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200208154 <br />15.1 Notice as required by the Nebraska Trust Deeds Act -hall be given. <br />Except as provided herein and wherever permissible by law Trustors waive <br />notice. Notice may be sent to the parties at their address as listed in this <br />agreement or as otherwise changed. All notices required herein shall be in <br />writing. Any party may at any time change it's address for Such notice, by <br />delivering or mailing to the other parties hereto, a notice of such change. <br />Any notice hereunder shall be deemed to have been given when placed within the <br />D.S. Mails, postage prepaid, addressed to the address of the party as listed <br />herein or se properly changed. <br />15.2 Trustor, Beneficiary, and Trustee request that a copy of any notice <br />provided hereunder, provided according to applicable law or provided by the <br />terms of any other security agreement covering the Security herein, be mailed <br />to them at the address provided above. <br />16. This Deed of Trust shall be governed by the laws of the State of <br />Nebraska. <br />17. Acceptance by the Trustee. The Trustee accepts this trust when this <br />Deed of Trust, duly executed and acknowledged, is made a public record, as <br />provided by law. <br />1S. Subordlnation. Lender and Borrower acknowledge and agree that this Deed <br />of Trust is subject and Subordinate in all respects to the liens, terms, <br />covenants, and conditions of the Deed of Trust ( "First Dead of Trust ") Securing <br />a note payable by Borrower to Home Federal Savinc and Loan 221 South L t <br />Grand Island, ME "Senior Lien Holder )and Subordinate in all respects to the <br />lien., terms, covenant., and conditions of the Deed of Trust (Second Dead of <br />Trust) secured by a note payable "by Borrower to the Grand Island Area Housing <br />Corporation and to all 'advances heretofore made or which may hereafter be made <br />pursuant to the First Deed of Trust including all some advanced for the purpose <br />of (a) protecting or further Securing the lien of the First Deed of Trust, <br />during defaults by Borrower under the First Deed of Trust, or for any other <br />purpose expressly permitted by the First Deed of Trust, or (b) constructing, <br />renovating, repairing, furnishing, fixturing, or equipping the Property. The <br />terms and provisions of the First Deed of Trust are paramount and controlling, <br />and they supersede any other terms and provisions hereof in conflict therewith. <br />In the event of a foreclosure or deed in lieu of foreclosure of the First Dead <br />of Trust, any provisions herein restricting the use of the Property to low -or <br />moderate- income households or otherwise restricting Borrowers ability to Sell <br />the Property shall have no further force or effect on Subsequent owners or <br />purchasers of the Property. Any person, including his successors or assigns <br />(other than Borrower or a related entity of Borrower), receiving title, to the <br />Property through a foreclosure or dead in lieu of foreclosure of the First Deed <br />of Trust shall receive title to the Property free and clear from such <br />restrictions. <br />Further, if the Senior Lien Holder acquires title to the Property pursuant to <br />a deed in lieu of foreclosure, the lien of this Deed of Trust shall <br />automatically terminate upon the Senior Lien Holder'- acquisition of title. <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Truster has executed this Deed of Trust as of the <br />date and year first above written. <br />+ =net orro' -di er ' <br />Bor ewer <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA ) <br />)ea. <br />COUNTY 08 HALL ) <br />The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this J� <br />2002, ///-F day of <br />by Oscar M. Landgveida and Rosa C. <br />a mar ked couple. Gomez De Landaverde, <br />16ENEAAL NANC-State of NebP <br />6' NANCY S KNAPP <br />ne My CGmm.Eap,4g, 111 —V0, Np Lary Pub is <br />
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