br />hold all documents deposited with it until a mutual agreement has <br />been arrived at by the parties or until the matter of dispute <br />has been settled by a final judgment or decree of a Court of <br />competent jurisdiction. All escrow fees, including opening and <br />closing, shall be paid by Buyers. <br />(11) Default and _Remedy. if the Buyers fail to make any <br />payment due hereunder or perform any of the covenants required of <br />them by the terms of this Contract for a period of ten (10) days <br />after the same is due or to be performed, then the Sellers shall <br />give Buyers written notice of such default, and if such default <br />is not corrected within five (5) days after date of said written <br />notice, then the Sellers may elect to declare a default and the <br />entire unpaid principal balance and accrued interest, together <br />with any advances and payments made by Sellers on behalf of <br />Buyers, shall become immediately due and payable at the option <br />of the Sellers without further notice or demand, and the Sellers <br />-3- <br />
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