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M M <br />M = <br />�� m <br />17t D Z C1 <br />p x CA <br />W <br />200208356 Cn' <br />tobank. AMENDMENT TO DEED OF TRUST 1735056336 <br />""S"`�'"�"" =' & (Nebraska) <br />This Amendment to Deed of Trust (the "Amendment"), is made and entered into by the undersigned borrower, guarantor . <br />and /or other obligor (the "TrusGn'), and U.S. BANK N.A. _._ (the 'Beneficiary ") <br />as of the date set forth below. � <br />RECITALS <br />A. The Trustor (or the Trustor's predecessor in interest, if different from the undersigned Truster) executed a Deed of Trns[ <br />(the "Deed of Trust'), dated JULY 1. 1997 . The "Land" (defined in the Deed of Trust) subject to the Decd of <br />Trust is described as follows (or in Exhibit A hereto if the description does not appear below): <br />LOTS ONE (1) , TWO (2) , AND THREE (3) SETAG SUBDIVISION IN THE CITY OF GRAND <br />ISLAND, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA <br />B. The Deed of Trust was recorded in the office of the County Register of Deeds for HALL <br />County, Nebraska, on JULY 3, 1997 _ _ , in Book —,Page ---(or Computer <br />Reference No. 97- 105344 ) <br />C. The Trustor has requested that the Trustee and the Beneficiary permit certain modifications to the Deed of Trust as <br />described below. <br />D. The Beneficiary has agreed to such modifications, but only upon the terms and conditions outlined in this Amendment. <br />TERMS OF AGREEMENT <br />In consideration of the recitals and mutual covenants contained herein, and for other good and valuable consideration, the <br />Truster and the Beneficiary agree as follows: <br />1. ❑ Change in Note /Deed of Trust Amount. If checked here, the phrase in the Deed of Trust "a note or notes dated <br />Z - __ —_. __ _... _. _ in the <br />initial principal amount(s) of $ N/A <br />is hereby amended and replaced with the phrase " note(s) or amended note(s) dated N A <br />___.. in the initial principal amount(s) of S _ N/A <br />2. THIS AM ENDMENTTO DEED OF TRUST SECURES, WITHOUT LIMITATION,EXISTING DEBTS OR OBLIGATIONS <br />CREATED SIMULTANEOUSLY WITH THE EXECUTION OF THIS AMENDMENT TO DEED OF TRUST AND ANY FUTURE <br />ADVANCESTO BE MADE AT THE OPTION OF THE PARTIES. The total principal amount, exclusive of interest, of the Obligations, <br />including any future debts, advances, liabilities or obligations, not including, however, any sums advanced for the protection of the <br />Property or the Trustor's interest therein, shall not exceed the sum of $ 99Q00 ; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, <br />THAT NOTHING CONTAINED HEREIN SHALL CONSTITUTE A COMMITMENTTO MAKE ADDITIONALOR FUTURE LOANS OR <br />ADVANCES IN ANY AMOUNT. <br />3501NF taus bmcorp 2001 61 Page l of 3 V02 <br />4 t. <br />c <br />c> cn <br />N <br />O -1 <br />C:) <br />N <br />�+ <br />Z � <br />A <br />C- <br />c7 <br />m <br />CD <br />CL <br />m <br />� <br />.. <br />` <br />C) <br />faA <br />U <br />-s <br />CD <br />n <br />— <br />S n <br />n M <br />C) <br />W <br />m <br />Co <br />n <br />Cn <br />W <br />v <br />CD <br />cr1 <br />�~ <br />u 1 <br />c.o <br />cn <br />M <br />-MIN <br />200208356 Cn' <br />tobank. AMENDMENT TO DEED OF TRUST 1735056336 <br />""S"`�'"�"" =' & (Nebraska) <br />This Amendment to Deed of Trust (the "Amendment"), is made and entered into by the undersigned borrower, guarantor . <br />and /or other obligor (the "TrusGn'), and U.S. BANK N.A. _._ (the 'Beneficiary ") <br />as of the date set forth below. � <br />RECITALS <br />A. The Trustor (or the Trustor's predecessor in interest, if different from the undersigned Truster) executed a Deed of Trns[ <br />(the "Deed of Trust'), dated JULY 1. 1997 . The "Land" (defined in the Deed of Trust) subject to the Decd of <br />Trust is described as follows (or in Exhibit A hereto if the description does not appear below): <br />LOTS ONE (1) , TWO (2) , AND THREE (3) SETAG SUBDIVISION IN THE CITY OF GRAND <br />ISLAND, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA <br />B. The Deed of Trust was recorded in the office of the County Register of Deeds for HALL <br />County, Nebraska, on JULY 3, 1997 _ _ , in Book —,Page ---(or Computer <br />Reference No. 97- 105344 ) <br />C. The Trustor has requested that the Trustee and the Beneficiary permit certain modifications to the Deed of Trust as <br />described below. <br />D. The Beneficiary has agreed to such modifications, but only upon the terms and conditions outlined in this Amendment. <br />TERMS OF AGREEMENT <br />In consideration of the recitals and mutual covenants contained herein, and for other good and valuable consideration, the <br />Truster and the Beneficiary agree as follows: <br />1. ❑ Change in Note /Deed of Trust Amount. If checked here, the phrase in the Deed of Trust "a note or notes dated <br />Z - __ —_. __ _... _. _ in the <br />initial principal amount(s) of $ N/A <br />is hereby amended and replaced with the phrase " note(s) or amended note(s) dated N A <br />___.. in the initial principal amount(s) of S _ N/A <br />2. THIS AM ENDMENTTO DEED OF TRUST SECURES, WITHOUT LIMITATION,EXISTING DEBTS OR OBLIGATIONS <br />CREATED SIMULTANEOUSLY WITH THE EXECUTION OF THIS AMENDMENT TO DEED OF TRUST AND ANY FUTURE <br />ADVANCESTO BE MADE AT THE OPTION OF THE PARTIES. The total principal amount, exclusive of interest, of the Obligations, <br />including any future debts, advances, liabilities or obligations, not including, however, any sums advanced for the protection of the <br />Property or the Trustor's interest therein, shall not exceed the sum of $ 99Q00 ; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, <br />THAT NOTHING CONTAINED HEREIN SHALL CONSTITUTE A COMMITMENTTO MAKE ADDITIONALOR FUTURE LOANS OR <br />ADVANCES IN ANY AMOUNT. <br />3501NF taus bmcorp 2001 61 Page l of 3 V02 <br />4 t. <br />