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200208356 <br />3. Maturity of Deed of Trust. Any reference in the Deed of Trust to a maturity (late of the Deed of Trust is hereby deleted, it <br />being the intent of the parties hereto that the Deed of Trust have no stated maturity date. This does not affect maturity of the <br />Obligations under the Loan Documents. i <br />4. Additional Terms. <br />S. Fees and Expenses. The, Truster will pay ay fees and expenses (including attorneys' fees) in connection with the <br />preparation, execution and recording of this "AIldmeni. <br />6. Effectiveness of Prior Document. Except as provided in this Amendment, all terms and conditions contained in the <br />Deed of Trust remain in full force and effect in accordance with their terms, including any reference in the Deed of Trust to future <br />credit secured by the Deed of Trust; and nothing herein willaffect the priority of the Deed of Trust. Allwarranties and representations <br />contained in the Deed of Trust are hereby reconfirmed as of the date hereof. Allcollateral previously provided to secure the Note <br />continues as security, and all guaranties guaranteeing obligations under the Note remain in full force and effect. This is an <br />amendment, not a novation. <br />7. No Waiver of Defaults; Warranties. This Amendment shall not be construed as or be deemed to be a waiver by the <br />Beneficiary of existing defaults by the Trustor whether known or undiscovered. Allagleemcno, representations and warranties made <br />herein shall survive the execution of this Amendment. <br />8, Counterparts. This Amendment may be signed in any number of counterparts, each of which will be considered an <br />original, but when taken together will constitute one document. <br />9. Authorization. The Trustor represents and warrants that the execution, delivery and performance of this Amendment <br />and the documents referenced to herein are within the organizational powers (as applicable) of the Truster and have been duty <br />authorized by all necessary organizational action. <br />IMPORTANT: READ BEFORE SIGNING. THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT SHOULD BE READ CARF.FULLYBF.CAUSE <br />ONLY THOSE TERMS IN WRITING,EXPRESSING CONSIDERATION AND SIGNED BY THE PARTIES ARE ENFORCEABLE. <br />NO OTHER TERMS OR ORAL. PROMISES NOT CONTAINED IN THIS WRITTENCONTRACT MAY BE LEGALLYENFORCED. <br />THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT MAY ONLY BE CHANGED BY ANOTHER WRITTEN AGREEMENT. <br />INWITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has /have executed this AMENDMENTas of AUGUST 8, 2002 <br />O'CONNOR ENTERPRISES, INC. <br />(Individual'Frustor) <br />Printed Name <br />(Individual Tmstor) <br />Printed Name <br />U.S. BANK N.A. <br />Beneficiary yank) <br />By: <br />RONALD N BIELE ERG <br />Name and'1'ltle: MARKET PRESID T <br />35n1NE <br />'Truster Name <br />rf♦tli ;1:CH &.1 �K- lN.I91r -109 -1 <br />By <br />Nameand Title RAYMOND J O'CONNOR, PRESIDENT <br />By <br />Name and Title <br />[NOTARIZATION ON NEXT PAGE] <br />Pave 2 of 3 <br />Oro. <br />