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200208816 <br />Covenants to be maintained by the Corporation primarily or exclusively for <br />the benefit of the Commercial Properties. Commons also shall include any <br />"Additional Commons" which may be added by the Developer in accordance <br />with Paragraph 25 below. <br />"Easements" shall mean Sign Easements described in Paragraph 4 <br />hereof. <br />Based on the mutual benefits arising hereunder, the undersigned owner of the <br />Developer's Property hereby establishes the following Restrictive Covenants: <br />1. CONSTRUCTION: Any building or other improvement placed or constructed <br />upon any lot within the Commercial Properties shall be completed within one year after the <br />commencement of construction. In the event construction is not substantially completed <br />within two years from the date title to a lot is transferred by the Developer, the Developer, <br />its successors and assigns shall have the option to repurchase the lot for the amount paid <br />to Developer for the lot. Developer may exercise the option by sending written notice to <br />the titleholder of the lot. During construction on a lot within the Commercial Properties, the <br />titleholder of such lot shall protect the Commons and Easements from damage arising out <br />of its construction activities. <br />2. GRADING: The Developer shall have the exclusive right to establish grades <br />and slopes for all lots within the Commercial Properties and to fix the grade at which any <br />building or other improvement shall be placed or constructed upon any lot, in conformity <br />with the general plan for the development of the Commercial Properties. <br />3. APPROVAL OF PLANS: Plans for any building or other temporary or <br />permanent exterior improvement, including advertising devices, fences, exterior <br />remodeling, reconstruction or additions shall be submitted to the Developer and shall show <br />the design, size and exterior material for the building or improvement and the plot plan and <br />landscape plan for the lot. One set of the approved plans ( "Plans ") shall be left on <br />permanent file with the Developer. Construction of the building or improvement shall not <br />be commenced unless written approval of the plans has been secured from the Developer. <br />Written approval or disapproval of the plans shall be given by the Developer within <br />30 days after the receipt thereof and approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. The <br />Developer shall have the exclusive right to disapprove the plans, if in the Developer's <br />opinion, the plans do not conform to the general standard of development in the <br />Commercial Properties considering the harmony of the design and location in relation to <br />surrounding improvements. Upon disapproval, a written statement of the grounds for <br />disapproval shall be provided. The rights and duties of the Developer under this <br />Paragraph, except as to lots of which the Developer is the titleholder, may be assigned to <br />the Corporation after buildings have been placed or constructed upon three - fourths of the <br />lots within the Commercial Properties. <br />4. MAJOR ENTRANCE EASEMENTS: Any portion of the Commercial <br />Properties that is owned by Developer may be dedicated from time to time by Developer <br />