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STATE OF NEBRASKA ♦ SECRETARY OF STATE'S OFFICE <br />UNIFORM COMMERCIAL CODE DIVISION <br />STAI F CAPITOL SGI'IL 1301 • P.U.b0% 95104 • ?.!>:COLN, NE GRSt'9 <br />PHONE (402)-471 -4080 • FAX (402) -471 -4429 <br />JOHN A. GALE DEBBIE PESTER <br />Secretary of State June 14, 2002 Administrator <br />To: Registers of Deeds <br />From: Deb Pester <br />RF.: UCC Terminations <br />Questions have arisen about whether or not there is a fee to tile a UCC 'termination, <br />particularly those that have attachments. Below is the statutory reference for fees. <br />9 -525. Fees. ' <br />(a) The feu for filing and indexing a record under this part i=_: <br />(1) Su dollars if the record is communicated in writing and consists of one page; <br />(2) Six Dollars plus fifty teats per page for the second page and for each additional <br />page if the record is communicated in writing and consists of more than one <br />page; and <br />(3) Five dollars if me record is communicated bf another medium authorized by <br />filing -ofBcc rules. <br />(b) The number of names required to be indesed does not aftect the amount of <br />the fee in subsection (a). <br />(c) There is no fee for the fihngof a tertninafo statement. <br />(d) (1) The fee for responding to a request for information from the filing offer, <br />including for communicating, whether there is on file anp financing statement <br />naming a particular debtor, is three dollars and fifty cents. <br />I hope this clears up any questions you may have and that all offices will uniformly apply the <br />appropriate fccs. <br />